
Something More



New Witcher game officially announced

I’m  so excited! 

“New Saga begins”

A new witcher game by Cd Projekt Red gonna by on Unreal engine 5 by Epic games. This medalion looks like a lynx. Lynx is from  cats subfamily so maybe new protagonist will be Ciri?!  Maybe she will establish new school of witchers?


Zbiórka na leczenie mojej kotki Maji - ponownie

Proszę o reblogowanie również.

Zbieram pieniążki na leczenie kotki. Od dłuższego czasu cierpi na przewlekłe zapalenie trzustki i nieswoiste zapalenie jelit. Ma również nadczynność tarczycy. Co jakiś czas zaostrzają się jej objawy. W tym miesiącu ponownie tak się stało i w tym miesiącu wyjątkowo ciężko jest u mnie z finansami. Jeśli ktoś mógłby wesprzeć leczenie kotki byłabym wdzięczna. Pieniądze pójdą na leki i badania kotki.


Zbiórka na leczenie kotka

Zwracam się do was z ogromną prośbą:

Moja kotka którą mam już 17 lat miesiąc temu zachorowała na zapalenie trzustki. Leczenie, kroplówki, badania to wszystko odcisneło się na moim finansach. Stwierdzono u niej przewlekłe zapalenie trzustki i cały czas wymagane jest monitorowanie jej stanu zdrowia a to oznacza kolejne badania, leki itd. W tym miesiącu jest wyjątkowo ciężko z różnymi wydatkami. Proszę o wsparcie finansowe

Założyłam zbiórke. Jeśli ktoś chce może wesprzeć. Z góry dziękuje!


Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf

I just watch  Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf  It’s ok film ( even though I’m not the great fan of anime films) but there are some things that I don’t find really great:

Warning! Spoilers!

-  Sorceress who fights more with a bow then magic. Besides she wouldn’t stand a chance with a witcher in this fight-  before she will release an arrow he will kill her

- Fights with monsters are absurd sometimes -way to much powerful are signs that witchers using

- a plot of the film:

Witchers that creates monsters?I find it a little disrespectful to the books. Attack on them was not becouse they create monsters at some point but becouse of people’s prejudices, hatred, and fear - also the mages who took part in attacking Kaer Morhen. Not becouse of one  sorceress who seek revenge on witchers.

This thing that attack them - It,s a mix of Aguara from the Season of the Storms but also some mutated elf with Mara? WTF?  it looks Miss Lauren didn’t   know herself what supposed to this thing should be. 

For me it is 6/10 . Not that I expect a lot from Netflix.

Episode: How does Yennefer relate to Geralt? How did you communicate with Henry Cavill as an actor?
AC: Henry is a great actor and a big fan of The Witcher universe. It is a great pleasure to work with an actor who knows so much about the project you are working on and loves this world so much. The relationship between Yennefer and Geralt is quite complicated. It’s literally a love and hate relationship. They are incredibly attracted to each other. Like a magnet. And this feeling never disappears. Yennefer needs Geralt although she doesn’t want to admit that. In fact, Yennefer is a character who wants to be independent in everything she does and thinks she doesn’t need anyone.
Episode: How does Ciri relate to Geralt?
FA: Ciri is a character who misses the concept of family and needs someone’s guidance. She needs someone to be there to protect her. She is also looking for someone who can teach her how to defend herself. Ciri’s and Geralt’s relationship is more than fate. It is about Ciri’s own wishes and choices.

whole interview at:

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