
Well, if it isn’t Ethel Barrymore.

@amoresophisticatedkrackel / amoresophisticatedkrackel.tumblr.com

Bi. She/her. No consistent fandom anymore. Enjoy.

“You’ve never told him, have you?”



“I don’t know.”

“You gotta learn to show people how you feel about them, Casey.”

“Why do I have to prove it to him?”

“’Cause he feels like a consolation prize.”

“He’s not.”

“Tell him. So you say a few words. You make a gesture. You remember an important date. Small price to pay for what you get in return. For what you get in return, it’s a steal. The rest is all vanity.”


I’m so sick of working, I want to create!!!

I want to embroider! I want to join a DND campaign! I’m sick of needing to make money to survive!

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