
No Witty Title, No Finesse

@justmags / justmags.tumblr.com

Handles: Mags III, Corgi Express Mags, ThievingMagpie, Mags The Third They/Them, Ace/29

Got some neat stuff in the mail today; some blank 💽s, a 💽 of King Gizzard's Polygondwanaland, and a cool shirt by @kualticrypt !!


As a rarely-seen alt universe variant of another character, the specificities of my lore are really inconsistant~

Anyway, unlike my pony counterpart, my world is a lot more mundane and less fantastical, just like yours! How terrifying~!


Fullbody Render for @justmags of a character of theirs in a magical girl outfit!

Character is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns


AAAAAAAA Thank you so much I love how they came out!!!


A lot of folks will say The Thousand-Ear Corn was the best one. And it is truly great! But this was the one that made me cry at the end, so Super is my favourite~

While we’re on the topic, the original is a classic. Oregano Queen was actually really good and I liked it a lot! Sticky Tart and Collard Splash had… problems. Lots of problems. But there were still things I liked in those~

I don’t know why my paper adventures seem to revolve around food so much~


I lived and worked in a lighthouse at a previous job.  There was a thick line painted in a circle around the shack where the fog signal was kept.  The line represented how close you could get to the fog signal without experiencing physical harm in the form of eardrums shattering or worse.

Even in the house it was LOUD.  Probably the loudest thing I have ever experienced but at a normal, predictable interval.  You would begin to time your sentences with little pauses with the rest of the lighthouse crew so you would talk like this while making your………..HORN…………. tea and then carry on talking because you knew when it would go off.  It rattled the walls and the dishes in our cabinet.

At least one girl had died there. They kept photos of her everywhere “in honor of her sacrifice” because she had decided to take the winter watch alone and died in a storm where bounders the size of mini vans had been lifted out of the ocean and left scattered across the island, to say nothing of the ice chunks.  People weren’t allowed to be alone on the watch after that.

One day a dead moose washed up on shore and it took my entire crew all day but we managed to rig up a line to hang it up to dry because we thought having a moose skeleton in the house would really spice the living room up a bit.  It did.  Weird shit happens when six of you are left alone, like ALONE ALONE, no cell reception, no wifi, just a radio to contact the real world and not a lot of reason to do that.  People don’t go on lighthouse jobs if they want to stay connected, I’ve found.

That said Id do it all again, I really do treasure those days

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