
✖This Witch Lifts✖


Flower🌼your local lifter💗part time thief👼

I’m gay and trans and i wanna scam a church so bad

i feel like it would be fairly easy in some ways. any ideas?

I’m gay, and religious, please only scam a church if they OPENLY SAY THEY DON’T ACCEPT GAYS. Most churches actually accept gays as it’s their duty to bring them closer to God so they have a good after life. Please do not knock my beliefs, I’m just asking that you only scam churches with bad morals.

fun fact: the whole gay bible scandal was just translated to modern english wrong and most priests acknowledge that and have no problem with the lgbt+ community. im not religious but by u doing that, youd look like the worlds biggest asshole. never mess with anyones religion man it means a lot to people :/

I like how everyone is giving them shit about church? Dudes alot of churches don't accept gay / trans people where I live, in fact the most open minded church I've been too had to make a statement about how they felt about homosexals cause people kept harrsing our pastor about it. he said that if you are gay, that's your personal thing with god but he thinks it's good your going to church but he personals veiws it to be wrong in his path of god. I'm guessing alot of you go or live somewhere with alot of open minded people but I live in like the worst part of the bible belt and it's pretty bad. I mean obv the person making this original post would do research on said church they would scam to see if it was a good church or not so idk why y'all are being so weird/ mean about it. I mean it's ok to be like, oh make sure the church you are going to scam is actually homophobic and transphobic and not a nice church. But you guys are just assuming most chrches arnt like that to begin with, and in my area that is not true.


Does anyone else have family members who know the lift?

How did they find out? Did you tell them?

My parents seem nonchalant about it after months of yelling, but my mother still tells me now and again to stop. She goes through my room and all my belongings.

My mom found out when I was in highschool (items that came from nowhere) and went absoulty crazy about it I got in major trouble. I'm older now and moved out I think she assumed I've stoped but no lol. My sister and cousin also know but their super cool about.



idk if this is already a thing that i haven’t yet read abt here, but my friend told me abt this method she uses.

at the makeup counters, palm the tester they have on display and ask an employee if they could replace it so u can try it out. they’ll open a brand new product and place it where the tester was. then just swap it for the palmed tester and bam!! new makeup!!

this is so sexy


when i was in màngo today this rly pretty girl with fluttery hair walked out alongside another girl and beeped at the door. she carried on going while the other girl was stopped and then cleared by the security guard. pretty sure my girl was a lîfter so i spent the next few hours fantasising about having a cute lîfter gf with silky hair😖😖😍

Cutie who doesn't stop ✨✨😍


Imagine going back to like 1995 when store security was really shitty


Stop reblogging this from outside the community.


Y'all GOTTA. BE. CAREFUL. WITH. T@RG3T. I found an old tag from a shirt I got from target from a while ago so I ripped it in half because it felt kind of thick and there’s an RFID hidden literally INSIDE the price tag. I usually don’t fuck with target because they take lifting serious as shit but y'all fr gotta be careful there. Even if they didn’t set of towers “that one time” they most definitely are NOT dummy tags, because if they were they would not go to these lengths to hide them.

Tldr: always rip target tags in half because there are RFIDs hidden in the tags

Dudes, 0k so I work at t@rg3t and literally almost every single item in the store is tagged. All of the clothing items always have rfids, I recomend the cup method of getting rid of them(a coffee cup or a cup you can't see into, put the tags in said cup, then throw away cup in store), please DO Not leave the tags on the floor, someone will find it eventually and they will log it into a system of what it is/ where it was found. Plus its really annoying finding them constantly and having to turn them in. Just so everyone knows😽be safe!!!


tried @liftingmydreams’s method!! its very similar to the cup method, except it’s bigger!

it works so well, and i’m so excited to use it in the near future since i find difficulty with on fIoor conceaIing!!! sephora bags work so well for this and i recommend plastic structured bags


put ur hook & magnet in ur bra!! they check ur shoes & bag but wont strip search or really feel for anything

reblog to save a life


saw some lifting blogs reblogging this even though the source blog wasn’t a lifter so I thought I’d repost it 💕


Hey guys, so I have a question! I see a lot of these tags 🔝 on underwear, socks, etc. And I was just wondering how you get these babies off, would it be ok for me to just cut them or would that set off an alarm?

From the info I’ve seen, they are NOT screamers so you should be fine to just cut the wire. Similarly, I’ve seen info from people that they use dressing room hooks to rip these apart. But, like always, take this info with a grain of salt! Happy lifting 🖖🏼💫☮️

Thank you!!

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