
The Penumbra Podcast Zine

@penumbrazine / penumbrazine.tumblr.com

The current One and Only Penumbra Podcast FanZine! The zine is finished, but the blog will remain up as an archive.
Anonymous asked:

I'm interested in buying a charm or two but where can I find what the charms look like?

Here is a post showing the prototypes. The end product looked the same except the Juno charm is slightly larger.


FIC: a ghost story.

But Rita’s no fool. Rita keeps track of these things, see, and she has a theory that she knows is right. She’s not about to look it up, because that’s an invasion of privacy and she doesn’t want to invade Mister Steel’s privacy, but there are too many pieces for there not to be a puzzle.
A story about ghosts, and the people who become them. 3.9k, gen. This piece was originally written for the @penumbrazine.


Working for the police is boring, not that Rita will ever admit it. Her family had warned her as soon as she’d told them she’d gotten the job. “You’ll be wasted,” one of her cousins had said, Peggy or Janey or maybe Jojo, “absolutely wasted, Rita,” and the thing is, now she doesn’t want to tell them all that they were right. It’s really just insistence to prove them wrong that keeps her from telling them how boring it all is. She doesn’t do much as a secretary here that she couldn’t do anywhere else, which is a disappointment and maybe too much of a surprise.

She makes do, of course. She answers calls and makes friends with the nicest-looking officers (who aren’t always the nicest officers, but she’s always liked a friendly face). She watches her streams at work, not that anyone ever bothers to stop her, and she starts trying to figure out which cops work for which gangs, like it’s a game.

But other than her slow, steady loss of faith in the institution of law enforcement, and other than finding ways to keep herself busy, police work is boring. It’s all kidnapper this, robbery that, one horrible crime after the other. And half the time they get away, because once someone figures out who it is it turns out the perp is in cahoots or in debt or in something with some officer. There’s not a lot of justice. It’s enough to make a girl go crazy.

And speaking of going crazy, Rita’s pretty sure a ghost just walked into her precinct.



The final tally of the profits is in! We’re going to be sending $284 to TPP! I’m waiting right now for my paypal to finish verifying, and then I’ll post a screenshot of the final sendoff of the money to the Penumbra cast! 

I’m pretty ecstatic right now. When I began this zine, my stretch goal for the amount of money I was hoping to be able to send them was $200, and I’m able to send almost $300! It’s all thanks to everyone who purchased a zine in any capacity that this is possible, and I want to just thank everyone again from the bottom of my heart.


hey! I know applications to be in the zine are closed but can I still order a copy!


Sorry for the delay in answering, but yes! There are only 2 physical copies left, but there are lots of charm sets. If you want to order one, I’m shipping very the last of the overstock out tomorrow afternoon, so bear that in mind!


All zines should have arrived now, and so I’m opening up sales on the remainder of the stock! We currently have 11 zines and 20 charm sets left in stock, but there will be unlimited PDFs as long as there is still physical stock left. A unique option we didn’t offer before will to be offering the charm set separately from the charm pack, so if you bought the print copy before, but want the charms still, now is your chance!

If you want to purchase the zine, you can do so here!

If you want to view some of the art which is in the zine, you can do so here!

PDF Copy - $14
Print Copy - $20
Charm Pack - $30
Charm Set - $10
Charm Pack includes a PDF, a hard copy, and 2 charms!
Shipping is $7 in the US and $14 internationally.

This is your final chance to buy the Penumbra Zine, make sure not to miss out!

Note: packages will not be able to ship before Christmas.

I’ll be shipping current orders tomorrow, so if you want to get it ASAP now is the time to order! There are only 7 physical copies left, and 18 charm sets. After this, I’ll be waiting one more week before sales are closed for good!


All zines should have arrived now, and so I’m opening up sales on the remainder of the stock! We currently have 11 zines and 20 charm sets left in stock, but there will be unlimited PDFs as long as there is still physical stock left. A unique option we didn’t offer before will to be offering the charm set separately from the charm pack, so if you bought the print copy before, but want the charms still, now is your chance!

If you want to purchase the zine, you can do so here!

If you want to view some of the art which is in the zine, you can do so here!

PDF Copy - $14
Print Copy - $20
Charm Pack - $30
Charm Set - $10
Charm Pack includes a PDF, a hard copy, and 2 charms!
Shipping is $7 in the US and $14 internationally.

This is your final chance to buy the Penumbra Zine, make sure not to miss out!

Note: packages will not be able to ship before Christmas.


Shipping Update

Now that all the packages are on their way (sans one that got bounced back to me, which I'm taking care of) here's what's next!

Once the zines have arrived safely to their destinations, which should happen by next week, I'm going to open up limited orders for whatever zines and charms are left! supplies will be incredibly limited to what we have left, and once they're gone, they're gone forever. We have a decent number of charm sets left, but unfortunately some of the zines were damaged when they were shipped to me, so there are less of those left than charms. While there are charms and physical copies in the store, pdfs will also be up for sale again! If you missed getting a pdf copy the first time, now is your chance!

Once I'm sure everyone has recieved their charms+zines safely and all excess has been sold and shipped, I'm going to send all the remaining funds to the Penumbra Podcast crew!

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