
Every time I see you hurt, I feel the pain too!

@purple-bahare / purple-bahare.tumblr.com


Happy New Year everyone! I'm wishing you a year filled with love and happiness and health. In case no one told you today, you are beautiful, valid and important. I love you to the moon and back 💜💜💜💜

Anonymous asked:

hey :/ how've you been?

Heyyy! I’m alright~ how about you? 💜 I thought no one would think of me here haha


“We’re gods ourselves and we can’t grant shit”

I can’t stop laughing 😂 Mu qing is so real for that 😭


Honestly I wouldn’t be satisfied if hua cheng wouldn’t burn them all the way he did. Those fuckers had it coming. And it’s just so fitting that this is the reason he became a savage ghost


Hua cheng really loves so rawly, it makes me so :(( The fact that he never stopped and he even sacrificed being at peace for this! And never let Xie loan know is just so pure.

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