
probably okay

@cardioat3am / cardioat3am.tumblr.com

♥ Ray | 23 | Christian | Canadian ♥

thinking about the way Kite, who was born human and is a hunter and is in that way not a part of nature yet chooses to be kind and reverent of the natural world rather than exploiting his strength upon it, being forced to kill that mother Foxbear just for protecting her cubs and being so upset about it because he understood what she was doing was foreshadowing for how Kite would sacrifice himself for HIS little ones. even though he was attacked by something that was technically closer to nature than him, one of the species he studies, it broke the chain of reason and need in its practice of hunting, the same way Kite feels guilty that he does. imagine how awful for one of the only humans, much less hunters, who respect nature properly to be killed by the only thing (besides humans) in nature that doesn't respect itself, doesn't understand the natural balance and live in harmony with it. just just Kite spent most of his life as an outcast from other people and found company in nature, he learned how important it is and he devoted his life to preserving and protecting it only to be slaughtered by it for the sake of his boys. do you think he took some comfort as he died in that he completed his natural cycle by defending them.


thinking about kite today. thinking about how he cared for the kids so much he was ready & willing to put his life on the line, likely knowing he wouldn’t make it out alive. thinking about how, in that split second, he only had time to react on instinct, an instinct that despite his earlier talk of self-preservation prioritized gon & killua over his own well-being. thinking about how tragic it is he didn’t get to see the full context of what they were going through — he didn’t get to meet hisoka, didn’t get to see the zoldyck family or illumi, didn’t get to truly understand how to help the kids or what to say to make them understand something was wrong.

it hurts to sit with the knowledge that he would’ve done something but was never able. it hurts to know one of the only people who cared never got the chance to.


i love that discord doesn't tell you if someone's read your messages. like genuinely. normalize others not needing every second of your time right away. normalize taking time to formulate a proper answer. normalize this.


ship of theseus except it's people joining and leaving the discord. is this anything

server of theseus

no one from the start of the server is left and the entire admin team has turned over at least three times, but all the channel names are still inside jokes that no one remaining was even present for the inception of


prev. what.


Remember, being kind is punk rock. Being overly polite due to anxiety is prog rock. A hug is alt rock unless it goes on too long then it's folk rock. Empathy is third wave ska. Being mean, though, is not punk rock. Bc being mean is pop punk

being swag is dupstep


so when food is too salty we might say "打死卖盐的" basically meaning "did you beat the salt merchant to death" but one time in an attempt to be a little polite and a little funny to the chef (my mother) i said "……是不是又跟卖盐的有矛盾了" meaning "are you... having a dispute with the salt merchant again" and now it's a whole thing in my family

anyway point being there has been another altercation with the salt merchant



Cast spell of pharmaceutical seizure


I'm glad to see that someone whose only previous experience was making websites on Geocities was able to find another job.


online communities are so strange because people slip away so easily. you can be on here for years, folding people you've never met into the fabric of your daily life, and then they disappear, leaving only ghost posts scattered across tumblr behind. or their blog stays dormant, for weeks, months, years, until you're only still following them because you remember that they love sunflowers or they were kind to you when they didn't have to be or the last thing they posted was sad and raw and you still worry about them sometimes.

and sometimes they come back when you least expect it, years later, even, and there's this sudden rush of relief like there you are, there you are, even though you barely knew each other.

there's a strange kind of love to it. i don't know you and i want to hold your hand across miles and time zones and oceans. i can still see the imprint of you in this community you left. you don't anyone will notice or care when you're gone, but we notice and we care and we wish you well.

i hope you're all okay out there. i hope the sun is shining on your face and you are breathing deeply. i miss you.


Bonus card #100 Rose Whip from the HxH Greed Island server: the prompt was to create a piece about something that is more dangerous than it appears. I chose the noggin luggin' tortoise from Swindler's Swamp!

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