
Millenial Newbie? Sure! Annoying? πŸ€”


40 and Fabulous β€’ Mom of Boys β€’ No Writing Just Member of OH Fandom Cheerleading Squad

Great - this one will totally date me lol

Yeah, I'm old. So? lol

I had to clarify first what we mean by pre-teen and yes, @crazy-loca-blog I agree with you, this is pretty age revealing! πŸ˜…

The Ace of Base's "Happy Nation" album was my very first purchase! I remember I went with my mother to the music store to get the CASSETTE!

Last but not least one of my all time favourites! 🀩


This is my forte... sad songs. IDK maybe it's the depression lol

This one makes me cry every single time. Every time. But in a melancholy way I still don't fully get. It's perfect.

This hits HARD. Hard, hard, hard.

I was four blocks away from where his son fell out of the window the day it happened. This song would haunt me no matter what, but...

This is an oldie - but OMG - the ANGST. Unrequited love that never ends - until.... PAAAAIIIIINNNNN

This one is way personal - :(

This one has been making me cry my whole life. lol I have stories. Runners up? Someone Like You - Adele Fix You - Coldplay One Sweet Day - Boys2Men & Mariah Carey Ronan, Taylor Swift Say Something, A Great Big World Break My Heart Again, Finneas Tolerate It, Taylor Swift And a WHOLE lot more lol

Where do I even start? πŸ₯Ή

The first two have made me actually cry a good couple of times. 😭

Then I have these...

And this one... 😫

  • Feel free to discuss whatever you want, not limited to these questions... but keep in mind that some people have not read the whole book yet, so put any future spoilers below a read more/page break.
  • Be respectful of all! Different opinions aren't only allowed, they're encouraged! But be polite to others.
  • Remember, if you post any screenshots, etc., be sure to tag @wakethedead-group-re-read so I can reblog here.
  • You can discuss all week - it's not limited to just today! Any questions, just shoot me an ask!

If you want to be removed from the tag list, or tagged in future posts, please let me know!

You can find all chapter discussion posts here.

Discussion questions:

1.. So... how is your MC going to cope with the big news that their sister is now a zombie queen? Do you think PB did their reaction justice? Why, or why not? 2.. Did you take the diamond scene with the storytelling? If so, your thoughts. 3.. If this is your first playthrough, did you see the end coming? If it is your second playthrough, what were your thoughts (Dirk) when you played the first time.
1. So... how is your MC going to cope with the big news that their sister is now a zombie queen? Do you think PB did their reaction justice? Why, or why not?

Well, my MC is devastated...

... and blames herself!

Now about crushing some cars to vent? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ That reaction was the worst thing possible PB could think of!

2. Did you take the diamond scene with the storytelling? If so, your thoughts.

I didn't take the story telling scene. Actually, it was a kind of "fast forward" chapter for me. The solstice is near, lets get to the good stuff!

3. If this is your first playthrough, did you see the end coming? If it is your second playthrough, what were your thoughts (Dirk) when you played the first time.

By saying "good stuff" previously, I didn't mean THIS! 😬

The πŸ’Ž scene is touching, provides some much needed comfort for the MC and thought that they would finally find some common ground! Dirk and MC never really see eye to eye. Surely he acted like a prick throughout the whole book but wasn't expecting to doublecross like that! My MC's reactions to his outbursts were always calm and collected, though I don't think makes any difference in the outcome!


My dear @jerzwriter should I mention that the REAL Easter is the Greek Orthodox Easter?

Kidding of course! πŸ˜‚


Pros: we get the chocolate eggs on discount πŸ₯³

Cons: might have gone bad till the 5th of May 😡

🐰 Happy Easter to everyone celebrating today! 🐣


Oh I am going to have a ridiculous amount here....

Fucking classic. I love it so much I added it to Delaying the Inevitable lol

OH - by the way, I'm glad we didn't have social media when this was out...

REALLY glad there were no smart phones and social media for those last two. Like REALLY lol

OK I'm going to have to do more later lol (Sorry, former club kid here. lol)

@jerzwriter @dr-colossal-pita you're giving a hard time here! I'm listening to your suggestions and I'm literally dancing in place!

Something like that but way more awkward! 😜

My entries...

Ok, so up to here are my "dancing while washing the dishes" entries. Now, to the serious stuff!

Don't judge! You've asked and now you've unleashed the beast! πŸ˜‚


30-Day Song Challenge: Day 4

I'm gonna have to reblog this one, because I'm gonna have many answers lol

@crazy-loca-blog @annoyingmillenialnewbie @dr-colossal-pita OMG Who else has been doing this? I'm sick and my brain is shot lol


Thank heavens, Elsa got the flu and I'm able to catch up! Love you E! πŸ§‘πŸ˜…πŸ§‘

Reminds me of my high school girl squad, our last summer right after we graduated before we took our separate ways to uni... and a tremendous amount of tequila shots! 😡


I'll always be grateful πŸ™ to Elsa for introducing me to Dean Lewis' music. This song will always remind me of @jerzwriter and of her AMAZING writing of Ethan in the DTI series! Till today whenever I listen to this song I just want to find this man and give him a hug! πŸ€—

Or maybe it just reminds of myself... πŸ˜”


30-Day Music Challenge

Thanks for the reminder @dr-colossal-pita or my very sore self would have forgotten! lol

OK I have a HUGE list, as I've had quite a few summers, but I'm limiting it to the first three that popped in my mind here:

HEY! I'm from Jersey - if I don't have a Bruce song on my summer playlist - they throw me out of the state, and with the exception of NYC, none of the others appeal to me... so there! lol

Tagging those who have been playing @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @coffeeheartaddict2 and tagging @icecoffee90 because you should be playing lol! :)

Today's challenge was so hard!

Since I saw the post I've been going through my playlists.

"No, no, NO! Maybe this one? Meh, no!"

I gave up and hours afterwards out of nowhere it me!

Late in the afternoon at the beach bar, still in my swimsuit, hair in a messy bun and a cold beer in hand, preferably Corona with a slice of lemon! πŸ–οΈ

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