
by any other name


come sit beside me in the dying light she/her | 28 | rose writes

*gathers all of the people in the world who write the number 7 with a little dash in the center of it so I can study them like little critters and find out what makes them do that*


I saw it in a cartoon when I was little, and liked it. Have done it ever since.

I am married to an engineer and worked in computers for many years. Everyone around me did a slash through a 0 to differentiate between number and letter and used international standard 7 and Z so I just switched. I had a coworker three years ago scold me about using international standard as “confusing” to which I said that I was not changing at this point and that if they didn’t get it when they were a financial advisor then maybe they should consider a profession not using numbers.

Man shut up and let me do my job.

International numbers and the Oxford comma. You will take the both out of my cold dead fucking hands.


"I've lived my whole wretched life at your mercy, yours alone, and God knows I deserve to die at your hand. You are my only friend. I am undone without you."


i finished Gideon the Ninth yesterday, and oh boy. that ending 😭 please no spoilers for the rest of the series, i am going in blind and i'm very excited


I know this isn't ninjago guys but I finished this 17 hour painting for my art class and I was proud of it so...enjoy.

I love Egypt fun fact about me. :)






Saw your post from the author who was happy people were using Libby. I'm torn as I understand the author is happy to get the license renewed, but libraries only get 26 loans on a digital license vs 60-80 loans on a physical copy. I love the convenience of digital books, but if taking out the physical copy is better for the library I'm willing to make the trip. Just looking for thoughts from others about it.


It depends on the license agreement the library has and its different for every one. Some renew annually, others renew by X amount of rentals. The library does what is best for them, and the more people use their services the more they can usually argue for more funding.

This is not universal, of course, but most of the librarians I know are ecstatic when people use their services.


Library worker here! PLEASE take advantage of Libby. We have these digital services because people use them. They're critical accessibility aids for many people and mean the library is an option for people who otherwise can't get to a physical location regularly.

Use Libby, visit your library if possible, vote in local elections and attend town council meetings - all of these make material differences to libraries by providing them with increased funding. Never feel guilty for accessing our online services. You're helping your library and so, so, so many people in you community when you use our resources, no matter if they're physical or digital


Quoting myself from another post:

Please, PLEASE use Libby. OverDrive. Hoopla. CloudLibrary. Kanopy. Flipster. Freegal. Transparent Language. Mango. Jstor. Your library would not offer it if they could not afford it, and we afford things by reporting the number of people who use that service, so if you don't use the service we can't afford it. It's a cycle. Keep it going, keep using it, and we'll keep providing because we'll be able to justify the cost to the bean counters in government.

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