
this here is holy ground


23. she/they. biracial, bisexual. appalachian witch of color. eclectic. christopagan. INFJ. gemini sun, virgo moon, scorpio rising. 🌻

An Earth Day Prayer

Mother Earth,

On this day, and all days, we honor you.

Filled with beauty and wonder, chaos and glory, Creatrix and destroyer, You are beautiful, for you are our home, our sanctuary, our beginning and end.

As gentle as the spring rain and as fierce as an earthquake, you are awe inspiring. You, who gives us grain and fruit and life. You, who sends land crashing into the sea. You, who holds the trees upright. You, who cradles the creatures of the earth. You, who holds the signature of the Creator in every rock and river and blossom.

We pray for the end of environmental sickness, and pray for the beginning of wellness.

We pray that we, as a society, begin to make the changes needed to cherish you.

For growth, we pray. For love, we pray. For change, we pray.

Like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean, let our prayer be heard.


Plant Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing 🌿

Easiest plants to grow in witchcraft (in order from easiest to hardest)!

Chives - can grow in limited light and space, very easily propagate (regrow)

Mint - very hardy, requires shade and some light, start from seeds

Cilantro - fast growing, can be planted indoors, does not transplant easily

Basil - can grow in small spaces, require sun, start from seeds

Parsley - easy to grow, low maintenance and limited lights, though hard to germinate

Oregano (wild marjoram) - very hardy, easy to grow in winter, requires full sun

Sage - large, hardy, start from cuttings, requires full sun

Thyme - requires full sun, hardy, easy to propagate from seeds or cuttings

Aloe Vera - easy to overwater, low maintenance, slow growing, little water, full sun

Chamomile - low maintenance, little water, full sun with some shade, easy to overwater

Dill - start as seeds, small, easy to grow indoors, hard to overwater, requires full sun

Rosemary - though very large, easy to grow indoors and easy to overwater

Bay laurel - requires well-draining soil, full sun, water often, grows large, slow growing

Lavender - hard to grow indoors, requires little water, best in dry conditions, start from seeds

Roses - requires full sun, seasonal, grows only outside, requires fertilizer, best grown from transplants


✨Natural Hair Magick✨

🌒💆🏻💆🏽💆🏾💆🏿🌒 Please note this post is for BLACK witches. Black witches please feel free to add! Non-black witches please don’t add. Thanks! ☺️ (These can be adjusted for those with relaxers too of course!)

✨keep moon/sun water in your spray bottle

✨use your correspondences and assign intentions to your hair oils & moisturizers.

⚫️DEEP CONDITIONING⚫️ ✨choose your deep conditioner ingredients based on intent or how they make you feel.

✨while waiting; visualize issues in your life getting softened and smoothed out.

✨during detangling (I detangle w deep conditioner), visualize physically removing stress, neg feelings from your life.

✨washing it out activates intentions.


✨if you section your hair to shampoo/co wash it, assign each section on an aspect of your life you’d like to reflect or work on.

✨as you work shampoo/conditioner through, visualize obtaining what you want out of the ritual.

✨as you wash it out, visualize negative energies in your life spinning down the drain.

⚫️PROTECTIVE STYLING (nighttime wrapping)⚫️

✨twists, braids, Bantu knots, etc. can be used for knot magick.

✨set your intentions for the next day when styling.


✨similar to nighttime wrapping knot magick, but used for longer term intentions.

✨sync protective styles to the Lunar cycle.

✨my boyfriends mom told me to clip my ends on the New Moon

✨choose hair colors to match intent.

✨use moon water & oils to match intentions when you dip braids.


✨color magick can be used for scarves, turbans, beads, rubber bands, headbands, etc.

✨charge/enchant scarves & bonnets for good sleep/prophetic dreams.


💫Keep crystals in your spray bottle to charge the water with the crystals energy (PLEASE RESEARCH WHICH CRYSTALS ARE SAFE TO PLACE IN WATER!!!! 🚨🚨🚨)

💫Rosemary adds sheen and deepens the shades of dark hair, and is used in works for protection & courage.

💫All manner of “Kitchen Witchery” can be used to make your deep conditioners/hair masks. Making your hair products can become a ritual in itself

💫Choose your wash day on the day of the week that corresponds to the results you’d like to manifest (ex. Monday for intuition, Tuesday for action, Wednesday for communication, etc.)

💫 Talk to your Ancestors when you oil your scalp. Hell talk to them whenever you touch your crown.

It’s been a little while since I made this post; I thought I’d add a few more ideas that I’ve incorporated in my craft and hair regimen. Once again, non black witches feel free to reblog but your 2 cents are not needed thanks! Black witches, brujxs, workers & conjurers please add your ideas!! LOVE YALL. LOVE US.



💧💦🌼The Element of WATER in Rootwork🌼💦💧

Excerpt from: “ROOTWORK: Using the Folk Magic of Black America for Love, Money and Success” by Tayannah Lee McQuillar

Water is a very powerful element because it is receptive. It is the ultimate retainer of energy and is often used to cleanse a person or space, or to consecrate an object. To attain the various types of waters requires patience and preparation.


💧War Water:

For revenge or to place a hex. War water is prepared by taking two cups of water from after a heavy thunderstorm and filling a 32 oz. jar or a bottle until it’s half full. Add nine rusty nails, brimstone (sulphur), and a little of your urine. Store the container in a cool, dry place until ready for use. It is commonly thrown on the front door of the intended victim.

🌼Peace water:

To bring peace and positive spiritual vibrations into the home. Usually made by mixing half a cup of Florida Water perfume, three cups of holy water, eight fresh or dried basil leaves, and three crushed eggshells. It is commonly used as a floor wash. Add twice the ingredients for a larger room.

💧Ocean Water:

Bathe in the water of the ocean for peace of mind. Add a little to your regular bathwater every night if you’re trying to conceive. Dab a little on the center of your forehead (third eye) in a clockwise, circular motion before divination to increase psychic abilities. The third eye is an energy center or chakra associated with spiritual awakening.

🌼River Water:

Consecrate sacred objects for added blessings. Mix it with cinnamon and mop the floors with it for money and luck.

💧First spring rain:

Sprinkle around the house for joy the whole year round. Wash your face and hair with it to remain youthful. Rub on your stomach for fertility and healing. Wash mojo bags with it for luck. Many people who use this spell place a glass bowl out on the windowsill on March 21st (Spring equinox) until the first spring rain.

🌼Full moon water:

Prepare moon water by leaving a glass bowl of tap or spring water out in the full moonlight overnight. Rub on the back of your neck and forehead every nine days to increase psychic ability. Wash your hair with it to stimulate growth. Bathe in it for fertility. Keep a glass of it by your bed for clearer dreams.

💧Holy water:

Use to consecrate sacred objects. Sprinkle around the home to dispense negativity. Clean your eyes with it for clarity.

🌼Storm water:

Place a bowl of plain tap or spring water out on the windowsill and wait until the next storm. Sprinkle on a luck mojo bag to enhance its potential. Sprinkle around the home for desired change. Do not handle if you’re sick. Sweeten the water with a pinch of brown sugar for a money mojo bag.


🌿☘The Element of EARTH In Rootwork☘🌿

Excerpt from: “ROOTWORK: Using the Folk Magic of Black America for Love, Money and Success” by Tayannah Lee McQuillar

The Earth is a living, breathing entity and like any other living thing, it absorbs and gives off energy. This is the fundamental reason why Rootworkers collect earth from various locations.

It is believed that using certain kinds of earth “grounds” a spell. I must remind you that if you take a handful of earth, you should leave an offering out of respect. Notice that I didn’t use the term “dirt,” as it has a negative connotation. Many people in African-based traditions use earth from certain places as an enhancer. The most common use of earth is in a mojo bag. The earth is placed in a small bag with other ingredients and the bag is worn against the skin.



For money and success, use the earth surrounding a bank. If possible, go to a popular bank and collect it.


To stimulate psychic ability or to strengthen communication with the dead.


For spiritual protection and to ward against evil spirits.


For success in legal matters.


For love spells, use earth from a beautiful garden.


To cure the sick or ailing.


To keep the police away, when someone is having trouble with the law.


For money and employment spells, use earth surrounding a busy marketplace.


To increase psychic abilities and clarity. If possible, use the earth from the top of a high mountain.

🌿Police station:

For protection from enemies. Do not use if you are involved in any illegal activity.


Properties of Water in Magic

sea: healing, cleansing, banishing, protection
rain: power over time, growth, rebirth
river: movement, energy, warding, powering tools
ocean: vastness, power, life, fear, focus
storm: force, emotional charge, motivation, cursing
snow: slowing, purity, ending, resolutions, change
dew: delicate magic, love magic, glamour, fae work, fertility
pond: spirituality, richness, unknown, stillness

In general, your ancestors are not like other spirits, in that you call and summon them and that they are passive. Ancestors are essentially your family, and while it’s not necessary to communicate with them 24/7, it’s necessary to have a familial relationship with them within your bounds of familial relationships. 

Only forming a relationship with them because they can do things for you isn’t really…okay. If that’s the purpose of forming a relationship with your ancestors, then I encourage you to work with other spirits that are okay with coming and going and are alright with an offering for spell work. 

But your ancestors aren’t like that, and shouldn’t be seen as such. This mainly just applies to black witches and practitioners (as this is who I had in mind when writing this), but I feel anyone wanting to work with their ancestors should consider this. 

Your ancestors know what’s in your heart and why you are coming to them - for better or worse, you can’t hide that. So don’t expect the juju to be flowin the way you want it you’re coming to them for the wrong reasons.

Our ancestors aren’t afraid to teach us lessons the hard way and give us a whuppin if they feel like we need it. Whether or not we love them, they love us fiercely and want to see us grow and be spiritually elevated. If that has to happen through tough love, then that’s how it is.


I always feel like it’s important to talk to your ancestors if you don’t have anyone to talk to or don’t feel like anyone is listening. When you feel alone, I really encourage you to pull up a word document or a piece of paper and write to them. Not only do you feel like someone is listening (because they are), but you can let that go to someone.

It’s not a permanent solution, but for me, it really helps especially since I find it really hard vocalizing what I’m going through to anyone. It really helped me today, so I recommend if any of you feel alone or with no one to speak to, write to your ancestors, or any sort of spirit that watches and presides over you.

I spent the entire day with such a heavy weight on me and really had no idea what to do with it so i put it in my words and those words i sent to someone.

It’s like…it helps you realize that not everything is as bad as you think, because when you start talking to your ancestors about the good, the bad usually comes up and you feel a lot better. Trust me. So write to them, they listen and they care.


🌿Bath Witch: Heal a Broken Heart🌿

Hello, my greenies! This spell is a ritual bath for mending a broken heart. It is not to attract a new love, but to heal that which was injured by a past one. It’s not easy to forgive or to forget, but hopefully with this spell I can ease the pain a little.

Please make sure you understand a little about bath magic before you perform this. Some ingredients can irritate certain skin types and I want everyone to be careful. For those who have sensitive body parts I recommend taking a shower after, so you can rinse off if you feel irritated.


  • 1 tbsp of dried lavender
  • 5 drops of lemongrass oil
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil
  • 2 dried bay leaves
  • 4 ounces of epsom salts
  • a bowl of any size
  • jar of some sort
  • paper and pen (not color specific)


  1. Place dried lavender and bay leaves together in a grinder of sorts and grind a few before adding the epsom salts. After a minute or two add, one by one, lemongrass and tea tree oil. Mix after each oil and then stir and grind together until in a combined form. Place the completed salt into the mason jar and label.
  2. As your bath is filling up take the paper and pen and write your feelings of hurt and suffering on the parchment. Once complete, fold and place paper into the bowl. Move the bowl next to the bath, we will use it later.
  3. Get the bath ready and once the water is hot place 3 tbsps in the bath and mix with your hands. While you mix chant

“The heart is but broken glass, and mind fragile flower petals. Mother strengthen my soul, heal the wounds of an old love, and birth me anew. Like the phoenix, like the butterfly, I come naked and ready to fly.”

  1. Before you step into the bath, place a good amount of the infused bath water into the bowl with the paper in it. Place it next to your tub and hop in.
  2. Sit for about 30 minutes and carefully step out. Slowly dry your body.
  3. When you are ready, take the bowl and dump the contents into the bath. Make sure you take the paper out and you can roll it into a ball, rip it apart, or just throw it away. Once you are done, I recommend sitting with a nice book or listening to calming music.

Love is a strange emotion that can morph into something we don’t recognize. Don’t let someone turn you into a stranger. Love yourself enough to knowing you are beautiful and amazing and deserve love.

You deserve to be happy.

- Kenzie


Rose of Jericho

A few of my  Rose of Jericho tips:

*I change my water every 3-4 days but I’ve heard of other people only changing theirs once a week.

*I sometimes feed my other plants the water from the Rose of Jericho

*I always add a few (2-3 drops) of essential oils to the water to prevent mold from infesting the plant. Favorites are lemon, lavender, rosemary or tea tree.

*Some people like to submerge the plant entirely in water, others only like the roots to get wet. It depends on the size and width of your container.

*The ideal pot size is one that is at least twice the diameter of your plant when it’s “closed”. Rose of Jericho plants like to have plenty of space to expand.

*Once the plant starts to brown or decay, it’s time to buy a new one. I usually compost my old plants.


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