

@mackislame / mackislame.tumblr.com


Reblog this if you’re polyamorous, searching for a cryptid, trying to communicate with demons, willing to throw a Molotov cocktail at a police car, really want more tattoos/piercings, or just really love nonbinary people.

No one will ever know which one 👀


introducing elfcore

hi. i wanted to make my own -core based on my love of elves. here’s an intro to what i want my version of elfcore to be. keep in mind that this list is by no way a complete be all end all summary.

for starters, though it shares many traits, it is NOT goblincore. goblins and elves are like. polar opposites. i don’t want elfcore to just be a new name for goblincore. elfcore also doesn’t care about one’s appearance or body shape, anyone of any height or shape can be an elf. it isn’t about traditional standards of beauty, it is about looking after whatever body you’ve been given as a basically-immortal creature should. whatever that body may look like, it can be an elf body if you want it to be.

let’s get into what elfcore is!

•shiny things, especially gold colored, and gemstones, jewelry both costume and real, cool rocks, delicate chains, carved things, wood, bones, especially carved and decorated, etc etc

•focus is NOT on expense, focus is more on aesthetic appeal.

•nature, loving all creatures big and small bc the beauty of the earth is lovely

•less focus on dirt and mud more focus on greenery and vines and trees

•eco-punk/solarpunk(?). elegant structures made from natural things (vines, saplings, u get it). arching structures made from what earth has offered us.

•nice fabric, flowy fabric, shiny fabric, silky fabric, billowy fabric.

•collecting pretty stuff to display on bookshelves, scrolls, writing quills, parchment

•prose and poetry, writing, the pursuit of knowledge

•being dramatic by candlelight and writing long love letters to the people you care about

•throwing yourself upon your fancy fainting couch

•the color gold

•beauty sleep/self care/hair care

•natural decor, like plants and especially flowers

•indoor gardens


•fancy blankets/embroidered things

•the chaos that comes with being basically immortal

•decorating yourself like royalty because it is what you deserve. this can be done with clothing, tattoos, body mods, piercings, anything you’re comfortable with

•canopy beds

there can also be different forms and variations based on different kinds of elves (wood, night, sea, high, blood, etc etc).


I feel like Something Significant would happen if you put the McElroy brothers, John Mulaney, and the guys from Buzzfeed Unzolved in a room.

I, a mere mortal, could not tell you what. But Something.


i saw this post earlier about therapists and it reminded me of my old therapist paul, who in my opinion is one of the greatest men alive and who did not put up with my bullshit for even one second

anyway i go in to see paul one week in the summer of 2016, and i’m doing my usual bullshit which consists of me talking shit about myself, and paul is staring at me, and then he cuts me off and says that he’s got a new tool for helping people recognize when they’re using negative language, and gets up and goes over to his desk

and i’m like alright hit me with that sweet sweet self-help article my man, because i’m a linguistic learner and whenever paul’s like here i have a tool for you to use it’s pretty much always an article or a book or something

paul opens a drawer, takes something out, and turns back around. i stare.

i say, paul.

is that a nerf gun.

yeah, says paul.

i say, are you gonna shoot me with a nerf gun in this professional setting.

he happily informs me that that’s really up to me, isn’t it. and sits back down. and gestures, like, go ahead, what were you saying?

and i squint suspiciously and start back up about how i’m having too much anxiety to leave the house to run errands, like it was a miracle to even get here, like i’ve forgone getting groceries for the past week and that’s so stupid, what a stupid issue, i’m an idiot, how could i–

a foam dart hits me in the leg.

i go, hey! because my therapist just shot me in the leg. paul blinks at me placidly and raises an eyebrow. i squint again.

i say, slowly, it’s– not a stupid issue, i’m not stupid, but it’s frustrating me and i don’t want it to be a problem i’m having.

no dart this time. okay. sweet.

so the rest of the hour passes with me intermittently getting nailed with tiny foam darts and then swearing and then fixing my language and, wouldn’t you know it, i start liking myself a little more by the end of the session, which is mildly infuriating because paul can tell and he’s very smug about it 

anyway i leave his office and the lady having the next appointment walks in and i hear what’s all over the floor? and paul very seriously says cognitive behavioral therapy tools.

The “I won’t hesitate, bitch” vine but @ friends who don’t love themselves


Make Some Pocket Extenders for Your Pants

So I don’t know about you, but I’m often frustrated by the ridiculous smallness of girls’ pockets. At a bare minimum, I need to be able to shove my cellphone in there - come on, pants companies! So what I started doing was making myself pocket extenders. I’ve done this several times, for pants and shorts. It’s great.

I just got this pair of jeans, so I thought I’d show you how to do it. I kind of feel like it just hasn’t occurred to some of you that this is an option, so maybe now it will. All you need is your pants, some fabric (I just took a random piece from a scrap bin), a needle, and some thread (thread doesn’t even need to match the fabric since literally no one will see it).

See? Ridiculous. Like, half a cellphone, or only 2.5″. Useless.

 So turn those inside out to expose the pockets.

Figure out how big you want your pockets to actually be. I kinda go by whatever looks like might be right. I didn’t really measure them. Fold the fabric in half, so you have a pocket, and then fold it in half again so you can have two equal ones.

Try to get the edges to line up enough, pin it in place, then sew up the sides! Are your stitches crazy uneven and wonky looking? Doesn’t matter; nobody’s going to see it. These are in the inside of your pants. The only thing that matters is that it holds up. So I double-did the corners, since those tend to get the most stress.

Cut open the bottom of the existing pockets.

Pin it in place, then sew around, joining the new pocket to the old pocket. I did this by keeping my hand on the inside, so I wouldn’t accidentally sew through the other side. Again, I reinforced the corners, and didn’t worry about what it actually looks like. Then I turned it in side out to make sure the inside was all joined properly.

Yay all done! And the pockets are so much bigger now!

Whaaaat I can fit my entire phone and entire hand and probably something else now, are girls’ pockets even allowed to do that?! Heck yeah they are.


You are a goddamn hero.

The fashion industry just needs to catch the fuck up!

The fashion industry wants to sell you pants AND a purse. They’ve made a conscious decision not to catch up.

Reblogging for the truth in the last comment. That is, in a nutshell, the way everything works in this world.


me: *acts like a hoe*

him: so when we gonna fuck?

my virgin ass:

Allison: So Vanya, show us what you got
Vanya: I made a hat that’s powered by sadness *puts on the hat and flies away*

Are you telling me that diego “smartass” hargreeves was. Full aware of the fact that klaus broke his jaw at twelve years old from falling down the stairs in hIS MOMS HEELS AND DRESS and still. “What’s her name?” Clearly all ass and no smart with that dude.


Ya know, bisexuality ain’t that hard to understand.

Girls are cute.

Guys are cute.

What more do you want from me?

full offense but this comment is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen


Umbrella Academy Headcanons

- Klaus is bilingual. He taught himself German just to piss off Reginald. He learnt Vietnamese in Vietnam. He also knows enough Russian and Spanish to get by. He’s really good with languages and nobody knows this about him so he just always assumed it was normal until Diego caught him trying to teach himself Korean in the library. His siblings were all very impressed when he told them now many languages he knew.

- Diego cannot do push-ups for his life. He’s got no idea why because he’s got great upper body strength but he just can’t do them. In the police academy his friends used to make fun of him for it. Eudora can do them in her sleep and she never gets tired. Diego’s seen her do 2000 in one go and not break a sweat.

- Luther used to have nightmares about his siblings dying and it being his fault. He constantly threw himself in front of them during missions because he’d rather get hurt then see them hurt. Then Ben died and his worse nightmares came true.

- Five used to talk to his siblings like they were there in the wasteland. He knew ghosts existed because of Klaus and he liked to think his siblings were watching over him. Sometimes he still talks to them when they’re not in the room out of habit. They’ve walked in on him doing it multiple times. He’s even had arguments with “ghost them” and then been mad at the real them for days.

- Ben really loves sweets and junk food. He used to hoard it in his room because Hargreeves never let him have any. The others would try to buy it and smuggle him some when they could. After he died Klaus found a bunch of rotting cakes and pastries under his bed.

- Allison loves Disney movies. She knows them all by heart. They’re a big part of what got her through her childhood. She also has a cameo role in almost every Disney movie released since she became famous.

- Vanya breaks any technology she touches. She used to own a landline but it broke so often she ended up throwing it out the window out of frustration. Her siblings don’t let her touch anything with wires or electricity after the fridge light exploded once as soon as she opened the door.

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