


she/they- bi - cinematography & design

With every not ‘morally pure character’ on tumblr, I’m beginning to see the ‘You shouldn’t like this character’ mob mentality now directed at Kai.

Newsflash: Your preference in fictional characters doesn’t mean fuck all. Liking a murderous asshole doesn’t make you suddenly go commit murders. If you don’t understand it? Fine. Different strokes for different folks, if it’s not in your lane, don’t enter the lane.

The point is: Don’t ever be made to feel guilty by people who like to paint themselves as justice warriors and judge a person on inconsequential shit. Indulge in whatever you want.


So someone mentioned that they wanted to see the Avengers in this video and my hand slipped…

Okay i’m just laughing really hard right now.

I’ve reblogged this before but it’s been too long since my eyes have been blessed with this

i started crying, unironically, like actual tears… so glad this has come back into my life

I have tears running down my face. I’m laughing so much 

It's so funny my body just didn't bother laughing first and started crying.


“In fact, during the audition with Chris Evans, the script says, “Spidey flips into scene,” and Tom goes, “Oh, should I do that?” Evans is like, [sarcastically] “Oh, yeah. Yeah, you just flip into the scene kid. No, you just walk in.” He does it. A standing flip, jump, flip, land. Even Chris Evans was like, “What…what happened?” - Kevin Feige, producer and President of Marvel


Whoops my hand slipped

(x) (x) (x)

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