
All Prides Matter... ^~^*

@all-prides-matter-blog / all-prides-matter-blog.tumblr.com

I'm a 17 year old MOGAI identifying person who wanna make a blog where MOGAI have flags that haven't been done before! Please look at my BYF/blacklist and my about!
Anonymous asked:

I'm pretty sure aslan-against-truscum is a sock puppet troll. Stay safe

Oh.. can you maybe dm me about this ? 


Pronouns 👏 don’t 👏 equal 👏 gender! 👏


If you call people “transtrenders” you are in fact, a giant transphobe. You don’t get to decide trans/not cis peoples identities, and you especially don’t get to tell them if they are faking or not

a reminder that trans people know their identities better than you ever will


What a gorgeous day to say transness isn’t and was never a mental illness. Transmeds can stay mad.

Anonymous asked:

tips for designing flags?

Hey! I’m sorry I got to this late! I had to do a lot of thinking about it. so, basically... a flag should be pretty easily recognizable. 

The colors generally shouldn’t clash (unless it’s for a gender centered around clashing/conflicting feelings). 

The colors also should have meanings that relate to the gender or identity. They shouldn’t just be random. (Like for a yandere related gender, I chose dark colors like red and black). 

You can also choose symbols or pictures to put on the flag, and they should also relate in some way to the identity. (Like scienciagender: I chose a test tube for one picture). 

Usually the flag shouldn’t be too intricate in case people want to replicate it in art or make their own versions. 

Also be sure to say whether it was your creation or someone else’s! 

You can play with photo editing apps and drawing apps to adjust saturation, contrast, lightness, etc and make different versions of flags. 

There’s also the idea for pronoun flags with the pronouns actually on them! 

Anonymous asked:

Hi! My name is Ash! Can I get some validation for a/am/air pronouns? I'm Scansiogender (gender I coined). Thank you!

Wow - whoever Ash is, a has a pretty cool sounding gender! I’d like to talk to am more, so I can learn about air gender. And if a wouldn’t mind me following am, that’d be a lot of fun too!  A must be a cool individual to have come up with these neat words. 

Anonymous asked:

is this a troll blog?

No I’m not a troll. I have decided that I’ll accept requests from trolls as like... a way to get back at them. they don’t want mogai to have more labels that help us, so I’m going to use their requests to make more. 

Anonymous asked:

Haha I didn’t actually care about your stupid pronouns I just wanted to mock them! Its like a drunk person tried to write out normal she/her on a typewriter!


do you literally have nothing better to do? shame on you. by attacking me you are attacking everyone wos ever struggled with their gender as mogai. f*ck you. 


This isn’t a real anon…. you made this up because you want to look like a victim

Excuse you but I swear that was not me and quite honestly its more likely you. This isn’t a real reblog you just send the anon yourself because you wanted to reblog it with some witty commentary. 

you’re an *sshole. 

If we’re gonna talk probability, let’s look at the insane amount of harassment campaigns that come out of MOGAI. This is the community that will tell people to commit suicide, then play the innocent victim, crying harassment and victimization when called out for it.

Yeah, there are some scumbags in the anti-MOGAI community, but there’s WAAAAY more crying wolf for me to believe that anon is real for even a second.

Really, it makes sense, since MOGAI essentially exists as a parasite to the LGBT community, making up “genders” based off personalities, and “sexualities” off dating preferences, all the while making genuine trans, nonbinary, gay, bi, etc. people look like a fucking joke.

You’re not a victim, you’re a perpetrator.

I’m not a perpetrator. Never will be. 

if we’re gonna talk sweeping generalizations, let’s look at the fact that you have absolutely no proof that anon was me. AND the fact that just because there are scumbags in the mogai community, that doesn’t mean I’m also one. 

Lemme reiterate.  Just because some people in a group are bad, doesn’t mean all the group is bad. Your logic is based on nothing but fallacies, genrealizations, and stereoytpes. It’s not sound and it doesn’t make sense.  If people take actual troll mogai blogs seriously, and they use those as an excuse to discredit and make fun of trans people, enbies, gays, lesbians, bi people, etc, that is THEIR problem. It’s not the fault of mogai like me who want to help instead of harm. 

Okay fine, people can believe that anon was me because I do not care anymore. I just don’t want to see another generalization like this. It’s ridiculous and you need to re evaluate the way you think. 


nonbinary people who can’t present the way they want because they’re closeted are braver than any us marine

Anonymous asked:

Kin isn't a gender, it's kin. Please stop mixing the two up.

sorry for the confusion, I never actually said kin is a gender. Kin and gender can heavily influence one another and be very closely tied; you can have the same gender as a kintype because you ARE the kintype. But over all, no, they aren’t the exact same thing. I don’t think that. 

Anonymous asked:

You know people are just going to troll that stupid discord into the dirt, don’t you?

Not anymore because I deleted the link from that post

Anonymous asked:

Mogai is transphobic and harmful and one day you will grow up and realise this. I've been where you are and it is not healthy mentally or physically. I really really fucked up my ribs and breathing bc i tried to bandage bind my chest due to mogai having me believe i was some fucked up variation of demiboy. The full list of terms i identified as was: a panromantic, lithsexual, demiplatonic, pixelboy. Now at 18, i realise im simply a bisexual cis girl. You will grow out of this phase. Believe me.

I’m sorry to hear you damaged your ribs .. but not all mogai do that. It’s like how not all kin believe they can p shift. It’s not a phase, at the risk of sounding cliché. 

Anonymous asked:

Lol a it's not a trans person's fault that they're not taken seriously r u daft? It's ppl like u and other mogai peeps. It's y'all fault we have those stupid attack helicopter gender jokes. Bc some of you probably do identify as an attack helicopter. I mean you identify as things like emojis and animals (which btw is kin, not gender, stop confusing the two)

Actually it’s the fault of reddit trolls that we have helicopter gender jokes


Hey I heard you guys like readable guides so I made some readable guides for some alignment/gender/presentation systems.

IN THIS ORDER: Galaxy Gender Alignment, which is meant to be replacements for the typical ‘___-aligned’ description. Made by @temp-nb-blog​

Celestial System, which is for nonbinary genders that have a soft “energy” to them – not a gender or gender alignment in and of itself. Made by @juparian

Xenic Alignment System, which is for xenic genders. Made by @uncommongenders​

Aesthetic Alignment, which is for gender expression. Made by @elfiot​

Exemgenders System, which is for xenogenders that have wild and animalistic traits, following the Pokemon types as a theme. Made by @coiningblog​

Gender Element System, which is for a gender’s essence, not necessarily its associated alignment. Made by @genderelementarchive

WARNING: When you see the word “Neutral,” THAT DOES NOT MEAN “IN BETWEEN” OR “ANDROGYNOUS.” In most contexts here it actually means “gendered, but not binary,” which is similar to “nonbinary” but since all of these genders are nonbinary to begin with, think of it as the unnamed, but still resonant, feeling of having gender that has no masculine or feminine feelings within it. In the case of the Aesthetic Alignment, “Andro” is short for Androgynous, or rather mixed (or in between) gender expression. 

The terms “masc” and “fem” are short for “masculine” and “feminine,” not really masculine or feminine genders, but masculine or feminine feelings

The Element System has a secondary colorblind-friendly chart, since I know the color choices I picked for the first chart may not be viewable for some people with visual disabilities (yellow-blue color blindness, for example). Hopefully, for those it applies to, the colorblind version’s easier to see. 

And for the love of god, please, open these in another tab/window. Do not view them inside tumblr’s image preview, I will die inside.

If you have any other gender alignment systems that you want made into a viewable, broken down graph, please let me know. I’ll do what I can. I need sources for ALL CONTRIBUTORS and ALL POSTS should there be multiple posts/contributors involved in the alignment system.

Terfs, swerfs, MAPs, anti-MOGAI and other gender gatekeepers keep your filthy hands off. 

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