
Coding Clarity

@codingclarity / codingclarity.tumblr.com

Hey! I'm studying Computer Science.

how to deal with mental fatigue

Hi, it’s werelivingarts! Exam season is coming so soon, and some of us might deal with a lot of stress and mental fatigue while preparing for the exams. 

Here are some tips on how to prevent and deal with mental fatigue (before it becomes too serious and leads to burnout). Exams are just ways to test your knowledge and understanding, so please do not expect too high and take care of your health! 🌿

Hope that we would all do well! 😊


stop chasing perfection

Hiii! It’s werelivingarts, I’m so glad that I’m getting a week of fall break.  When is your fall break? 🍁🍃

Perfectionism is good that it motivates you to always try your best 100%, however, it comes with a cost that causes you to be very anxious and stressed all the time. Here are some ways that really help me to stop chasing impossible perfection and value the progress more! Remember to take breaks and set realistic deadline and goal! ❤️🤩


time blocking method

Hi all, this is werelivingarts, a new post about time management method: TIME BLOCKING! Time blocking allows you to divide your day into big blocks and helps you to complete similar tasks in one-go without any interruptions! 

You can do your time blocking on:

  1. Google Calendar (simple and easy to use)
  2. Plan (drag your to-do list and organize them in blocks)
  3. TickTick Premium (offer pomodoro timer)

Hope you find this helpful! ⭐️

july 1, 2020 - take your time

hi hello! i’m finally back at it again. it feels weird to post normal content amidst everything that’s going on in the world, but i’m still doing what i can to stay informed and help others. i made this spread last week! i drew more doodles this time. the one on the bottom left is from the lyric video for the english version of “zombie” by day6. i also haven’t shared a playlist in a while, so here’s what i’ve been listening to lately!

how are you all doing? i hope your summer/winter is off to a good start! as always, stay safe and take care. 💕

studygram: gloomium

currently listening to: “make you happy” - niziu


26 OCT 2020 🌔

i tell a lot of my friends, loved ones, clients to always be kind to themselves, to take care of themselves, but it’s one piece of advice i have a hard time practicing myself. how do you even start? how exactly do you pause in a world that makes you feel guilty for wanting to catch a breath? how do you take a moment to figure out what you like or what makes you happy when you’ve always been taught to focus on and fulfill others’ needs and not yours?
i’ve been doing my best to unlearn all of these, but it’s still hard sometimes. and i hope y’all know that when i do tell you to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself, there’s no judgment here. we’re all stumbling around our sense of self worth and sacrifice, especially during these trying times. it’s just a reminder that even though it’s easier said than done, you should try because you deserve just as much love and care as you give everyone else.

igmy posts


Work From Home Routine For Productivity

Hi, there! I’m Lala! Today I am sharing my WFH routine. Some things to keep in mind are that I only work 4 hours a day and my pomodoros tend to be longer. Usually it’s 25 minutes, but for me 25 minutes is too little, I tend to work better in 45-minute pomodoros. I hope this can be of info to you guys, it really has helped get my shit together. 

I am using this app called Routinery to help me manage my routine AND IT WORKS WONDERS. I love how simple and customizable it is, it has made following my routine a breeze. I love it so much I even have the paid version, and I never pay for apps. This is not sponsored post or whatever, this is me genuinely recommending you this app! You can check them out here if you want to download the app. 


An Overview of Note-Taking Styles

Note-taking is one of the most essential skills a student should master. It allows you to record and review information to be used in the future. But what’s the best way to do so? Here’s an overview of note-taking styles that can help you maximize your learning!


Self-Discipline Isn’t Always the Answer

So I wasn’t really taught to brush my teeth every day as a kid. So I didn’t. I got to be an adult and realized “hmm teeth are expensive I need to start brushing them” and brushing my teeth twice a day has been on my actual to do list every single day of my college career. It’s a habit I needed to build.

Have I successfully done it? Absolutely not. I’m pretty good about doing it at least once a day, but some days it just doesn’t happen. It’s not that I forget usually, I just had some aversion I couldn’t figure out, until last week.

I’m at the grocery store, in the toothpaste aisle with my roommate, and I complain about how much I hate mint. I FUCKING HATE THE TASTE OF MINT. The taste and the smell, any kind of minty thing in any form, I HATE IT. But literally every “adult” toothpaste in the aisle was some type of minty disgusting nonsense. And my roommate was like “you know you could like get kids’ toothpaste? You like bubblegum right?”

And y’all, it was like the clouds parted. I got some strawberry bubblegum kids’ toothpaste. I brushed my teeth with it and it was a whole new experience. I have successfully brushed twice a day every day since, because the mental block I had towards it is gone! 

I thought my lack of brushing was just a moral failing on my part; I was too lazy, too undisciplined, to build a good habit. But really? I just hate the taste of mint so much I didn’t want to brush my teeth.

This made me realize that when presented with a change you want to make, a habit you want to build, if you’re encountering resistance in yourself, you should lean into that resistance and really investigate what’s causing it, then work on accommodating that. 

Say you hate washing dishes so they pile up and then you’re overwhelmed by how many you have to do. Why do you hate it? Deep down, what about it do you dislike? Is touching wet food super gross for you? Try thick rubber gloves while you’re washing. Does the sound of dishing clanking together grate your nerves? Do them with headphones in and turned up loud. Do you hate the smell? Light some candles, spray some air freshener. 

Do these things instead of gritting your teeth and forcing yourself, then ultimately failing and getting discouraged by your “lack of self-discipline”

TL;DR: When a task is consistently hard for you, relying on self-discipline, forcing yourself, and gritting through doesn’t always work. Lean in and listen to your discomfort, and find what makes the task hard, then try to accommodate that. Also, mint toothpaste is gross.


Goal Setting | The Four Step Approach for Achieving Goals

Goals are well-defined plans aimed at achieving specific results. But it’s quarantine, and the days seem to melt into each other until you no longer know whether it’s Monday or Saturday or both. You’re kinda stuck in a limbo, and you want to be productive but you don’t exactly know where to start. 

Well, you can start here! 

Step 1: Set Specific Goals.

Take time to figure out what you really want to achieve. When your goal is clear, specific, and realistic, you now have an exact picture or vision of your desired outcome. 


✘ I will study. 
✔ I will review chapters 4-6 and make flash cards. 

Step 2: Set a Specific Target Date and Time. 

Procrastinators (*ehem* me) seldom achieve goals. You can reduce procrastination by setting a deadline and even a specific time to finish the steps involved in reaching your goal.


✘ I will review chapters 4-6 today.
✔ I will finish reviewing chapters 4-6 by 10:30 AM. 

Step 3: Identify Steps.

I find it extremely helpful to list down on paper stuff I need to do to achieve my goal. The list could go something like this: 

Unit Test Review

- Rewrite lecture notes
- Re-read Chapters 6 to 8
- Make flashcards of key terms and concepts

For goals with multiple steps (or need more time), list specific target dates and times for complete each step. Divide the task and schedule time on your weekly schedule. 

Step 4: Plan a Reward

Celebrate the completion of your goal with a reward ‘cause you deserve it, baby! Get ice cream, watch a movie, take a freakin’ nap! You did well, and you deserve all the rewards in the world! Good job! 

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