


24/ single mom of one/ love music/ fan of many youtubers/ anime finatic

Want Spell

A marker or pen
A fully grown leaf
What to do:
Write or draw on the leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want. Lay the leaf of the ground.
As the leaf withers it takes your desire to the Earth. In thanks Mother Nature will grant your wish. You can also throw the leaf in running water or place it under a stone as well.

More Sigil Magic

Top two images and bottom image originally created by: Seraphickalmagic.tumblr.com

Middle image unknown

(Please note this is not my own work, i have tried to credit the original creator where possible…no plagiarism was intended)


If You Ever Feel Like You aren’t a  Witch...

  • My Alter is my school Locker- Besides, It Doesn’t Matter Where Yours Is. If you Don’t Have One, Guess What?? YOU ARE STILL A WITCH !!!
  • I hide my Tarot cards under a cat sculpture I made that chills on my dresser- You Don’t Have Tarot Cards??? STILL A WITCH. You use playing cards instead?? STILL A WITCH. 
  • I am forced to go to my Foster Families Baptist Church- If you still have to go to any church thats not your church, you are STILL a WONDERFUL witch. 
  • I ask my friends/people I know/teachers at school to supply me with jars and sticks and what not for my craft- Even If You Don’t Have Supplies or Suppliers to Actively Practice YOU ARE STILL A WITCH. 
  • I am shamed and treated terribly @ my foster home for my beliefs, not allowed to practice. I still do cuz I’m a baller tho- If You Cannot Practice or Be Open About Your Beliefs YOU ARE STILL A WITCH! YOU ARE A POWERFUL WITCH, YOU ARE LOVED, YOU MATTER.  It doesn’t matter what situation you’re in, you are a witch if you say you are. You dont need to feel ashamed because you cant be as open, or practice, your craft. Keep strong and know that one day you’ll be the witch you’ve always wanted to be. 

I’m so confused why he would think cookie dough would give him salmonella??? What parent told him this. There’s no chicken in there!

Two words: Raw eggs.

?? What kind of world do you live in where Raw eggs carry salmonella or are in anyway unsafe

Don’t ask me, ask them Americans. I’m an Asian just passing the word on

*deep breath* Though the risk is small, raw eggs can carry samonella.

MORE THREATENINGLY Raw wheat can carry E. Coli. However, if you don’t mind making your own cookie dough, you can easily make it safely.

Take your standard recipe. Omit the eggs. Eggs serve as a binding agent to hold the cookie together. Since we’re eating the dough raw, that’s not needed. Take the flour, put it in a pan and bake it at 350 for 7 minutes. Any E. Coli is now dead.

Just mix the rest of the ingredients together as the recipe is called for and BAM, perfectly safe edible cookie dough.

Thank u so fucking much for this wisdom

wait you’re telling my i can get E, Coli just FROM EATING FLOUR straight from the bag???

Why..why are you eating flour straight from the bag?


Your mental illness is lying to you.

You are not stupid. You are not ugly. You are not worthless. You are not weak. You are not a burden. Your mental illness is lying to you.



No you’re not bothering me. (Yes I’m serious.)

You’re not dumb.

You have great ideas.

Your smile isn’t ugly.

Neither is your laugh.

Yes people love you. No they’re not lying. Yes really.


You don’t need to apologize, I actually AM very interested in our conversation.


in addition: yes i love you and your existence

Uhm… I really fucking needed to see this.

Yes, I am happy to hear from you.

You look nice today.

No, you aren’t being annoying.

Tell me more about the things you like, I’m interested in what you have to say.

If you changed your mind and can’t handle going out, we can hang out at home instead, I really don’t mind and I’m not mad at you.

Yes, I am really honestly happy that you’re here!

I think you’re pretty great actually.


Needed this and BOOSTING

needed this.


You will get better, even if you think you won’t. Nothig last forever, nor sadness

I hope you’re having a good day, I hope every day gets better and better. you really do matter 💖

Also, because it’s rarely said, you don’t have to get better to be worth loving. You’re worth loving this very minute.

I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. No, really!! It’s not a bother, it’s my fault for not keeping up my end, not yours for initiating the conversation.

You are a great conversationalist. I love hearing from you!!!

I enjoy it when you send me lots of little messages through the day, even if I can’t respond right away.

I love you exactly how you are. Body, mind, and soul.

You mean so much to me!!! You aren’t useless, annoying, or unhelpful. You’re everything I ever wanted or needed in a friend!!


I really needed this today. Thank you <3

I’m dealing with a low point rn (I’m bipolard depressive), I really needed this rn


Thank you

I needed this and I hope that many other people will see this and know that they are worth so much


Looking for a relationship when you’re lonely is like grocery shopping when you’re hungry. It’s easy to be tempted to bring home unfulfilling, unhealthy junk.


Me: I’m having such a hard time, can y’all please go easy on me?

According to this meme I made in 2016, 2018 is the last year in a barrage of terrible years. In 2019, the suffering will end and good things will come to us once again


Reblog for a good 2019, because goddamnit we all need it.


if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.

Its getting close to Halloween again so I just thought I’d reblog this again

And if “don’t be rude to teenagers over a stupid jawbreaker” isn’t enough for you, consider 

  • You can’t tell how old a kid is just by looking. I’ve known multiple 5th graders who were taller than I am, and I’m 25 years old. With their faces hidden by masks, you won’t be able to tell they’re elementary schoolers, but they still are. 
  • Lots of older siblings are expected to take their younger siblings trick-or-treating, and they only get paid in candy. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager is developmentally disabled. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager spent most of their childhood in a hospital or sick and has never had the traditional trick-or-treat experience before.
  • You don’t know if this is that teenager’s first Halloween in America, and they just want to experience a piece of American culture.
  • You don’t know if that teenager ever gets candy any other day of the year. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager has eaten anything at all today. 

And those are just things I can think of off the top of my head. 

and even if it is just a bored 16/17 year old out trying to see what free shit they can get. is it really gonna kill you to give them a fun sized milky way from the multipack you bought at poundland? That thing didn’t even cost you 5p, just give the kid the sugar, say “nice costume”, and let it go.

There are worse things a teenager could be doing on Halloween instead of trick-or-treating.


I am a 19 year old single mom. I dress up and go trick or treating every year with my daughter. I love it and it's more candy. Please do not turn anyone away from trick or treating


Why Isn’t Tumblr Freaking Out?!?!

Guys. Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed!!!!

Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed.

Article 13 just got passed!

  • Article 13 just got passed.
  1. Article 13 just got passed.

I don’t know if I’ve said it enough. So…


I have been on tumblr all morning and haven’t seen one post about it yet! I don’t understand how!


They’re voting on it one last time in January 2019, but that’s barely any time to change anything!!!!

You still have time to call your MEPs so PLEASE!!! Do so.

If you don’t know what this means, it’s basically then end of how the internet currently is in Europe. Memes? Nope. Youtubers? Bye!

You’d need a license for everything!!!!

And my fellow Americans my be all like, well, what’s the big deal for us? It’s a Europe deal.

No, because the Youtubers there that you love so much? This effects them too! I’m freaking out because Jack, the person who helps my depression go away, may no longer be able to do what he does!

Guys, we need to stop this somehow. Please.

Call your MEPs. Sign petitions. Protest (Peacefully please. Don’t get hurt).

I’m sorry for tagging you guys if you don’t want to be or already know, I just want as many people to know as possible!

I can’t tag everyone, but if you see this, please reblog it. Spread the news. Sign the petition. Call your MEPs. Do what you can to help stop this from passing in January.

I don’t live in Europe but this needs to be spread

I’m spreading this because this is greatly unsettling to me. I live in europe and really can’t imagine how the future would look like.


if you’ve ever taken a shower to muffle your sobs, I’m sorry and I love you. if you’ve ever eaten alone in a bathroom stall, I’m sorry and I love you. if you’ve ever used makeup to conceal evidence of pain, I’m sorry and I love you. if you’ve ever looked in a mirror and wanted to change what you saw, I’m sorry and I love you. if you’ve ever questioned your worth because of someone else, I’m sorry and I love you. you’re not alone, and you don’t deserve the hurt you’ve experienced. you are good enough—more than good enough. you and valid, you have meaning, and you are loved even when you don’t know it.

thank you whoever made this post



Attention JSE community!

A member of our community has gone missing! Her parents reported her missing!

If you live anywhere in Scotland, please be on the look out for this girl! Her name is Becca!

Please spread the word and help find her!

gonna tag some folks to try and spread this more!!

I’m not in Scotland but signal boost!!


Please be safe, Becca!




-theres a succulent species called Conophytum burgeri

-it looks like a lump

-when it flowers it looks like this:

-its native to south africa and is endangered 

-you can read more about it in a book called Dumpling and his wife (??????)

-that is all

this has been getting notes again and i totally forgot about it so reminder: lump

They’re tangle slimes!


Reposting simply for the tangle slime look alike 🤣🤣

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