
@a-really-big-cat / a-really-big-cat.tumblr.com

Rory/24/male/Catholic convert/cat lover/autistic

i love how we're a year on and basically everyone still calls it twitter

elon: "we're rebranding to X and putting aside the twitter name"

every person on earth: "we're not calling it that"

Anonymous asked:

Would I be able to get away with cheating on my wife as much as I want as long as I confess to a priest each time?

I’m not catholic so I don’t care how many times you confess to a priest but all you’re doing here is showing you have no concept of what repentance or forgiveness is.

It’s not a get out of jail free card.

It’s not just saying sorry or saying you did it and then continuing to engage in the same behavior.

Actual repentance is remorse and regret for what have you done, making an effort to make things right with anyone you have wronged and also changing your behavior going forward. It’s turning away from sin to follow God.

You can say whatever you want to a priest but God knows your heart and whether or not you’re sincere and that’s what really matters.

So no. You would not be able to get away with it. You can’t outsmart God.


Sending this to a protestant is so funny!

This attitude assumes that the sacraments are "just a few words mumbled over you by an old priest". And if that's what they think, I dare them to go to confession! It is not a coward's way out! Going to another human being and being completely honest about your faults is mortifying and takes a lot of humility and gumption.

That's why someone in this scenario would be way way way more likely to convince himself that he somehow isn't at fault and hasn't actually committed a sin, and he would avoid confession like the plague. (Which is the coward's way out, if you ask me)

Oh and by the way, the catholic church does require us to apologize and change our behavior toward the person we have injured, so there really is no gotcha here. If this hypothetical man actually honestly went to confession, he would also be required to apologize to his wife and to the person he cheated on her with (if possible.)

Basically, confession is our way to be reconciled to God and the church, but it does not override our responsibilities to other people.

‭What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

Romans 6:1-4 (NIV‬)

"Go and sin no more."

John 8:11

Oh and also, if you leave the confessional with the intention to just go sin again, you have not actually been forgiven, because you clearly are not actually sorry.


Guys quick I need help

I need the "Randal there's a cow outside" meme but saying "Randal a Christian made this poll" "this is a Christian website, there's gonna be Christians making polls" I need it but I can't make it right now because I'm shopping with my mom can one of you make it for me please I will send you a picture of any of my animals that you choose (goat chicken duck cat dog rabbit lizard guinea pig are your options)


@supreme-leader-stoat can you help? Please?



i got my new tetanus shot who wants to play bucket of rusty nails withme ^_^

please don’t

tetanus shots aren’t a cure, they just help. you can still get sepsis or tetanus and fucking die if you aren’t careful.


Don't listen to this person let's all play with buckets of rusty nails. Let's fill a pool with rusty nails and swim in it


Now that Twitter's URL has officially changed, lets all join hands and remember that Elon Musk threw away one of the most recognizable, established brands of the past decade due to his personal chuunibyou fascination with the letter X.


There's some dude (derogatory) on FB who is PISSED people are pricing their farm fresh eggs at $2 and $3 a dozen instead of $4+, saying it's "disrespectful" and "undignified" and "I'm trying to feed my kids" like Sir, you are on a Facebook group page bitching about your neighbors egg prices because your pet chickens aren't earning you a living wage and you think it's your neighbors' fault, you do not have a leg to stand on here wrt dignity.

Also half the answers are like "I give them to friends and family free" or "I donate them to food banks" or "I'm making them affordable to folks who might not otherwise be able to get them now that they're so expensive in the store" and "if you think you're going to turn a profit keeping backyard chickens you have been wildly misled" and so on, and so forth, and I'm so living for it.

and I can tell you right now, he did NOT like my answer of "if you're trying to feed your kids, I hear eggs are edible."

This is going around right now and I just want to make it clear that the guy had a real job that wasn't selling his pet chickens eggs, he was just mad he couldn't price gouge the locals and he was getting absolutely dragged for it. And rightly so.

Here's why: there's a lot of tags about people who give away eggs or sell eggs cheap and how pretty much everyone who owns chickens has too many eggs and that's because chicken math gets people. A family of 4 that eats an egg-heavy meal 3-4 times a week probably only needs 4 chickens. You get kind of sick of eggs, at that rate, unless you're super into them, Gaston. You can get creative for a while. Add them to things like meatloaf, bake things, egg wash things, etc...

But at some point it's a lot. And most people aren't keeping 4 chickens unless local regulation prevents them from having more. Because chicken math gets them. They get a small coop with a reasonable amount of chickens. Maybe 4-6, maybe they plan to give extras to friends or something.

And then they love it actually. They love having the tiny little fluffballs in a brooder. They love petting the silky adults and watching them scratch around. It's spring and they go to TSC or wherever to get feed and there's peeping chicks and they already have a few what's a few more chickens? 6 chickens plus 4 chickens is basically still 6 chickens anyway and if you're going to get 10 chickens you might as well make it an even dozen.

And then it's 3 years later and they have two dozen chickens in Cluckingham Palace, and it's actually 30 chickens but the babies following mom don't count because one of the "pullet" babies was a rooster so now their chickens make more of themselves every chance they get but there's always a favorite to hang onto, so it will probably be 26 soon, and no one is eating 20+ eggs a day.

And the thing is, you give them to friends and you give them to family and you give them to neighbors and you give them to co-workers if you have them. Maybe you sell some, to cover the cost of feed, and maybe EVENTUALLY you will make back the hundreds you put into the coop and the equipment, if you were thrifty and you're avid about selling. But mostly by the time chicken math gets you, you're doing it for fun and to have fresh eggs from chickens you know are being treated humanely.

And sometimes, if you are also lucky and social, you learn to barter with locals who have other things. Local honey, local meat and milk, local veggies or fruit, local Stuff. This year I traded many dozens of quail eggs for a metal spool I could disassemble and use to hold up netting over my bird pen.

But what you don't do, and what is considered gross by pretty much every other chicken keeper out there, is bitch that you can't collude with all other local backyard chicken keepers in order to price gouge your community together. That's just unilaterally considered being a dickwad.

“Tellingly, the legal right for a woman to kill a child in her womb was won before the legal right for a woman not to be fired for being pregnant. The message is clear: women must become like men to be free.”

— Dr. Abigail Favale


The children are learning about the US Civil War. I can’t say it’s going well. (On the bright side, they’re very clear about slavery. We’re solid on that front. It’s the actual war we’re having trouble with.)

“Ms. T, why would his parents name him that?”

I frantically flip through the possible Civil War leaders they could be referencing. “… Well, you know how Stonewall got his nickname, and we’ve talked about Tecumseh, so there’s Sherman, and -”

“No, not them.” They roll their eyes at my ignorance, then pivot back to the point at hand. “That other guy. Useless.” As this describes a number of Civil War leaders, I blink uncomprehendingly at her. “You know, Ms. T, Useless. Useless Grant.”

“Um. … Well -”

Another child raises their hand. “Ms. T, I don’t understand number three.”

Number three is a question about the Battle of Bull Run, asking for explanations about a Confederate victory despite Union advantages. “What paragraph are you looking in?” I ask in a monotone, because I’ve been fielding this question all day.

The student points at the correct paragraph, even focuses in on the quote about Jackson holding off a Union advance. “It says Jackson and the men ‘screamed like furries,’ Ms. T, but why would that help?”

I cough. I cover my mouth with both hands. “That’s ‘furies,’ sweetie,” I inform them, still wheezing. “Like they’re insane with anger,” I elaborate, deciding to skip describing actual furies at this point in time. “Not … not like furries.”

So, here’s how the war is going, one week in: Useless Grant has been made general of the Union forces, but a bunch of furries are preventing him from gaining much ground.

people in the notes were talking about how this is because phonics isn’t taught in (usAmerican?) schools, and expanding on what they think that means. so I did a quick check with Bear(7) who studied phonics in their (nonUSA) school. they gamely took a stab at Ulysses (ooh-liss-es, but to be fair, 7 year old British kids don’t read a lot of Greek) and said he sounded like a legendary pokemon from the unova region. they also read the sentence “the men were told to yell like furies” and pronounced it correctly, stating as a point of fact for my own education that while “furious” is “angry”, Night Furies don’t actually make much noise, so this must mean to yell silently.

Conclusion: I slightly wish the kid wasn’t quite so franchise-literate, not sure what this means in context, hope this helps (it doesn’t)


Dual prayers for me please, it's been months since I regularly attended mass and I don't know why it's been so difficult to go to mass. And tomorrow I have an interview, please pray that I get the job if that is where God wants me to be next.


$122,000. And the thing is so shodily designed that the accelerator can become that easily stuck. It isn't even all one piece.

$122,000. That's more than my entire household income, and we're 3 adults with full-time jobs.

If you gave that $122,000 to Feeding America, that would provide over 1 million meals.

That's $122,000 more than Tesla paid in taxes.


Let's take a moment to appreciate just how amazing the title cards were for Batman the Animated Series.


Oh! I actually know what made these look so iconic!

The backgrounds for the entire series were done on black paper, a first for any animated show. It's Batman, which means everything is at night and incredibly dark. So, the majority of the backgrounds were going to be black anyways and using black paper would cut down on the time it took to create all of the backgrounds. Adding color over the black paper instead of the traditional method gave it a much more stylized look that helped make it iconic.

It also forced some other creative choices, such as using an airbrush to do all of the background art. During the early testing, they found that using an airbrush was easier to apply paint with than a paintbrush and that it looked better. Airbrushing let them be more experimental with painting techniques, such as the spattery fades you can see in the "Bane" and "Deep Freeze" title cards above or the soft, deeply shadowed face on "the Last Laugh." The overall effect of airbrushing on a black background is a much darker, moodier vibe than could be achieved with a traditional approach.

They cared very deeply about the art of the show and how they were going to create it. It wasn't just about the story or the character. In the words of co-creator Eric Radomski: "As opposed to making shows just to sell toys, we've made quality films."

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