

@whiskeyandwildflowerss / whiskeyandwildflowerss.tumblr.com

All you'll ever need is 20 seconds of insane courage
“My depression tells me that nobody cares. It tells me that nobody understands my struggles. My depression tells me that it’s pointless to reach out. It tells me that I’m alone. My depression tells me that all my best friends have moved across the country and I’m in this city alone. It does not want me to remember that I have friends who’ve become family in this city. My depression does not want me to remember that I have people who deeply love me no matter where they are.”

— Sam Bedford, “I’m Getting Bad Again” (via twloha)


Flowers & Meanings

Orchid: fertility, virility, sexuality, exotic beauty

Iris: eloquence, royalty, faith, wisdom, hope, valor

Jasmine: beauty, sensuality, love, purity

Sunflower: adoration, platonic love, admiration, loyalty

Red Rose: passionate, requited love, desire

Peony: bashfulness, wealth, compassion, beauty, happy marriage

Lavender: purity, silence, devotion, grace, calmness

Lilac: affection, youthful innocence, confidence, humility

Anthurium: hospitality, happiness, abundance

Daisy: innocence, purity, true love, new beginnings

Anemone: fading hope, forgotten love, faires, anticipation

Gardenia: purity, hope, trust, secret love, dreams, clarity

Hyacinth: sincerity, sporty attitude, playfulness, rashness, jealousy

Daffodil: creativity, inspiration, renewal, awareness, unrequited love

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