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Heartbreak is just a bump in a road full of potholes.

How I got my writing mojo back

So, I was MIA for a while. Like, several months. It started with a general sense of malaise that quickly developed in a paralyzing depression and severe anxiety attacks, but that’s not actually what I want to talk about today because really I lost my writing mojo well before my PTSD made an aggressive comeback in terms of symptoms. I don’t know when I stopped writing. I used to write constantly.…

20 Something: Self-Dating (or Going Places Alone)

I recently saw a thing on Tumblr (it’s this article from Autostraddle) about how everyone needs to date themselves, even when they are in a relationship. As it happens, I am only in a relationship with wine; we’re very happy together. Now, the article was really about treating yourself like a significant other, but it got me thinking about how taking yourself on dates (a.k.a. going places alone)…

Summer Chicken Salad and Dirty Vinaigrette

Salut, mes amis! I have returned. At least for this post. I’m no longer making predictions about when or if I will post because… well, PSTD is a b*tch, and over the past few months it has been more of a struggle to deal with than it had been for a few years. But, I think I might be finally getting a handle on that. Maybe. I hope. Anyway, no matter what the future may bring. While I’m able to,…

20 something: Hot Mess Groceries

I love grocery shopping. Especially late at night when no one else is in there except the employees. So tonight, around 11:30, I grab the list I would probably end up ignoring, and I head to Crest. No makeup, wearing glasses, hair in a messy bun. I do put on real pants instead of my fuzzy pink ones, so I guess that’s a point for me. The store beautifully peaceful strolling the brightly-colored…

Well, I'm not dead.

Of course, I doubt anyone assumed that I died, but I did kind of vanish off the face of the internet there for a while. Nearly two months, actually. Sorry ’bout that. I’ve been trying to write something for the past three weeks, but lately it’s been difficult to find any sort of motivation. I have no idea what I’m doing or even what I want to do. My post-graduation confusion seems to be…

Sunday Review: Writing Jane Austen

Every now and then I find a book that makes me decide I should just keep reading it until I’m finished. Writing Jane Austen by Elizabeth Aston didn’t start out that way, but somewhere around chapter 16, I stopped disliking the main character quite as much and the story felt like it was actually going somewhere. Actually, that kind of reminds me of the first time I read Mansfield Park. Anyway, I…

Foodie Fun: Brie Soup

I recently learned that I can’t walk out of a grocery store without buying some sort of cheese. The last time I went, I ended up with an 8 oz wheel of Brie. Now I love Brie, especially on crackers. But even I get tired of cheese and crackers. So, I hopped on AllRecipes to see what else I could do with it. Apparently plenty, but the one that caught my eye was Brie soup. Yum. But as I was cooking…
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