
I ship Bellamy's Hand


HEY I'M iwillfindadragonsomewhere, Eragon blog, https://iwillfindadragonsomewhere.tumblr.com IF I FOLLOWED YOU, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE OF THAT BLOGšŸ˜Š or because of my destiel trash bag @yeahsurecassdoesntliveinyourass Fangirl with a terrific fear for last times. Things you should know about me. I love conversation too much, maybe it is just my little hyperactivity forcing me to move or use my voice. That's why I sing all the time, and the reason my neighbours most probably hate me by now. So if you wanna talk about books, skating or the way your hair looks today, I'm here for it. Reading is mostly the thing that calms me down, and my ships what helps me sleep at night. Inheritance Cycle/ Kingkiller Chronicles/ The lord of the rings/ Percy Jackson/ Throne of glass/ The 100/ Grey's anatomy/ How I met your mother/ Fuse/ The host/Doctor Who (im SO into Jodie)/Lucifer/ Supernatural (Destiel is my life fuel, but i respect every other ship)/The next step I could go on and on and on. You mess with any of them and I'll... well I"ll probably do nothing because I have this upsetting need to avoid confrontation. But my spirit will haunt you until the Earth explodes. Enjoy your lives, freaks like me. Atra esternĆ­ ono thelduin

Unfriendly, in your face reminder that there are straight trans people and they do not have to tell you theyā€™re trans in order to be included in the community. See a ā€œhet coupleā€ at pride?? Shut the fuck up about it. They could be bi, pan, trans, etc etc.

Asking someone to disclose if theyā€™re trans is rude as fuck. Donā€™t do it. You are NOT entitled to know someoneā€™s sexual orientation or assigned at birth gender.

Ways to tell if somebody doesnā€™t belong at Pride:

1) theyā€™re harassing the other people there

2) theyā€™re in acute medical distress, in which case they belong at a hospital instead, and can come back to Pride when they feel better

ā€¦thatā€™s about all I can think of, really.

3) they are a lion with a confused expression, in which case they may be in the wrong type of pride and need a lift home. Or maybe not! Maybe it is just their first time at pride and theyā€™ll be fine.

Bless this post


When you think about Peter Capaldi, who has loved Doctor Who for as long as he can remember, but doesnā€™t want to overstay his welcome or get burnt out by the insane schedule that comes with making itā€¦

And when you think about Steven Moffat, who turned down a multi-film deal with Steven Spielberg to be Doctor Whoā€™s show runner, and could easily stay head writer forever except for the fact that thereā€™s other things he wants to write and other people he wants to let live their dream job like he didā€¦

When you think about that all thatā€¦Ā ā€œDoctor, I let you goā€ really are some poignant last words.


The great thing about fandom/internet friends vs. friends you meet out IRL, is that when you get to know people for the first time face-to-face, thereā€™s this awkward process of trying to figure out juuuust how much of a dork they are, and how much you can nerd out before you scare them off. Like, you donā€™t wanna break out the real freaky shit right off. Thereā€™s always the impulse to hang back a little, as you try to gauge just how into a thing they are. But with fandom friends? You fucking met them in the garbage heap. You knew their fucked up narrative kinks before you even know their real name. They are screaming their passions into the void. Your friendship comes pre-loaded with already knowing the exact depths of each otherā€™s depravity, and any ordinary-people-shit you have in common is just a bonus.Ā 


Reblog if you don't care if someone is transgender, straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual.

Ā  My followers better all reblog this.

There should be more notes


As long as youā€™re willing to love, youā€™re alright in my book <3

Ā i fucking love this.

This is amazing <3

No H8

If you donā€™t rebolg this:



omg Castiel.



reasons my generation is so depressed:

  • sleep deprivation due to early school start times
  • the economy
  • oppression
  • high tensions between different political/social/racial/etc groups
  • technology/social media means constant updates on bad news
  • politics, made worse by the aforementioned constant updates
  • the state of the environment
  • education as it is right now not preparing us sufficiently for the outside world
  • pressure to grow up very quickly
  • parenting/teaching/etc trends in the previous generation(s)
  • competitiveness in schools, social media and other aspects of life
  • the world in general that the last few generations have constructed for us

NOT reasons my generation is so depressed:

  • weā€™re weak and lazy and we canā€™t get off our phones uwu

ā€œYou can criticize something you love!ā€

Yeah, and you can also get tired of criticizing something you love. You can get completely fed up with it and decide,Ā ā€œYou know what? Flaws aside, I love this thing, and I donā€™t have to waste hours of my life admitting its flaws to strangers on the Internet in order to somehow justify my love of it.ā€ You can get sick of watching others gleefully tear it apart, for no reason other than that itā€™s popular and they hate that you love it. You can get sick of watching others tearing it apart with good intentions, too.

In the end, itā€™s just a cartoon, or a book, or a movie. Itā€™s not that serious, and you can enjoy it without hyper-focusing on its flaws. You donā€™t need to justify your love of something to someone else, least of all a person you donā€™t even know.


Tell me one thing

Tell me one thing about yourself and tag 3 people.

I canā€™t really whistle @paula229 @solardanstem @blossom-howell

oh god

i still have my first bear from when i was born. heā€™s a mess

Iā€™m allergic to touching cold things


true fact: when i was a young child, i used to ask my mom to draw cat whiskers on my face with eyeliner. the cat whiskers truly do come from within! @phanwithdogs @dreamdilddy @accio-phan

i cant whistle,, like,,, at all

I have multiple double joints in my hands/toes

Iā€™m slightly allergic to cats

Iā€™m Homeschooled (God thatā€™s a boring fact soz)

Iā€™m homeschooled as well! :)

Iā€™m highly allergic to pineapple

I get way too attached to people, and I hate it

I canā€™t swim. Never learned how, too embarrassed to admit it now. @cup-of-blue @randomslasher @thelogicalloganipus

I get overwhelmed by emotion so easily, sometimes I donā€™t talk to my friends because I donā€™t want them to make me happy.

I have a scar on my right shoulder and I have no idea how it got there

when I was little I shut a live bat in a hymm book and threw it out the church window @the-asexual-reaper @tacklesackles @hatter1010

Ā I love old school RPGs

@raincloudverge@twentyoneparades-to-panic-at @nuttela-chan

I have a stuffed turtle named Mr. Flippers.

I have never watched a horror movie all the way through

I whistle on my Sā€™s

It took me forever to figure out how to pronounce words in English (joke is my first language is English)

I am extremely indecisive and will most likely just nod and agree when asked something (help who do I tag)


When I feel down I listen to ā€Eye of the Tigerā€

i wasnt feeling this one date on tinder, so i cancelled our date and went to the restaurant we were going to meet up at and ate cheesesticks


I have a giant stuffed lizard that I won at the fair when I was fifteen and slept with continually for years until his stitches popped in like six places. I plan on fixing him, just havenā€™t yet. His name is Paddington.


I used to draw weird snaky dragons with butterfly wings almost constantly. (Sadly, I am not much of an artist so they were not particularly good weird snaky dragons with butterfly wings.)


When I was a little kid, I was super into building castle-and-garden complexes out of colorful wooden blocks. Then Iā€™d take a photo of the castle so I could have a record of my achievement while still gleefully knocking it down to start over. :)

After I had my gallbladder removed, my surgeon gave me the gallstones and I still have them because I felt really weird about throwing them away.

When I was seven I had a bronchopneumonia that landed me in the hospital for several weeks on oxygen and fluids. When I got to the hospital my lips had started to turn blue from lack of oxygen and the doctor told my parents I could have died from the fluids that had started to build up in my lungs. I missed almost two months of school just from how weak it made my immune system and honestly Iā€™ve struggled with various health issues since then that Iā€™m entirely convinced has something to do with that experience.


I once saved up all my fanfic tabs and pulled a sick day from work so I could stay at home, eat pizza and read them all (and I have no regrets!).

I have an acute phobia of John Barrowman. Itā€™s a bit shit.

My cat snuggled up to me in bed last winter and was so cute I rang in sick so I wouldnā€™t have to leave her. No regrets

@inkededucatednnerdy @mllekaren @devilsbastion

iā€™m one of those weird mutants that canā€™t eat cilantro because it straight up tastes like soap to me. (seriously, if thereā€™s even a tiny amount in something, i know right away) and i find it funny when i tell people this they try to make me eat it more! then iā€™m like ā€œdo you hate me, martha? do you really want me to be unhappy? because some people CANā€™T taste it like YOU can and it makes me sad that you are actively trying to shove it down my throat like thatā€™s going to cure or change my taste buds!ā€

i once had to parallel park on a one-way street on what is typically ā€œwrongā€ side for me (as an aside, parallel parking is not my strength). it took me many tries (think ā€œaustin powersā€) and the patrons in the patio area of a gastropub (in front of my spot) cheered me on. when i finally was kinda close enough to the curb (one tire on the white cement), i got out and raised my arms in a v victory sign and ran by them and high fived them all. ok, i am a doofus!!!!

When I was really young, I had this weird habit of eating raw riceā€¦.lol I would sneak a handful and happily crunch away in my room. My parents scared me by telling me my stomach would burst if I kept doing it! I loved jasmine rice the mostā€¦.

I have never seen a snake in real life, but I have a massive phobia of them. One of my more vivid nightmares is being tossed to a pit of snakes.

I was in an episode ofĀ ā€œUnwrappedā€ on the Food Network when they filmed where I worked!

I hate most desserts my least favorite being cake

Iā€™m sort of adopted. Sort of as in my grandma adopted me but I still lived with my parents so technically my mom is my sister and I have 15 siblings all together. Technically.

Starting at age 7 up until the age of 14 I wanted to be exactly like John Lennon. I wanted his haircut, I had guitar lessons, and I memorized all of his songs. I spoke in an English accent half of the time at school and home. Yup.

I still sleep on my childhood bed because Iā€™m still small enough to fit on it.

I used to have knee-length hair before I just went and cut it all off for no apparent reason


It recently occurred to me that a pilotā€™s license is an actual thing normal people can earn, so Iā€™m considering getting one at some point in the future @heckle-the-supervillain @firefeatherx @wolves-rider

(Replying through main blog)

Sometimes when I'm studying at the library surrounded by my class mates and with my headphones and music on I start to cry because of the song and have to get out to listen to it by myself


I stayed home sick today and read instead of trying to find out why my brain was anxious. I spent 2 HOURS IN THE BATH TUB READING while my heart raced. I saw my ex husband, whom I havenā€™t seen in literal years, behind me in the Taco Bell drive thru picking his nose while I picked up dinner. And while my day wasnā€™t perfect, I got to spend it reading.

Iā€™m at page 421. I flew passed the halfway point. My day has centered almost entirely around this book. Hell, my last three days have centered entirely around this book! Iā€™ve recommended it left and right and Iā€™m not even close to being done. I just love it so much!

It's what Pat does to you šŸ’˜

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