
Where I Overanalyze


And put too much effort into other things

Alice Gehabich and Pit are the same to me in the sense that they’re happy sunshine friends… and yet they have a darker side that isn’t necessarily evil, but he loves fighting and that can be a bit of a problem at times. But in the end this dark self is just their inner repressed feelings that they feel shame over. The protagonists have a lot of self reflection to do because of how the edgy doppelgänger illuminates to them a frustrated side they never realized, a part of them that wants to rebel against the happy-go-lucky perception that others underestimate them with. Making peace with their other half results in a badass team up against the true overarching villain whose machinations inadvertently led to the dark version’s creation.


Does anyone else think the writing for Cyrus in Rebooted was a bit… weird? Like the sets and promotional materials hype him up as a major antagonist, he’s called “Overborg” and he’s the inventor of all this tech. It’s clear that Cyrus is the new vessel for the Overlord the way Garmadon was.

We get the first episode of Rebooted, we get the backstory for Cyrus and then him being forcibly converted into a cyborg by the Overlord as punishment. You’re thinking this is it, the next time we see him the Overlord will possess him by hacking into his cybernetics.

But then the next time we see Cyrus as a cyborg, he’s just fully unconscious and limply hanging as the Overlord talks through his mobility aid instead. And then the power gets cut off and Cyrus is now a good guy again, despite having no screen time being conscious as the Overborg??? Why did the Overlord do that to him, and continue to act though Cyrus’ chair, if he wasn’t going to possess him?

And then Cyrus gets kidnapped and he actually DOES get brainwashed, except the Overlord isn’t possessing him, he’s physical and inside of Pythor. But Cyrus is evil again(?) because he’s upright and he’s smiling evilly with red eyes. Like in the sets.

But then he doesn’t speak or really do anything and then next thing you know the Overlord just abandons Cyrus and he’s free and himself again??? It just feels so weird like there was so clearly the setup for Overborg as an antagonist but then he barely appears and the first portion of that screen time is being unconscious the entire time, so when he’s rescued you’re like that’s it??? Cyrus didn’t even get to be a villain at all.

And then when he IS conscious as a villain he’s no longer connected to the Overlord and doesn’t really do or even say anything. And then he’s just okay again??? What happened in the writers room it felt like the Hagemans didn’t want to write Overborg but then realized they made a mistake and went back to redo the idea only to not actually do it and then resolve it off screen.


Man it always fucked me up as a kid that the Overlord turned Cyrus Borg into a cyborg while he was fully conscious without using any anesthetic. And it’s not as if he just slapped some technology on Cyrus that he could just take off, the way it was for Wu; Look at his hands before and after the transformation!

He used to have both hands!!! But then as “Overborg” one of them got replaced with machinery!!!

Like there’s just something disturbing to me about having your body permanently changed and violated like that! Dude got possessed by the Overlord, his hand must’ve been severed while he was conscious and he felt the whole thing as it got replaced with a cybernetic. And that’s Cyrus’ hand at least, we don’t know what else he might’ve lost that’s obscured by his clothing! He must’ve passed out from the pain during the surgery, because the next time we see Cyrus he’s unconscious.


i cant get over the king charles portrait. they made that thing to age in his place. that painting hangs in the house of a too-friendly family you find in the post apocalyptic wasteland who inexplicably has a ready supply of fresh meat. if mario jumped into that painting he wouldn't find a charming platformer he would be flayed and hanged like a medieval criminal by an unseeable force in a droning red void. that painting is a color blindness test for people who work in IT but believe in the divine right of kings. that painting is going to weep the sequel to blood. after he dies charles is gonna crawl outta that thing like sadako.

this painting is what ultrakill speedrunners see when they close their eyes. if you showed this to the romans who flogged jesus theyd think this painting is excessive. this painting is the blood cavern from space funeral. it's the color out of space.


jegus tapdancing christ it is actually that bad

So the artist is Jonathan Yeo. His statement:

"The vivid colour of the glazes in the background echo the uniform’s bright red tunic, not only resonating with the royal heritage found in many historical portraits but also injecting a dynamic, contemporary jolt into the genre with its uniformly powerful hue / providing a modern contrast to more traditional depictions. The butterfly approaching King Charles's shoulder in the portrait adds a layer of narrative depth, symbolising both his known advocacy for environmental causes and his personal transformation. "

Listen. Buddy. I hate to be mean to an artist but when i first saw this I physically recoiled. If this had been done in another style and the background still matched the color of the coat I don't think I would have liked it but... this looks like it was composed of raw meat. Dude. WHY.

(I went and looked up the artist's work, and his style does overall involve a lot of this sort of heavily textured use of color. But none of the others hit me this way. He has one of Idris Elba that's a bust portrait and he isn't wearing any clothes, and the background is the same color as his skin, but like... there's more contrast in the portrait shading so it doesn't feel like Idris Elba disappears into it, and it's just not as upsetting a shade.)

LOOK at this thing. It's even more vivid in person, and it's HUGE.

Actually I'll say that the contrast between Charles's head and the rest seems like it's better in person. But it's still overwhelming and kind of upsetting.

Thank you for the explanation, and the artist's name! I couldn't tell if the bloody overtones were deliberate or not, so I looked up some more of Jonathan Yeo's art for context - and I'm glad I did. He's worked in a lot of mediums, but let's focus on the portraits, because they're fucking great...

I love these. Zoom in; each one is technically masterful but also very empathetic, delicately filling in exactly the minimum details necessary to convey the sitter's character and humanity.

So let's compare the portraits of Idris Elba, Helena Bhonam Carter, and Dennis Hopper:

To the portrait of Sgt Geoffrey Pattinson:

Okay so the blood-red staining every inch of a warmonger's portrait is 100% intentional and means exactly what we all think it means, Yeo just can't say that out loud.


The thing about the Neon Ninja is they Are competent and capable, they truly are, but for some reason the show deems it necessary to vilify them for Daring to be better at things than the ninja??? What's up with that writers. Why is that necessary. At all.

It appears to be half of a character arc? Like, they're framed as villains because that's how the OG ninja see them, as young brash people trying to replace them, so inherently a threat. Presumably, in the second half of the season we should have had a moment where the new ninja save them, and they work together, and the framing shifts, and the OG ninja see that the new ninja are filling a need, and were inspired by them, and are actually very good at their job- the one where they try and help people. Even if they're a little arrogant, they were too at that stage. You know. Humility character arc. It's a thing. This seems like set up for that thing but... you know...

it's crystalized, so half of everything is dropped.


No really!!! And what gets me is that the OG ninja literally retired so like. Who else was gonna do it? Who else was going to pick up the slack and protect the innocents? Plus it was pretty nice to see people actually be inspired by the ninja's feats to take initiative into their own hands, instead of just depending on the ninja to save everything for them; The ninja are just six people (five, at the time) and they have a few allies but still. It was nice to see the common folk reciprocate their selflessness. I was pretty baffled by the vitriol towards the new ninja, it's petty to be offered help only to automatically interpret that as an insult.


Remember that scene where Beatrix is filming a PSA showing how nice she is to kids, only for it to cut to the reveal that they're just green-screened adults, and she openly complains about the idea of working with actual kids before demanding to Dorama that this clip won't be leaked? And he reassures her, it won't be?

Missed opportunity to have it be shown after all during Sora's broadcast at the end of the season.


Maybe the Forbidden Five are just a dark reflection of the ninja; A bunch of dumbass friends who got together and bested insurmountable odds. They’re elemental masters of a specialized spinning technique, and death isn’t enough to hold them back so they had to be magically banished; How many times has a ninja ‘died’ just to come back?

Despite all this, they’re still susceptible to taking L’s, hence Nokt allowing Ras to do that to him, just as the ninja inevitably struggle against the newest enemy of the season despite all their experience by this point. But also inevitably, they still win in the end. And that’s why their reputation is so legendary. Egalt and Rontu fear them just as Beatrix fears the ninja, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Egalt’s failed experience with an apprentice had to do with one of the Forbidden Five using his teachings for evil, which makes the ninja a parallel to break the cycle.

Of course, there’s five of them; But there’s six ninja. Who’s left out, which ninja doesn’t have a parallel? My best guess is Jay based on how Dragons Rising has been going; He’s been left out of the show lately, some advertisement displays the other five ninja together but not him. He’ll even be on Nokt’s side for a bit during the Tournament of the Sources, so he’s the outlier going back and forth between the ninja and Forbidden Five.

Or maybe the outlier is Kai, since he’s trapped with the five; However, he exchanged with Nokt, who in flashbacks wields a katana just like he does. Having Kai interact with the other Forbidden Four (or three, depending on what happened to Jordana) could shed some insight into the similar dynamics between both groups; Jay’s alliance with Nokt could also show how both groups interchangeably fit like gloves with one another.


Shoutout to @lesbioniclepod for reminding me about Whenua's kraata collection

It's really hard to imagine the other Turaga both knowing about and being okay with Whenua maintaining a collection of live Kraata that size. And yet, apparently the others contributed to the collection by catching Kraata in secret over the years and then presumably giving them to Whenua to be put in storage.

And I'd find it hard to buy that the Turaga would think that literally all the Kraata had to be stored in stasis and that killing them was not an acceptable option. Especially since none of them expressed objections to killing Visorak back in the day.

So, my guess is that the other Turaga let Whenua keep a collection of them in stasis so that they could be studied and better understood....

...but his siblings may not have been aware of the exact size of Whenua's collection.

I can imagine him telling the others that they ought to have at least one of each kind of kraata preserved in stasis. This seems fairly reasonable to the others. By kinds, he means kinds of power, right? How many types are there? Eight? Ten? Not more than a dozen, surely.

When he insists that nobody kill any kraata until he's had a chance to look at them and make sure he hasn't already got one of them, they begrudgingly accept that. Alright, they think. But this one's insect control, didn't you already have one of those that Matau caught for you a few years back? At which point Whenua admits that when he says "One of each kind", he's referring not just to breed, but also developmental stage. Alright, they think, he's the expert.

None of the others particularly want a lecture on all the gory details of how Kraata develop, which is of course what they'll get if they try to argue with Whenua. An evil slug wouldn't have that many stages in its life cycle anyway, would it? Two or three maximum, surely.

So the others are thinking Whenua has maybe two or three dozen Kraata stashed away somewhere safe. It wouldn't be good if they were released, but they could handle it if they had to.

Whenua, meanwhile is starting to think he should start a backup collection in case something happens to these specimens. He hasn't lied to his siblings... he said at the beginning that they should have at least one of each kind, and they agreed! So a few backups would be allowed. Maybe three or four of each should be sufficient. Or... five? Hmmm.... he doesn't really trust the number five. Six. Everyone likes the number six!


That's how we ended up here...


Luz doesn’t have to choose between magic tracks or worlds, she can have them all. Likewise Vee doesn’t really have to choose one appearance if you think about it, she can have them all if she wants. Does this make sense.


You've gotta wonder what kind of person Manny Noceda was; He's one of two people who informed so much of Luz's character, her grief and posthumous relationship with her father is reflective of the creator's own experiences, it's foundational to the story itself in how Luz chooses to honor her parent and keep his memory alive as she learns to keep living for herself, too.

I already wrote a fic briefly exploring on that, but let's talk about it more: Obviously it's not always so clear-cut between parents and children in real life, but I guess you could see Luz as the culmination of Camila and Manny. So one could use this as a means to work backwards with Manny, to see what parts of Luz she didn't get from Camila, but from her father.

I imagine Manny as someone very confident, brash; He doesn't back down from a challenge. But I also think a part of him doesn't want to be seen as weak, less capable, conceding to others. Manny isn't going to let other people bully him around and he doesn't want Luz or Camila to be hurt that way either. If Camila passed down her fear to Luz, Manny passed down his thoughtlessness; So he might have that same headstrong tendency to sweep others along in his need to prove himself, and in his well-meaning need to help them prove themselves.

Did it ever frustrate Camila, who would sometimes be more worried about just surviving by fitting in? Maybe they both balanced each other out, just as Luz balances out these different, seemingly paradoxical parts of herself. Did he not want to appear weak like Luz, particularly with the context of his illness? Did Manny try and hide that, prioritize his loved ones, just as Luz later did, maybe even internalized from him?

I can't imagine how scared he was, slowly dying; Particularly when it comes to his wife and daughter. He's going to leave them behind. He wants them to be safe so badly. He wants to see Luz grow up and become the person she wants to be. He wants his family to know that it's okay to be themselves, that they're everything. But Manny isn't sure if he's getting it across in the right words, if he's saying it properly. He needs to make the most of his time.

I can see Manny as someone loud, energetic. Eccentric. Luz gets her odder mannerisms from him, he's brimming with this earnest, delightful energy that's so hard not to like. Did he immigrate to the U.S., or was he the child of immigrants? Grandchild, even? Did he and Camila resonate together over their ancestry as another reason for feeling alienated from the majority, where they were? How did they feel about their own families, did they also worry about having to choose between two worlds? Did Manny desperately fight tooth and nail to survive, because us weirdoes have to stick together?

Did Manny have anyone else to tell him to stick up for himself, or did he have to figure it out himself? Was Camila one of those people who helped, and vice-versa, did they both reassure one another? And when Manny was gone, Camila just didn't have the heart and confidence to keep saying that to herself. Was Manny still scared for his wife and daughter when he died, or did he dare hope in his final moments, just as he always dared to live as himself in life? I wish Manny could’ve gotten to see how his loved ones would thrive, and all of the people they’d meet and befriend.


My gender is the ending to various horror media in which the exhausted protagonists rest in a helicopter that’s flying them tf outta there as they watch the sunrise and realize the nightmare is finally over and they can relax..… for now. The nightmares will still linger, but at least for this moment it’s gone.

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