Fabiola's blog world

@fabiolitadraws / fabiolitadraws.tumblr.com

Illustrator - Available 4 Commissions

I know I’m a little late here but i made a 𝑺𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 wallpaper inspired by all those rollerskate TikTok videos! 🌼I had an itch to get organized (maybe bc of the change in seasons??), you'll also see I made a matching printable September monthly calendar and weekly planner too 🗓😊⁠⠀ If you want these 🆓 digital goodies, just sign up for my newsletter (link in bio)! YAY for 🆓 things 🤪


ok as much as i love the modern designs for tamagotchi characters, i still think nothing will beat the art direction in the 90′s. like this is the pinnacle of character design

Anonymous asked:

Hi beautiful we'll see if your still interested love to meet up with sometime you are pretty smile goodnight beautiful

goodnight, anon!


Fandometrics In Depth: Stranger Things 2 Edition

Chances are your dashboard has become an endless scroll of Stranger Things 2 posts. In celebration of the show’s second season, we’re here to break down all your faves with none of the spoilers. Whether you’ve finished the second season or not, this post is safe for you to read. In the seven days since Stranger Things 2 was added to Netflix, it became the most searched and most liked tag on all of Tumblr. It had 63% more total engagements (searches, original posts, reblogs, and likes) than its timely counterpart, #halloween

The show’s popularity has grown considerably since the first season’s 2016 debut. Compared to the seven days following the July 2016 release, season two had 804% more searches, 1020% more original posts, 2,428% more reblogs, and a whopping 5,362% more likes.

Top residents of Hawkins, Indiana

In season 2, Steve Harrington made a promise to Nancy and, inadvertently, a promise to all of us. His Babysitter of the Year award comes in the form of being the most popular character so far. He had the most total engagements of any character on the series.

  1. Steve Harrington | 17.61%
  2. Mike Wheeler | 15.50%
  3. Eleven | 15.15%
  4. Dustin Henderson | 10.24%
  5. Will Byers | 8.97%
  6. Lucas Sinclair | 7.56%
  7. Jim Hopper | 7.01%
  8. Nancy Wheeler | 6.48%
  9. Jonathan Byers | 5.84%
  10. Joyce Byers | 4.97

The actors who play them

Coming off of his It hype-train, Finn Wolfhard was the most engaged actor with almost 25% of the conversation. Joe Keery only came in at No. 3. Guess no one’s seen his Nintendo commercial, huh?

  1. Finn Wolfhard | 24.59%
  2. Millie Bobby Brown | 14.84%
  3. Joe Keery | 12.70%
  4. Gaten Matarazzo | 8.44%
  5. Noah Schnapp | 8.37%
  6. Caleb McLaughlin | 7.62%
  7. Winona Ryder | 7.49%
  8. Natalia Dyer | 5.57%
  9. Charlie Heaton | 5.23%
  10. David Harbour | 5.16%

More than just friends

Mileven, last season’s canon ship, dominates this list with over half of the ship-related engagements. It also had more original posts, reblogs, and likes than all the other ships on the list combined. Here’s how it all pans out:

  1. Mileven (Mike Wheeler x Eleven) | 55.75%
  2. Jancy (Jonathan Byers x Nancy Wheeler) | 24.92%
  3. Jopper (Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper) | 9.36%
  4. Byeler (Will Byers x Mike Wheeler) | 5.99%
  5. Lumax (Lucas Sinclar x Max Caulfield) | 3.98%

Stay strange, Tumblr

To continue your deep dive into The Upside Down, here are a few Tumblrs to add to your dash:

Keep watching. Keep blogging. And please, don’t forget to tag your spoilers.

the commercial!


Donations are OPEN!

Will Draw for Good is having a rapid response 1 night draw-a-thon to benefit the Hispanic Federation and their relief efforts in MEXICO and PUERTO RICO.

Donate $25 OR MORE, (and give us a subject matter to draw in the message field) and your donation will go to relief efforts and you’ll get a sweet piece of original art in the mail!


❗️Things you should know about the Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Bill ❗️

• There is not enough time between now and September 30 to get an accurate CBO score that tells us how many people will loose coverage as well as what the bill will cost, and that is inexcusable.

• It ends individual and employer mandates, which will drive premiums up. It will also end federal subsidies for individual insurance. This is estimated to leave 32 million people uninsured.

• It takes the money going to the states that opted ‘in’ to Medicaid expansion and distributes it among all states, even those whose legislatures irresponsibly voted against expansion. In 2026, funding for Medicaid expansion would end entirely, and the shortfall would be left for the states to cover.

• It institutes a one year freeze on Medicaid reimbursements for Planned Parenthood (even though federal law already prohibits federal tax dollars being used to fund or finance abortion services)

• It allows individual states to define what constitutes an “essential benefit”, which will likely result in a slash of coverage for maternity services, cancer treatments and services, ER visits, prescription drugs, and many more benefits. This could also further prevent women’s clinics from charging Medicaid for things like cancer screenings and birth control.

• It allows insurers to double their surcharge for elderly patients. (The ACA allows insurers to charge older customers up to 3 times as much as younger ones. This bill increases that to up to 5 times as much.)

• It allows insurers to charge higher rates based on health status, and it repeals language in the ACA which prevents changing insurance rates after a patient is diagnosed with a condition. This is not a drill, friends. Call your senators. We have until the 30th.

202-224-3121 -> US Capitol Switchboard. This will connect you directly with the senate office you request.

ResistBot is another great resource. If you text ‘resist’ to 50409, you can fax straight to your senators office by texting what you want to say.

TL:DR; the healthcare bill still sucks. Call your senators. Information on how above ^^


Yes, the new GOP healthcare bill still sucks. Call 202-224-3121 and tell Congress that. Don’t use those words, though. Be courteous and clear. Tell them how this unparliamentary bill will affect you, your friends, your family, and your future. If you’re scared, tell them you’re scared. If you’re angry, be righteous in your anger. 

It sucks that we have to do this over and over again, but we have to do this over and over again. For ourselves, for each other. Love ya, Tumblr. 

Oh, and here’s a list of the states where your calls will really, really matter:

Arizona: Senator McCain ☎️  202-224-2235 Alaska: Senator Murkowski ☎️  202-224-6665 Maine: Senator Collins ☎️  202-224-2523 Ohio: Senator Portman ☎️  202-224-3353 West Virginia: Senator Capito ☎️  202-224-6472 Tennessee: Senator Alexander ☎️  202-224-4944 Colorado: Senator Gardner ☎️  202-224-5941

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