
The Fannish Pursuits of Vinniebatman

@vinniebatman / vinniebatman.tumblr.com

Shipper of Nicky x Joe, Sterek, McKirk, and (if you go oldschool) Spander. I love most things odd, enjoy Marvel, and may also be slightly obsessed with Karl Urban. If you'd like to read my fanfic, it lives on Archive of our Own under vinniebatman. This is the fangirl blog of Some Call Me Malice.

insane the way these stories always ask is it worse to be betrayed by god or by your father. is it worse to be hurt by the devil or by your father. is it worse to be abandoned by the angels or by your father. but it doesn’t actually matter how you answer, because there is no god or devil or angels, it’s only your father in disguise, and even if they were real, they wouldn’t save you anyways


I keep seeing fic with words censored in the body of the fic like so: c*nt, f*gg*t, q-slur (seriously, come on), r*pe, *nc*st. I even saw a fic where someone was described as “sitting next to his unalived body” which was so absurd it made me laugh.

I’ve seen this trend in tags as well, which would be ACTIVELY FUCKING DANGEROUS if AO3 tag wranglers weren’t literal, actual angels who make sure that “rape” and “r*pe” (and all such transpositions) are treated like the same tag.

AO3 isn’t TikTok. Tag accurately and completely for your fic themes so people can search AND filter. Use the correct words in your fic content so people who use blacklist extensions can actually benefit from the tools that protect them.

If you don’t feel comfortable using a word without censoring it, then don’t use that word at all. Maybe consider why you’re even writing something that contains that theme.


An actual real life rape and incest survivor who has actual fucking PTSD and really doesn’t want to have to stop reading fic for my ship because people think a god damn asterisk is going to somehow save people like me from being triggered.

I feel like maybe people newer to fandom don’t realize that putting asterisks in words like that is not to avoid triggering someone. Alternate words and alternate spellings are for tricking the algorithm from censoring/blocking your content from distribution (like on tiktok, not showing your video to anyone if you use the word “dead”, so you use the word “unalive”).

Tumblr and AO3 both don’t have that issue - your posts will still be seen if you use the full version of those words. And, as OP stated above, people rely on you using those words so that their blacklisted words/phrases work and they can actually avoid the things that trigger them.

The internet is vast and ever-changing and rules vary from site to site - this is good information for newer AO3/tumblr users!


Please, pass it on.


whew, it's still the 1st

Thanks for sticking with me through a year of Trek, friends! ❤️❤️❤️


starfleet captain christopher pike—like Beyoncé Knowles—has baby pictures of every single person on the bridge, pictures they didn’t even know existed and he puts them on the ship’s message board on their birthdays

no one knows how he does it! pike is extremely proud of his resourcefulness! everyone is confused and Spock is like (eyebrow raise) “it seems that captain Pike exhausts the social network of each crew member until he finds early photos of them. Time consuming efforts, but it nevertheless symbolizes his dedication to his crew”

and on spocks birthday pike has a picture of spock as a baby with enormous ears and a stripey rainbow onesie from earth and Spock is like “where in surak did you get this motherfucker”


Star Trek is amazing bc it's literally 8-9 grown adults with theater backgrounds standing in a room and pretending they're seeing aliens and flying in space and sometimes the aliens aren't nice and then they all shake and dance and pretend the shields have been hit and they're about to die.

I love it.

So camp.


Here, have some (mildly cursed) bumper stickers for all your Dracula needs.


first officer’s log, the captain accidentally grabbed my hand and I was totally normal about it


(ID - an edited screen cap of Star Trek: deep space nine. Benjamin sisko, a black human man is shown from the shoulders up with a neutral expression. A text post by tumblr user greelin is edited next to him, reading “being alive is great because there are so many different vegetables you can sautè. But then there are also the horrors.” End ID)

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