



Peter pettigrew picked the potters to be pulverized but the Potter parents protected their pretentious prat with practical protection spells that permanently permeated potters pate.


Shopping with my girlfriend is like being the NPC party member of an RPG.

WhAaat? This is an interesting revelation to me cause like, whenever I used to go shopping with my girlfriend I like, went with it? I'm there, I'm trying on bras and trying to find clothes that I'd look good in if I ever decided to cross dress. You know, for fun.


This is one criminally underrated Batman villain.


Her physical condition didn’t allow her to age

No one took her seriously as an actress

And even when she was trying to get into a happy romantic relationship (albeit with another villain) he still couldn’t take her seriously as a consenting, sexually active and romantically interested adult

That’s a lot of blows to someone’s psyche 

and Babydoll is both a sympathetic villain and a formidable one

I remember this episode fucked me up a a kid. 


And man, do I wish we could see this Batman again: the Batman that consoles his villains, because the majority (if not all) of them are mentally ill people. And Batman knows this and wants them healthy again, not punished and GOD definitely not dead.

Baby Doll is so underrated as a Batman villain 

but her episode was perfect 

Batman: The Animated Series The story of one fucked up, traumatized little boy, doing his best to help other fucked up traumatized people.

The Batman that cares about the inmates is my favorite. He doesn’t put up with their shit, but he does try to reach out here and there and he’s as human as he can be to them.

When Harley was re-institutionalized, he got her that dress she wanted.

In the comics based on B:tAS, there was a time during Christmas that there was snow and it was Mr. Freeze’s fault, and he was making it snow because Christmas was his anniversary with Nora and she LOVED it when it snowed on Christmas, so Batman let him finish mourning before calmly taking him back to Arkham.

He never, ever gives up on Harvey possibly recovering.

Sure, Batman is going to throw punches and do what it takes to take these guys down when they’re hurting or threatening people. And he’s not going be a complete bleeding heart; he has to protect the innocent. He’s going to take them down and take them back to Arkham, but it doesn’t mean he’s incapable of being a bit human to the ones who deserve it.


Batman needs become human again

Because it needs to be here:


Remember that time a young girl with near god-like psychic powers threatened to destroy reality and the only one that could stop her was Batman because he had a previous encounter with her and was tasked with killing her to restore reality.

But instead, Batman sat with her on a swing and kept her company as the girl’s psychic powers slowly killed her.



Fuck you people making me emotional

The. Batman.


This is MY Batman, not the murderous fascist they’ve made him into.

Where can I find this stuff? I really want to watch it. Is it on Netflix? Or, is it online somewhere?

@drowned-in-books what you are looking for is batman the animated series, the original one from the nineties with Mark Hamill as the joker, and they used to be on Netflix but they're not anymore but, if you can find it and watch it you will not be disappointed in the slightest. The animated series is perhaps the best iteration of batman, in my opinion ever put to film or tv. It's got all the feels, and suspense and action and drama and amazing cinema and story and more than you'd ever expect from a children's cartoon.


A good conversation tip for those who are hollow and empty Inside: If you don’t want to lie to someone when they ask you what’s up, but also don’t want to explain to your coworker or the store clerk the massive hole in your being, leaving you feeling like a futile empty husk, fret not, double meanings are excellent in this situation. just respond thusly:

Unknowing bystander: hey, what’s up?

You: not much really.

I can’t count the times I’ve screamed into my pillow out of anger and sadness. I’ve let rage, hatred, loneliness, and pain consume for so long and silently dealt with it. There have been way too many times where I have locked myself in the bathroom as the world around me fell apart, crying silently sitting in the edge of the tub, constantly repeating to myself that it would be okay, when in reality I was never okay. Each and every time, I’ve only had myself. Each and every time I’d wash my face off and come out as if nothing happened, a fake smile on my face because I was not going to show the world it had gotten the best of me. I’m too old to feel this way. To still feel this way. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been at work and had to excuse myself in order to lock myself in a stall and breathe. Once again the the pain, traveling through my veins making my palms turn into fists. I only have myself. And I would repeat to myself the same thing, everything will be okay…I’m too old to feel this way..I shouldn’t feel this way. But it’s not okay, and the pain is there I can’t deny it, I can’t ignore it and I can’t seem to get rid of it..and as always, I’ve only got myself.



Ten letters is ten letters.

Ok so. I know "ten letters" is ten letters. You know how I know? Because that tidbit got me through my fucking childhood that's how. I used to be super obsessed with numbers like, in my head, I thought I had OCD I would count over and over and over and over in my head and I'd count multiples like multiples of 7 were my thing. Out of nowhere I'd look at a word and count the letters in multiples of Seven. Like the word "door" ok, 4 letters. 7,14,21.28. And I'd count it out on my fingers too, and drum on My table four times with my right hand and 28 times on my left hand and, I'd make a beat that had 28 snare beats and 4 supporting bass beats and that was the "door" beat. And when I found out that ten letters had ten letters in it I lost my mind basically, it just, fit together so well. "Ten" that had 3 letters. 7,14,21 and "letters", 7 letters ok,7,14,21,28,35,42,49. Wait. 7+3= 10 t-e-n + l-e-t-t-e-r-s =10 letters =70. Holy shit thats satisfying and i could count it on my fingers and it'd use all my fingers and afterwards I could put both hands together and it'd all be brought together under lock and key. And I'd tap it out, to a beat in my head "ten letters" t-e-n, 21 snare beats for 3 bass beats. l-e-t-t-e-r-s 49 snare beats for 7 bass beats and, the letters were enunciated to where it was a song, t,e,nl e TT ers And I did this instead of schoolwork in class. And I did this with, so many words but those two words (two words is 7*8=56, 56 total beats) were the ones that stuck out to me even now, in Proto-adulthood. Cause I'm weird as shit.


Are you *sure* you don't mean the squirrel behind me?? Cause like. I hear he's got a 401k.


i can’t believe…. someone just.. had the AUDACITY.. to reblog sherlock -not even ironically- onto my dashboard.. there were no prior warnings… no signs.. i’m just scrolling and benedict cumberbatch’s face is.. right there?? what the hell?? who does that in this day and age?? what the fuck?

where did he come from where did he go

Where did you come from cotton eye joe

Umbridge: Could you please pay a little attention here?
Harry: yes of course professor, I am paying as little attention as I can.
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