
@shiny-jolteons / shiny-jolteons.tumblr.com

• 23 | they/she/he | Hello! I'm Lu and I post art here! | ko-fi: kofi.com/blue_spotted_lu •

OKAY SO. I thought it would be fun to be able to use tumblr proper again and this is technically a side account so I cannot follow people so i was like ah whatever let’s try making a new one -> @catgirlmissy BUT OH MY GOD THE MOBILE APP LAGS SO BAD. IT LAGS SOOOO BAD. I CAN’T MAKE A POST



New blog so I'm reposting all my adventure time handmade plushies (well not all because I made like 9 of those mini jakes by now but you know), some of these are mine forever, some were sold/are for sale and some went to my friends 🥺

see i made like a massive combo plush repost 


bellossom plushies!

Really enjoyed making them, especially the shiny one because I love the colouring! Made from pattern by dolphinwing, check out their website here for some cool plushie patterns: https://dollphinwing.com/


marcy wip... she’s in pieces! 

I don’t even have all the pieces yet but she’s slowly happening (she’s also like. so small. like palm sized.)


Finished my handmade leafeon plushie! Really enjoyed this colour pallete I think I need to another plush with it sometime, really happy with this one!

put her for sale in my etsy store, starting with 10% off (black week sale!) (some other plushies are from 10% to 20%!) if you are looking to adopt her!: https://www.etsy.com/pl/listing/1352070937/handmade-leafeon-inspired-fall-beanie?click_key=c61266fcc12afc444db78937b0ede6096750001c%3A1352070937&click_sum=160fcb73&ref=shop_home_feat_1&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1


woah doodles!

the first three I’m going to convert to an embroidery file and make into plush keychains! I’m hoping to have the files for them available for free once testing is done with a brief instruction so if you have an embroidery machine you can make some at home! they look funny in png because it’s mostly for me when I’m making the actual design but like have it on tumblr in this form too

hoping to upload all the sides of BMO for a plush in PES and DST formats for free but they need a written instruction :’) 

I’m also currently working on a mini-plush marceline! I already pre-tested the pattern, hoping to run an embroidery test tomorrow 🥰👀


Have been selling in person at a local convention (it was super fun) and while most of the plushies found new homes, I still have some leftover ones looking for a good home! 

I will be posting them gradually on my e*tsy but for now, if anyone would like to pre-reserve any of the plushies, the prices are as follows (+shipping)

Any cube loaf plush, 20 EURO (+the jake one comes with a free sticker!) 

Any of the keychains, 8 EURO

Bellossom, 20 EURO

Plague Bird, 35 EURO

Gengar, 35 EURO

DM me if there is anything which you’d like to buy, then I’ll make you a shop offer right away! 

pattern credits:

cube loafs + lemongrab by me, bellossom plush pattern by dollphinwing (https://dollphinwing.com/), gengar and plague bird by cholyknight (https://cholyknight.com/), wooloo by dragon’s garden (https://www.dragons-garden.eu/), frogs by fleacircusetsy (https://www.etsy.com/pl/shop/fleacircusetsy)

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