
Torrance County, NM



I’ll repost this whenever I see it on my dashboard.


So, one thing you can do is use Firefox instead of Chrome. Another thing you can do is use duck duck go instead of google search. In fact you know what let me get on desktop and make a proper reply, give me about an hour and I’ll hook y’all up with some privacy

ok I took a bit more than an hour, I have time blindness don’t @ me.

Step one, download and install Firefox.

It will ask if you want to import all your bookmarks and saved passwords from your current browser/s. Do that. It will also ask if you want to make it your default browser. Do that too.

You will be given the option to create an account, but it’s not mandatory. It’s just a convenience service if you want to access your bookmarks and saved passwords on different devices.

Firefox has a load of built-in privacy protections but we’re going to install some addons to make it EVEN BETTER. Don’t worry they’re all free and once you’ve installed them you don’t have to think about them again.

First, Duck Duck Go Privacy Essentials. Firefox does still set your default search engine to Google, we don’t want that. You could manually change it but the Duck Duck Go addon gives you some tracker blocking, encryption, private searching, all set up and ready to go

Next you need an ad blocker. ABP went stupid, so here’s uBlock

Do you use farcebook or any related product like instagram? Facebook Container automatically puts those in a little quarantine pen so they can’t follow you around and spy on what else you’re doing

If you have multiple accounts (eg. work/school, family, public, personal, private) you can use Firefox Multi-Account Containers to manage them and keep their footprints separate

Privacy Badger and HTTPS Everywhere are published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and those people are serious as a heart attack when it comes to online privacy.

Privacy Badger sends a do not track signal, and also breaks link tracking by sites like facebook, twitter, etc.

HTTPS Everywhere is… ok there’s a lot to explain here, and we’re already longposting so just, every time you connect to any page it makes it more secure.

If you want to learn a bit about how this works and why it’s good to have, might as well start with the HTTPS page on wikipedia

You could stop here, that’s pretty good. But you can do more. You could install NoScript. A big warning with this one, it can break half the internet. It’s a LOT more user friendly than it used to be but if you can’t figure shit out by fucking around you should probably skip it. It blocks scripts from running without permission, protecting you from drive-by scripts that give your computer herpes, but also sometimes protecting you from script-heavy sites working at all.

Lastly an honourable mention for Ghostery. Ghostery has been a solid privacy addon for years, and now has adblocking powers. Honestly I haven’t used it in ages, a long time ago it conflicted with something else I deemed more important so I removed it and I never got around to picking it back up, but it has a great reputation and is trusted by a lot of people who I trust.

Now, this all only covers your browser activity, which is a lot but you will still need to manually adjust privacy settings on your google/gmail/youtube account/s if you have any, your facebook/instagram account/s if you have any, and your actual gotdamn operating system if you use windows. I know it seems like a lot of effort, I’m a lazy bitch too, but it’s very set-and-forget, you only need to do it once, and then just review it a couple of times a year.

Here’s some stuff about Windows 10 privacy settings

And some stuff about google privacy settings

And some stuff about facebook privacy settings

And here’s an honest explanation of what a VPN really does and does not do, why you don’t actually need one, and the few real reasons you might ever want one

And  a bit about password managers

This is by no means the limit of the steps you can take to secure your online privacy, if you want to go deeper you definitely can. But if you don’t want to or don’t have the time or aren’t very technically minded, this will still put you way ahead of the pack. It won’t make you The Most Private but it will make you Much More Private Than Most, and it should take you less than an hour or two, depending on how many accounts you have on predatory datenkraken sites.

Now go hide your panties from the evil empire.

You can also use Invidious to use youtube privately, and there are extensions like Privacy Redirect that’ll send youtube links directly to it. The subscription page can be a little unreliable, so I just send my youtube notifications to my email with RSS instead

ProtonMail is a free email service that’s not google (already a good start), but also encrypts all your mail so no one but you and the person you’re emailing can read it

From experience, Tor is a lot more user-friendly than you might think. It does take a little bit of fiddling and getting used to, but the payoff is that all of your traffic becomes extremely hard to track. They have a desktop browser that’s built on Firefox and comes pre-installed with many of the extensions listed above. I recommend trying it on without uninstalling your current browser, just to see how you like it

switching.software and privacytools.io have tons of recommendations for privacy-friendly alternatives to google software and tools that can be used to avoid surveillance. But remember that this isn’t yours or any other user’s fault - we shouldn’t be expecting every single person to load their computer up with encryption to avoid surveillance that private companies shouldn’t be doing in the first place. Lay the blame where it belongs, on google and facebook, and hold them responsible

All of this is great advice but also let’s stop telling each other that we

“gave away all our rights just to watch dog videos”

That’s some victim blaming shit. These systems were designed to be as essential as possible for us and to socially isolate those who refuse to participate. These companies spend a shit ton of energy and money on suppressing alternatives. If you work from home, if you go to school, it’s likely to have NO CHOICE but to use Windows, Google and maybe even facebook because your school or work does not provide alternatives and does demand that you access it’s platforms.

This isn’t our fault. We can and should resist, but we should stop pretending that we’re all sheep for getting caught in a trap designed to be nearly inescapable.


Permaculture Resources

image by Graham Burnett

Permaculturists often seek to make information and resources as freely accessible as possible. As such, there are hundreds of books, blogs, websites, podcasts and more on the topic of permaculture out there. It’s not possible to share them all within one post, but I hope that this will be a good spring board for your research.



  • Food Not Lawns, How to Turn Your Yard into a Garden and Your Neighborhood into a Community, by Heather Jo Flores (link to text)
  • Permaculture: a beginners guide by Graham Burnett (link to extract)
  • Resource book for permaculture by IDEP (link to text)
  • Permaculture Two by Bill Mollison (link to text)
  • Essence of Permaculture by David Holmgren (link to text)
  • Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren
  • Permaculture: a designers manual by Bill Mollison (link to text)
  • Gaia’s Garden, a guide to home-scale permaculture by Toby Hemenway
  • Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture by Rosemary Morrow
  • The Permaculture Garden by Graham Bell
  • Introduction to Permaculture by Bill Mollison
  • Permaculture Design: a step by step guide by Aranya
  • People and PErmaculture by Looby Macnamara  
  • The Vegan Book of Permaculture by Graham Burnett
  • Forest Gardening: a beginners guide by Graham Burnett



A black girl will be spending years in jail because she had a mental health crisis. PLEASE READ

Meet Saraya: she was experiencing a mental health crisis. Police came and tackled her. She is 15.

Saraya Rees is a 15 year old biracial girl from Coos County, Oregon. After being abruptly instructed to stop taking her antidepressants by a local pediatrician, Saraya went into psychosis. In her manic state, Saraya poured a small amount of gasoline on the floor. Her parents called Coos Health & Wellness in hope that that would send mental health advisors, Coos Health & Wellness sent the police. While still in psychosis, the officers arrested her, questioned her without her family or lawyers present, charged with attempted murder and assault, and sent her to juvenile prison for 11 years.


This is not justice.

This is inhumane.


1. Call these people and demand that she be let go to the custody in her parents.

Please call Governor Kate Brown and Senator Jeff Merkely.⁠

📞Governor Kate Brown: (503) 378-4582⁠

📞Senator Jeff Merkley: (503) 326-3386⁠

2. Sign the petition! 

Please DO NOT donate to CHANGE.ORG, instead donate to Saraya’s gofundme. 

3. Follow @justice4saraya on instagram. You can find info on where to send her encouragement cards and get updated on progress.

4. SEND CARDS TO THE FOLLOWING (please also note card sending rules)




ALBANY, OR 97332

EDIT: PLEASE CONSIDER THESE RULES WHEN SENDING HER CARDS! The family has asked for the following when sending cards: 

-No vulgar language or cursing (she’s a child, afterall) 

-No stickers

-No metal 

- Do not use return address stickers

-No Cash

Using these things could mean Saraya doesn’t get your card. If you want to donate to the family during this very hard time, please use the GOFUND ME.

You can also send her gifts for when she gets out to a PO BOX: 


PO BOX 211



Saraya’s website: https://www.justice4saraya.com/


Standing Rock is still in crisis while facing one of the highest infection rates per capita for Covid-19!

Can you help by buying or sending:

🧺 Laundry detergent to wash cloth masks 😷 Masks 🛏 Sleeping bags for kids who sleep on the cold floors without any bedding! ⛑ Cots so family members can sleep apart if someone has been exposed to Covid!

🎁 Buy off the Rock Creek Community Wishlist to support 38 homeless Lakota Youth. (Look for “Marliss Marshall’s Gift Registry Address” at check out).  

🎁 OR Buy medical supplies directly off Standing Rock’s wish list (look for Jon Edwards’ Gift Registry Address). This list helps the Boys and Girls Club of Standing Rock.

You can also send masks, laundry detergent, cots, and sleeping bags to these other addresses at Standing Rock:

📪 Jon Edwards via USPS:  P.O. Box 551 McLaughlin, SD 57642 via FedEx/ UPS: 505 1st Ave E McLaughlin SD 57642

📬 Alva Cottonwood via USPS:  PO Box 824  Fort Yates, ND 58538

📭 Virgil Standing Crow via USPS: PO Box 54  Little Eagle, SD 57639 via UPS/ FedEx: Virgil Standing Crow, 228 Grand River Drive Little Eagle, SD 57639 [NOTE: your UPS/FedEx office may not recognize the address, but YES, they will receive the package!]

Anonymous asked:

Do you know of any fundraisers or charities that help support Native Central Americans, beyond just Mexico? Like indigenous Guatemalans and Salvadorans?

These are all organizations and mutual aid funds that are very important to me that I thought I’d show all at once. The Central American ones are in the middle. They all go to very good causes! *ones I like

North America:

Central America:

*NYC Mayan Mutual Aid Fund (this one hasn’t seen donations in months, and helps Maya immigrants)

South America:



If you already purchase body products online, switching to purchase buying soaps, body oils, lotions, etc from Native elders who have been making natural body products for generations is really easy. I usually hop on Beyond Buckskin when I want to buy a gift for someone or myself, they have a Buy Native List directory here. I just bought three of my close friends (who all have just had a birthday or are having a birthday soon) soaps from here and here 


i learned about Marion Stokes, a Philadelphia woman who began taping whatever was on television in 1979 and didn’t stop until her death in 2012.. The 71,000 VHS and Betamax tapes she made are the most complete collection preserving this era of TV. They are being digitized by the Internet Archive. (x)

i feel like this is selling her a bit short tbh.  It’s not like she was a random woman who decided to tape ‘whatever’ was on television.  She was a civil rights activist and archivist, who was extremely concerned about preserving history.  She believed that, by taping television, she would be preserving history EXACTLY as it was perceived at the time; she didn’t want the detail in the news to disappear with time.  And she was RIGHT.

Like I said, she didn’t just tape ‘whatever’ was on television.  It was extremely targeted towards news stations.  There were 8 VCRs running at all times in her home.  Her life—-and her family’s lives—-were centered around 6 hour blocks, since that was the amount of time that a tape would record for.  Her collections were also extremely organized. 

From archive.org (Internet Archive) - The Marion Stokes Papers contain documents related to the life and activism of Marion Stokes (1929-2012), civil rights activist, feminist, and news archivist. Stokes’ social activist career began in the 1950s, and encompassed many areas of left politics during a particularly transformative time in America. Her groundbreaking television show (co-produced with her husband John S Stokes Jr), Input, addressed many pressing issues, and much of it remains relevant today. Additionally, Stokes amassed a huge archive of videotaped television news, which is slowly being made available through the work of the Internet Archive.

Every time I am reminded about this archive I think about how cool it is, and how useful it is for so many purposes. For example, a lot of period pieces end up as caricatures of the eras they portray based on a telephone game through history books and fictional works, but this gives you thousands of hours of examples of what media from the time looked like, how people dressed, how events might have been perceived by the general public, etc.


You also want to rewrite things we can prove with evidence to make it fit with your agenda. I don’t mind your bringing to light people who were unheard of that did important thing but when I comes to rewriting important stuff to fit you rhetoric such as “this country was made from rioting” which is bullshit from a perspective of history especially since we dumped tea and didn’t burn down innocent peoples houses.

The reason why you want communism is cause you hate the rich and hate how we’ve actually being doing well as a country (btw most of them started out broke or in a bad situation if you want to take a look how they started out). Also if you know anything about communist countries the common man ends up poor while the rich and elite stay super rich and benefit which is what your trying to fight against 

You hate the police cause they stop you from rioting in the streets preventing you from harming business that are only starting up and “sticking it to the rich” by eliminating possible competitors and that your burning down communities you say you fight for while living in suburban houses without a care in the world.

sorry I though this needed some clarification as to why you hate it

-an ex democrat now centrist 

The politics understanders has logged on

- Sonic the hedgehog

No I’m just someone who understands the situation and is up to date on things in politics nothing more nothing less

Just you wait until I collect all 7 chaos emeralds

I’ll fucking wait cause even at the end I’m still not going to care about you and some stupid opinions 

Keep talking buddy I just called my friend knuckles the echidna ever heard of him?

Heard let me guess he wants to lose a fight again. Or does he want to debate which he lost but made a good point in which we agreed on

Lmao nice try bud there's no way you beat knuckles the echidna in a debate, he's the guardian of the freaking master emerald

Never underestimate someone that has trained under techno blade 



“If you promise to stay alive just a little bit longer I promise that we are going to make this world a place worth living in by any means necessary. I ain’t giving up. I swear.” 

Spotted in Clackamas, Oregon

I can’t stop thinking about this message, so I spent a while trying to isolate just the writing and make it transparent. I might order a shirt with it

Whoever in Clackamas wrote this message on their bus stop, I love you

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