
❤ Demonic Mother❤

@demonic-mother-blog / demonic-mother-blog.tumblr.com

I am everyone's favorite mother. I will care for you no matter what! ❤

okay but

fuck your stereotypes

long hair is not “girly”

the same way short hair is not “manly”

hair has no gender

hair is just hair

&as long as you’re not disrespecting a culture with the way you do it

you keep on doing you

Its like someone looked into my brain and decided to make a photo set based on men I would find so overwhelmingly attractive I couldn’t look directly at them if I met them in person

I…….I just…

today is a GOOD day!

Source: actionables

we opened at 11 this morning. i watched an old man literally pry the fucking sliding doors open at 10:43 and stand there just staring into the empty store and my coworker & i were like sir. for the love of fuck


I worked in a restaurant for while and a woman climbed past an A board sign, ignored the sign on a the door saying the opening times and trotted on in. When told we were not open she asked why the door was unlocked. My manager explained that it has to be unlocked when people are in the building to comply with fire regulations. Which lead to my favourite exchange with a customer: Woman: But there are no people in here. Manager: Madam. The staff count as people. Woman: That’s ridiculous. *Storms out*

“The staff count as people” has me dead


if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.

Its getting close to Halloween again so I just thought I’d reblog this again

And if “don’t be rude to teenagers over a stupid jawbreaker” isn’t enough for you, consider 

  • You can’t tell how old a kid is just by looking. I’ve known multiple 5th graders who were taller than I am, and I’m 25 years old. With their faces hidden by masks, you won’t be able to tell they’re elementary schoolers, but they still are. 
  • Lots of older siblings are expected to take their younger siblings trick-or-treating, and they only get paid in candy. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager is developmentally disabled. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager spent most of their childhood in a hospital or sick and has never had the traditional trick-or-treat experience before.
  • You don’t know if this is that teenager’s first Halloween in America, and they just want to experience a piece of American culture.
  • You don’t know if that teenager ever gets candy any other day of the year. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager has eaten anything at all today. 

And those are just things I can think of off the top of my head. 


in defense of the “fake” service dogs

there’s a lot of posts on here and other social media about fake service dogs, how to spot them and what not, and it pisses me off.

when you see a service dog, IGNORE THEM. don’t scrutinize, try to figure out if they’re “real” or anything of the like. turn your head away and act like it’s not there. because your staring is still RUDE no matter your goal.

and if, by some chance they do something outside of service dog etiquette that does NOT make them fake. you can’t know the tasks they are needed for by looking at them, so DON’T judge.

“but the handler is letting people pet it!!” maybe it’s an allergen detection dog and it doesn’t affect their job to let people pet them outside of meals. again, you can’t know by looking at them, so IGNORE IT. you don’t get to decide how other teams operate.

a lot of service dog etiquette is about making the dog invisible, and as unobtrusive as possible. that’s all well and good, but let me make this very clear: disabled people do not need to take up as little space as an able person to be allowed in public. service dog doesn’t have a perfect heel position?? handler still deserves to walk through stores. service dog doesn’t tuck properly?? handler still deserves to sit. just as oxygen tanks, crutches, or any other accommodation can take up space, so can a service dog.

and i’d like to bring up the legal definition of a service dog((in the us)): Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. The ADA requires the animal to be under the control of the handler.  This can occur using a harness, leash, or other tether.  However, in cases where either the handler is unable to hold a tether because of a disability or its use would interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks, the service animal must be under the handler’s control by some other means, such as voice control. The animal must be housebroken. The ADA does not require covered entities to provide for the care or supervision of a service animal, including cleaning up after the animal. The animal should be vaccinated in accordance with state and local laws.

that’s it. as long as a service dog hits all these, the handler has the legal right to be in public with it.

dogs that are not task trained, are out of control or otherwise outside of the definition are not allowed in public, but it’s the responsibility of the establishment to remove them, not yours. tell an employee if you’re concerned, but do not take the situation into your own hands. there’s a time and place for sd education, and the middle of walmart sure as hell isn’t it.

is it frustrating dealing with the general public and their lack of respect for your service dog?? absolutely. but don’t blame it on other teams. blaming disabled people for ableism helps no one.

above all else, ignore service dogs. please.

I literally have my dog’s vest COVERED in signage - even 3.5" diameter patches saying “PLEASE IGNORE ME” and we still encounter people who make kissing noises and try to pet her and shit like….maybe the huge red vest didn’t make it clear but THIS IS A SERVICE DOG. YOU DON’T DISTRACT OR TOUCH A SERVICE DOG.

It gives me anxiety bc I didn’t come to the grocery store to interact with (and/or correct/educate) strangers, I came here bc I need to buy food. Thank goodness my dog is a psychiatric service dog bc if she were a seizure alert dog these fucking idiots could get me killed by distracting her.


Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

baby elephants are so CUTE

Adding more elephant facts to the compilation!

Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] 


I love elephants so much 💕

As if I needed more reasons to love elephants 😩😩

elephants have my heart 


Elephants crying? Shit i almost cried

The GOP doesn’t deserve them.


siri read a message from my mom (2017)

i think we’ve gotten as close to a real life Howler as we can get

this is literally the funniest thing Ive ever seen in my life


The continually inspiring magic of HRT. Live your truth!

This makes me so fucking happy

Bless em!! Major support for brave trans sisters.


Trans girls are magic, pass it on.

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