
We Sleep Or Study

@wesleeporstudy / wesleeporstudy.tumblr.com

Studyblr | B99 | Bookworm | Marvel

21.10.20 // 13/100 days of productivity // 🎧: Figure It Out - The Early November

quickly studying some of last years maths since i somehow, after spending six months on it, didn’t get to learning this part. oops.


18.08.20 / the sun rising on my all-nighter. i’ve got a list of errands to run today but after today, everything should be ironed out. just need to get through today!! hbu? i hope you’re doing okay. take care ♡

the past week has been absolutely crazy entertainment-wise from all of disney’s announcements on friday including star wars (hayden returning!!!) and miss taylor swift surprise announcing and releasing another stunning album. I have regained some resemblance of calm and now it’s evermore on repeat time. 

days of productivity: 2/30

today was a good day... i love being purple.

i was very social today (via zoom) and had fun in my classes. i had a dentist’s appointment which went well. today’s my brother’s sixth birthday which is exciting! so i’ve been doing psych and lit inbetween my various activities.


I’m trying out a different way to take my pics! I’m feeling like experimenting lol, also, is anyone else obsessed with the new TS album? I’m not a big TS listener but there’s something about this album I really like

✧・゚: *✧Winter Study Challenge✧・゚: *✧
15th December
What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?I think the coolest gift I ever gave was the gift I gave to my boyfriend last year, I got him an xbox, he was so excited because his old one was near its breaking point and he uses it to watch netflix and stuff, he was so happy when he got it it was worth spending the money :).


Decided to study on the floor today because oh boy it’s so hot and it’s not even summertime yet?? I’ve been feeling really tired this week because of my anxiety, triggered by an upcoming test on next Monday. I guess maybe it’s time to slow down and watch some movies, but then I’m afraid I’ll get anxious for not studying.


Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to my Christian, Catholic, and Santa lovin readers,

Happy Haunkka to my joyful Jewish goofballs,

Blessed Yule to my positive Pagan peeps,

Ramadan Mubarak to my magnificent Muslims,

Habari gani? to my kind Kwanzaa lovers,

Merry Pancha Ganapati to my honored Hindus,

Merry Newtonmas to my awesome atheists, agnostics, and secular science lovers,

(source in a post by c0nc0rdance on Twitter)

And Happy Holidays to all ^_^

PS: Sorry for those that I could not get gifs to work on/find a safe gif so I had to use screenshots. I tried my best.

I love Gordon Ramsay so much.

He comes from a very poor family. His father was an alcoholic who beat him and his mother (he once poured hot tea over her and put her in hospital several times), his brother is a drug addict, he literally built an empire out of nothing.

He credits his mother as his biggest inspiration and often has her cooking in his shows.

When he left his first restaurant he pulled a successful Jerry Maguire - the entire kitchen staff went with him. That tells you what he’s like to work with.

He was one of the first to give a restaurant to a female chef.

He went to prison (Gordon Behind Bars) and taught inmates to bake and they opened a bakery (Bad Boys Bakery) that is still running. He hired one of them when he got out.

He did documentaries about the cruelty of shark hunting and cocaine. (when he discovered cocaine was used by his staff he didn’t fire anyone but made sure they are offered treatment)

His kids are a treasure.

He is always ALWAYS kind to servers.

When one of his partners (Marcus Wareing) wanted to leave they got into a fight and settled it in court, they no longer speak to each other but this is what Marcus said about him after the fight: 

I feel bad that the first association to him for a lot of people is this shouty TV chef when he’s truly a wonderful person. 

Oh and then there’s this:


never forget that the reason he’s “shouty and angry” on his tv show is that he’s yelling at people who ignore the rules of courtesy and food safety and basically feed their customers poison, something which would enrage any good person

If you need any more proof, watch literally any episode of Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch

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