
Moontans and Monsters

@shrieksandshadows / shrieksandshadows.tumblr.com

Welcome to House Ebonmoon Avatar art by Hittower

The buffy fish owl (Ketupa ketupu), also known as the Malay fish owl, is a species of owl in the family Strigidae.  Its natural habitat is wet tropical forests and other woody areas near water, including wooded banks of rivers, lakes, fish ponds and rice paddies. It can survive well close to human habitations but can also be found in desolate mangrove forests and other less-inhabited or uninhabited areas. Unlike most owls, the feathers of fish owls are not soft to the touch and they lack the comb and hair-like fringes to the primaries, which allow other owls to fly silently in order to ambush their prey. Due to the lack of these feather-specializations, fish owl wing beats make sounds.


The High Priestess - Salvador Dali Tarot.


“Winter chills, with a warm coven embrace”

COVEN, hey hey, so I I’m here again with a fresh set of Coven winter outfits. Me and the winter season have a love, hate relationship, but it all seems to work out in the end My friend ( @michaelfaucett) and I had a lot of fun shooting this look, so i hope you all like it. .

p.s. go and check @michaelfaucett page as well, he and i do a lot of cool shoots together so it worth a look or two.

instagram: @beingadp 


A comforting thought

Five thousand years ago, the Sumerians called the night ngi, the stars mul, and the moon Nanna.

Four thousand years ago, the Akkadians called the night mūšu, the stars kakkabū, and the moon Sîn.

Three thousand years ago, the Hittites called the night išpanza, the stars haštereš, and the moon Arma.

Two and a half thousand years ago, the Greeks called the night nux, the stars astra, and the moon Selênê.

Two thousand years ago, the Romans called the night nox, the stars stellae, and the moon Luna.

Kings and queens and heroes looked up at them. So did travelers coming home, and little children who sneaked out of bed. So did slaves, and mothers and soldiers and old shepherds, and Sappho and Muršili and Enheduanna and Socrates and Hatshepsut and Cyrus and Cicero. In this darkness it didn’t matter who they were, or where they stood. Only that they were human.

Think of that tonight, when you close your window. You are not alone. You share this night sky with centuries of dreamers and stargazers, and people who longed for quiet. Are you anxious? The Hittites were too: they called it pittuliyaš. Does your heart ache? The Greeks felt it too: they called it akhos. Those who look up to the stars for comfort are a family, and you belong to them. Your ancestors have stood under Nanna, Sîn, Arma, Selênê and Luna for five thousand years. Now its light is yours.

May it soothe you well.

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