prev. xuancaomanh

@dukethomas /

we are open eyes in a city asleep. we are its future.


over 50% of TME respondents think it is inappropriate to tell a cis man he might be trans. this website is not beating the transmisogyny allegations

From the same poll, all the catagories The fact that "Trans women, am not a trans woman" is the only one underwater and "Nonbinary (AMAB), not nonbinary" is the closest second


i can't take the majority of posters on this site seriously. everything is "terfy" but nothing is racist. everyone is a misandrist if you put men dni in your bio but no one is capable of misogyny. every kink under the sun is perfectly harmless and are never tinged by our white supremacist and patriarchal society, but if you try and have a genuine discussion about abuse in bdsm/kink spaces you're an "anti" and on the same level as homophobic fascists. everyone wants to apparently help palestine but no one wants to threaten biden with witholding their vote. yall are so unserious it makes my head spin

putting "q slur" on a post makes you a terf but if you try and discuss transmisogyny coming out of trans men's and tme nonbinary spaces you're a big meanie who's a transandrophobe. be . real


A little known comics fact is that bad writing only happens to my faves. Everyone else acted like that because they suck.

People keep tagging this with things that aren’t comics and I would like to reiterate that this is a comics fact. IDK anything about TV but I’m 100% sure that this phenomenon is exclusive to comics. 👍


guillermo del toro’s pinocchio is a beautiful film but my god no one has adapted that story like neverafter. you can never look at it the same way again after listening to lou wilson, a black man, explaining that he chose to play as pinocchio because it’s a story about a little boy who isn’t allowed to make mistakes. that in pinocchio's story, he is fundamentally barred from childhood at once upon a time. he must earn something that everyone else is granted from birth. the other boys get to tell lies and play and get into trouble, but when pinocchio does the same thing there are grave and violent consequences. his pinocchio is trying to understand why the world is so unfair, why the rules are so different for him, why everyone else gets to be a real boy.

and I think about it every day.


Eid Mubarak, I love you all, may we witness a free Palestine within our lifetimes inshallah


I’m so sick and tired of white people treating their Black friends as some sort of “gotcha!” when they’re called out for being racist or saying something racist.

“Well my Black friend said it was okay!” “My Black friend thinks you’re overreacting” “My Black friend said it wasn’t racist!” Do you actually see them as your friend, or do you keep them around with the sole purpose of using them as a get out of jail free card? It’s so obvious white people don’t see their Black friends as actual people, rather they’re tools they can use to make themselves feel better and give them rights to say how “diverse and inclusive” their friend groups are.

Y’all treat Black people like pets and I’m so fucking sick of it. I hope one day they wake up and realize you don’t actually care about them and they leave your ass behind.


Every mainstream media outlet imaginable wants you to know that Israel has just re-opened the Erez border, thereby allowing aid through it for the first time since October 7. The White House released a statement saying that it’s delighted to hear this news. It’s a great improvement from previous arrangements, reports state.

What they fail to mention is that now 30% of all Palestinian children under 2 in Gaza are malnourished, that the death toll has surpassed 33k, and that the US—the same superpower that’s telling Israel to protect the civilians—has signed off billions in weapons to Israel not even a month ago.

It’s extremely aggravating to me when people are tone-deaf enough to celebrate “small wins” like this. Biggest thing is, we don’t know how many trucks Israel will grant access. In February it was as little as 14 trucks a day, which is not enough considering Gaza is now suffering mass starvation. Not only that, but this also came in light of a majority white convoy being targeted, which angered Israel’s allies—and is ultimately what forced them into opening this border up. This is still not and never has been about the devastation in Gaza. This is about PR—and also about the US asserting its influence over Israel. None of this reads as humane or with good intention to me.

And finally—and this is what I think makes me the angriest—this is proof that the US could have stopped it all much sooner if they wanted to. I already know this will be people’s go-to for defending their decision to vote for the verminous, blood-soaked war criminal that is Biden (and when I say Biden, I mean him and his genocidal administration equally). What they fail to realize is it’s actually the very proof that the US has been complicit in this all along, that it willingly chose to infantilize itself and play wary ally that has to tiptoe around Israel. It’s disgusting, it’s duplicitous, and it’s unforgivable. This is not getting any thanks from me, and I question anyone who chose to celebrate this move rather than see it for what it really is.


The amount of people who are NOW saying that “Israel” is not respecting international law and that the West needs to stop selling them weapons… all it took was Israel deliberately killing 6 white people.

More than 40000 Palestinians being killed wasn’t enough but now that white people were killed and that it’s impossible to make it look like an accident there’s outrages?

“They killed them despite the fact that the cars were clearly marked as carrying humanitarian aid workers. They killed them despite the fact that they were on roads approved by Israel who tells them those are safe road they can and have to use to carry humanitarian aid. They bombed them multiple times making sure everyone was killed. Our weapons might have been used to kill them so we must stop selling them weapons.”

Palestinians have been saying it for years. For decades. They have been saying it more often since October they showed us pictures and videos of the IOF terrorists killing people with white flags. You didn’t say anything now they are killing your volunteers with marked cars. Palestinians showed us and told us how the IOF terrorists were killing them in “humanitarian corridors” how they were telling them “take this road it’s safe” and then killing them. You didn’t say anything now they are killing your volunteers on humanitarian pre-approved safe roads. Palestinians showed us and told us how the IOF terrorists never strike only once. They strike a first time then when people are trying to help and get the wounded out they strike a second sometimes a third time to kill the wounded and the people who came to help. You didn’t say anything and now they are killing your volunteers striking a second time a third time to kill those who are “just” wounded. Palestinians have showed us and told us that the weapons the West send are used to kill them to kill their children to kill innocent people. You didn’t say anything and now they are using your weapons to kill your people too.

Lastly Palestinians but also people of color in general have been telling you that what you allow Israel to do without any consequences will eventually be done to you and people will justify it. Well guess what? It started. And while it’s nice that you are finally calling out Israel none of us will forget or forgive the fact that 40000 Palestinian lives didn’t make you feel anything but 6 white lives did. When 40000 people were killed by Israel the same way as your volunteers you didn’t believe that it happened that way you called Palestinians collateral damages but now suddenly you care? Your support to white supremacy to Israeli supremacy and to colonialism is what killed those 7 volunteers including the 6 white volunteers. You’re just as guilty as the IOF terrorists.


worst part about getting angry is how much it makes you want to be mean

sorry i said something dickish. a few mildly frustrating things happened to me in succession and it turned me evil


they should invent a job that pays you enough to pay your bills AND gives you the amount of hours they promised they would

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