
Eldarya : New Era : reaction

Well, with a tiny bit of hesitation I finally started Eldarya : New Era and it was genuinely good ? Like good job Beemoov ??

I stopped playing Eldarya a while ago because I wasn't as excited by the story as I once was and felt bored but I though I'd give a try to New Era as the first episode is free and... I really enjoyed it ?? I got so excited by the story that I even finished the 2nd episode.

So ! The story sets 7 years post-war and our gardienne wakes up from a coma after being absorbed by the Cristal since the said war. For her, the big Events were yesterday while the world evolved without her. Plants grew up, people too, some dyed, some left, some had to deal with traumas but stayed, new faces, etc. Nothing is as it was  before (except Jamon, please protect that sweet big child) And I loved it.

The only thing that bothers me is our gardienne. I mean... she woke up after a 7 fricking years coma like war was yesterday, friends DYED in front of her, everything was a mess, the world she once knew completely changed, her relationship with the love of her life vanished as if nothing happened (Valk as been killed by his brother IN FRONT OF HER, Ez my love left the country to live his best life thinking you'd never come back, Nevra stayed traumatised and depressed trying his best to compose himself after mourning for years and Leiftan, who woke up the same way as you did, has apparently seen Mary Mother of Jesus while he was in the Cristal) and... she doesn't seem as affected by it as she should be. Wouldn't she normaly be traumatised ? Depressed ? I mean... if it was me, I would've had a panic attack ?? And Blue boy wouldn't be here to help, (bye Ez I'll miss you my love)

All of that aside, I really enjoyed how the characters who stayed evolved ! Our precious pup child grew up into a handsome mess of a head of the Shadow guard, thanks to Nevra, Kareen is gorgeous and badass, Jamon is Jamon and I cried, he's so precious TT^TT. Ewelein is in relationship with Huang Hua and I'M HERE FOR IT! Miiko left her responsabilities to Huang Hua and quitted the Guard of Eel and Feng Xi Fu followed her with her little sister who's now the head of the Absynthe guard. Nevra is so depressed, distant, and I understand why and I don't mind. I mean after all that happened it's completely normal and please let me give that man a hug. And Leiftan... i don't care about that creep if I'm being honest.

The new characters are fun, Adalric oh boy... first, his design is beautiful, secondly, I don't know what kind of drugs he takes but I need some. Koori marry me, please let me date her. Love her interactions with Mathieu, it's priceless and please keep firting with me. Mathieu is... a fun bud? But in the friendzone for me, and stop touching your fricking hair I need manaa.

Conclusion : Fun. Entertaining. Good humour. Love the new intrigue but I don't wanna spoil. Lance, don't you dare showing your dickhead in front of me and I'm scared cause I'm sure he's gonna be back and I'm in the Obsidian Guard. Anyway ! Would recommend ! 9/10 ! 👌 (cause Valk is dead and Ez is gone)


Easter 2020

The next event of this Year has come and it’s time for chocolate and games.

Duration: April 6th - April 15th.

Unlike Valentine 2020 this event has no board game. It has a mini-game centered around Erika and Ashkore as she chases sweets and he chases her. 

The game is there to help us collect berries for two clothing sets, one from Jamon and one from Ewelein. 

Of course, exploration helps us collect berries. So far my companions kept returning with one or two boxes of 5 berries. 

There seems to be no limit with the berries BUT it seems we need fifty for one clothing item of our choice (give it to either one of the two Eel citizens).

Anyway, the exploration has one set to find:

And for real money you can get a companion:


all my sims versions of the moonlight boys. 

i’m willing to share them if anyone wants them, but it will have to be through private message. it’s necessary to have the sims 4 vampires game pack. 

Anonymous asked:

i think eldarya is going to end soon at episode 30 and one LI is probably going to die (for real this time). and because eldarya has so much potential and story to do = second season but they are probably going to keep leiftan and the 3 other LI are gonna go because of how unpopular they are and tbh i personally would be so happy to see new interesting LI (and even a girl maybe! and Lance as an LI bc he has many fans?) bc i really don't like neither of the LI available they are dull

this is why i stay annoyed with eldarya stans. ‘lets drop the MAIN THREE routes bc i dont personally like them!!1’

literally nobody deserves having their route taken from them, at this point i hope they end at s1 rather than do some bs like that again.

go play another fucking otome if you hate the love interests here so much.


Covid19 - Beemoov

Hello everyone,  I’m not gonna repeat the security rules, i think you know them by now.  As i’ve been contacted several times regarding the games, We are all working from our homes now so everything should be fine and all beemoov’s games should still continue running like usual :) Hope we can come up with some solutions to make this quarantine a bit more easier for everyone in the upcoming days too ^^ Stay safe please :) Cheers <3


☆ I made a likes/dislikes thing for Puku! ☆

Remember that Instagram post made right before LL released? I thought that was pretty neat and have wanted to make one too! Then I saw how @sakurina-mcl made hers, and it made me want to make one even more! :”3

Anyway here it is, I made a blank one if anyone else want to make one for their candy(s) as well! You can change the color and do whatever you like with it if you want. :3 ♥

EDIT: Added pink, as requested by @sugarmilkychan


I drew this in 2017. I had no idea that I would be a prophetess. Even the poses are the same. 3 out of 5. I wonder if I’ll be able to file a complaint against them AHAHHAAHAHAH  not video policy but rofl

Woooow Beemoov. Just wow.


Random thought of the evening:

While I love all LIs and they are all my babes in my heart, every single one of them treated Candy like shit on their own route.

Except Lys baby.

The writers had to literally make Lys forget about Candy to push them away for a bit. 

They knew he always stood by her side and he is best boi, period.

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