
Fell down the rabbit hole

@weirdnessxmagnet-arch / weirdnessxmagnet-arch.tumblr.com

"Gotta warn you, I am very much a weirdness magnet."  Independent OC roleplay blog. Mun & Muse 21+ IC sideblog: tinytelepath
Anonymous asked:

✘ If you could go ten years back in time and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?

"Never run from anything immortal, it attracts their attention."

Anonymous asked:

✘ Who's your favorite demon?

🎶 "Oh Father please don't make me choose..." 🎶



"So the secret t'a smooth mirror glaze is pourin' it over the pastry RIGHT when it hits the target temperature." Those eclairs laid out on the kitchen counter look damn tasty, but they're missing one CRUCIAL element: the dark blue galaxy glaze that Toni's just finished mixing together. "We wanna cool it down t'about 33 degrees celsius before we use it --- what's the thermometer say it's at?"


“Uh, 45? 43.” The way Toni is watching the thermometer suggests she is taking this baking session far more seriously than is honestly necessary. They’re eclairs, not explosives.

She watches the thermometer like a cat tracking prey, and is rushing to pour it over the eclairs the second she sees 33. It’s not the neatest it could be, hurried as she is to make sure she does everything at the right temperature. Still, it seems to be sticking, overall.

“Did it work?”


“And with my god? He has one big threat. Eternal torture.” The words were emphasised with jazz hands. “Problem is, I get that no matter what. ... So He’s got no power at all any more.”

That time my muse said something and I realised there was no coming back from it.

Anonymous asked:

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?


“How in the world am I supposed to answer that question? By what standards?”


Underneath Toni's tree is tucked the normal, massive array of homemade holiday treats that the Ciphers always leave. In addition, there's a jewelry box holding a bright rose-gold necklace chain with a ruby pendant and black amethyst accents. The wards etched within the gemstone should protect her from the wrath of demons and most minor gods whenever she wears it. There's a tag attached of course: "Merry Christmas, Toni! From, The Ciphers"


Had they left this here after the party? Antonia wonders, taking the treats to join the seemingly endless stack of her own creations in the kitchen. She really is going to need to find something else to occupy her for a few days.

The necklace she sits down to look over carefully, eyes lighting up as she reads the instructions that came with it. It’s very pretty, and certainly useful, though she is wondering how much magic jewellery she can get away with wearing at once before people start paying attention to it. Especially when it’s all mixed stones and metals. 

...She’ll have to start carrying them in a pouch or something for emergencies.


[There is a large lump on the kitchen counter, covered in a sheet of shiny wrapping paper and clumsily looped with a red ribbon.  Beneath it, Toni will find a brand new professional grade KitchenAid mixer, and a note: ‘For cookies -Ray’.]

She’s laughing. This is clearly a little self-serving from the demon, and yet it doesn’t matter in the slightest. It will come in very useful, that’s for sure.

Like right now. Because of course the best thank you would be a fresh batch of cookies.

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