

@thetic-af / thetic-af.tumblr.com

Quenga, Misha ; BR ; 25+ ; any pronouns is fine, i'm collecting genders like Pokemon ; this is a fandom mess you've been warned ; currently obssessed with MCYT (hermitcraft, trafficsmp, empires) but the shitposting never stops!

Philosophy - Dmitry Kochanovich, 2019 (1st) Oil on canvas, 100x120cm

Ideal - Dmitry Kochanovich, 2019 (2nd) Oil on canvas


Photo study of opalite 🩵 I feel I got the hang of it just towards the end so I wanna do some more! More study of various glass! They are shiny ✨


"I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops."

(Stephen Gould, "The Panda's Thumb")

When ever people talk about Einstein's brilliance and genius in this way this is part of me that feels like sand has gotten trapped inside of me.

Because they all seem to be so willing to ignore that Einstein was Jewish. And that matters. Einstein did not get to where he got easily. He had to face antisemitism including academic antisemitism. He face systemic antisemitism.

The man had to flee Europe because of the Nazis because he was Jewish. Even once he came to America he still dealt with anitsemitism.

Einstein reflected about what him being Jewish meant in regards to his theories.

As he famously said “If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare me a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German, and Germany will declare that I am a Jew.”

You can not ignore that Einstein was Jewish and what that comes with.

Because you know what I would like you to contend with just how much genius has been lost, how much potential has been lost, how much hope and change that could made a positive impact on our world that has been lost due to antisemitism.

Because if you are going to have that kind of conversation and you are going to bring up Einstein then you have to bring up just how many Jews have been murdered over the millennia for being Jews and what has been lost because of their hate in their killers hearts.

Also the ignorance of Einstein dedicating his post war years to the advancement of African American Education and his position as a vocal/politically active opponent of racial segregation,

This position being founded both in Jewish values and his own experiences of academic discrimination in America on the basis of being a Jew.


antisemitism was a very popular movement among the german christian intelligentsia specifically because they wanted to no longer have to compete with jewish colleagues. businessmen were also enthusiastic nazis for the same reason, to get rid of their business rivals. in america, where whites have been stealing black labor for centuries, einstein drew such a direct and clear parallel between the antisemitism of germany and the antiblackness of america that the popular image of him is more hole than picture.

what's the speed of light relative to people with their eyes closed?


On my recent cabbage merchant art someone commented on this man’s sheer resilience and how he was the Sisyphus of ATLA and that inspired me.

[ID in Alt Text]


I swear some people will act like taxidermists are skinning animals alive

A tiger recently died in a famous zoo in my country, and people are up in arms about the zoo's decision to taxidermy it for research and educational purposes

The alternative is chopping it up and burning it in a furnace but I guess that's "What the tiger would have wanted"

The tiger never talked to you or me or anyone, but I guess acting emotional about a corpse puts you on higher moral ground and that means you know the tiger better than anyone who actually took care of or researched it

"The tiger wouldn't have wanted-" No. You don't want this. You're projecting.

Edit: Apparently people are not only planning a rally against this tiger's taxidermy, but harrassing the taxidermist in charge. This is bullshit.


i think women should get into polearms in a big way. not a lot of women in polearms these days. would love to see women doing battle with polearms.

So many sword women and yet so few appreciating the humble spear…

The devastating cavalry lance…

The imposing berdiche…

The zone-denying pike…

The elegant naginata…

The unforgettable glaive…

The ji, partner in combined arms…

Or the artful halberd…

Dont forget the powerful Bec de Corbin

The versatile Poleaxe

Or the often overlooked Guisarme


Oh but how could we forget!

The Elegant Guandao

The ruinous War Scythe


Or the Horrid Mancatcher?


More writers should consider just not telling their readers all of shit. Just don’t tell them stuff. What’s that monster? Fuck if you’ll find out. How did that weird as hell landscape marker come to be? Wouldn’t you like to know. How does the magic work? Just believe it does, motherfucker.

Readers don’t need to know everything. In fact, I absolutely advocate for not telling them certain stuff. If the characters don’t know, neither do they. If the narrator is omniscient? Lol no they aren’t.

Is this necessary for every story? Probably not. There’s plenty of good stories you could write while explaining all of it. But leaving those gaps, leaving those holes, can bring a story to life. Sometimes things happen in life that just… happen. Fucked if anyone knows why. Sometimes information gets lost. Sometimes information is hidden. But even beyond that, it expands the narrative.

If you explain when and why and how the murder monster became a murder monster, well… that’s forever set in stone now. Now they know. But if you leave it blank, absent of explanation, any explanation… it becomes an unknown. It forces your audience to wonder. Makes them think. That, more than you might think, makes a story get into your audience’s head, and once you’re there, you can make some real impacts.

So yeah, tell a story. But sometimes? Don’t tell your readers something. Make them fill in the blanks themselves.


Or if you want to be particularly chaotic, have every character give three different contradictory explanations, and don't confirm anything.


I personally love "Who's that monster? I won't explain figure it out or don't it's fun either way"

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