
A New Hope

@emperorpalpateen-blog / emperorpalpateen-blog.tumblr.com

Ayden. 19. Nonbinary. They/them. Factkin w/ Donald Trump and other kintypes. Please read my links for details regarding my beliefs before sending hate. I do experience dysphoria and am transmasculine. I'm pansexual and probably poly but idk yet. I have white privilege and do not experience transmisogyny. Neuroatypical.

Okay, this blog is going to be a backup. You can find me at the new emperor-palpateen

Tumblr deleted this blog, I wrote in to state that I didn’t do anything bannable and was confused and they restored my account and apologized. But I actually like the replacement blog I made better, it’s kind of a fresh start. I’m leaving this as a backup/archive, maybe I’ll use it again at some point, but if you want to follow me you can find me there.


I’ve added mobile links

Now none of y’all have an excuse for not reading my fucking pages before you send me hate


honestly i’m firmly of the opinion people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they’re having harmless fun but then ppl on here start making president andrew jackson kin moodboards and i’m like.. u guys are really testing me on this one huh

this post always kind of irked me because that specific example still seems to fall under “harmless” for me? So it just kinda sounds like it’s coming after kin people (and people who make moodboards? Or some kinda strange crossover of the two?) Like all communities theres good and bad people, and they can exist and be harmless and have fun so yeah, let them do what they want.


Andrew Jackson was the WORST president of all time so you can fuck off.

Can factkin honestly just crawl in a hole and never be heard from again? This is why the kin community isn’t taken seriously.



Trolls need a new hobby.

I’m not a troll and I have plenty of hobbies but I repeat:


why do you even care if other people are factkin, it doesn’t affect you in any way, people already think all kin are ridiculous most of the time, stop sorting people into “good” kin and “bad” kin so you can feel better about yourself


I'd very much like to punch a feminist.

I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.


I’m 6’2 and weigh 180lbs

ready when you are

Or if you’d like to have some more options….

I’m 6’4” 228 pounds and have 9 years of combined martial arts training and 3 years of being a Line Backer in football. Just in case you are looking for variety.

what about a lady and a feminist. warning, combatives certified soldier.

im tiny, i’m like 5′4 and 130 lbs but u can fight me too

Reblogging for the last one cuz that’s adorable



The Fantastic 4 we deserve


We will all protect the small one.


Ancestry commercials:

I thought i was white, and i ended up being white

This is like my aunt who thought she was totally German but found out she was part Italian and kept going on about how she “didn’t realize how ethnic I was” whatever that means.


I need more blogs to follow!

Politics, yes. I’m on the left but I like to look at different angles and know what people on all sides are thinking and doing. Other stuff:

--Vaporwave/synthwave/similar aesthetics

--Interesting quotes

--Mental health stuff

--Fandom (Harry Potter, The Hobbit/LOTR, Star Wars, some youtubers)


--BDSM. I’m new to all this! I have other kinks but idk if i wanna get into them rn ;; I’m also kinda a fledgling furry but shhhh i dont even have a fursona yet lmao

--Polyamory/sex positivity 

--Otherkin (Factkin and fictionkin friendly)

Reblog if you post any of this or just reblog in general so more ppl see and i can check out your blogs!! or just like this post if you check one of these tags and happen to see it. thx 


You don’t fuck with the tray master


This is what the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat looks like in real life.

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