
Do Good Recklessly! -The Adventure Zone


Hello! I have a vague idea of what
I’m doing! Kinda. If I offend you
please let me know so that I can
correct my mistakes.
🖤💛Hufflepuff 🖤💛
♥︎Profile picture is me 😂♥︎
♥︎Header made by the wonderful @Diorblossom♥︎
♥︎If you want to see my art, just look through the “#Iris arts” tag.♥︎
♥︎I love talking to people, so feel free to message me!♥︎
♥︎ I have Mycophobia, Atelphobia, Globophobia, Trypophobia, And more irrational fears ♥︎
<3 Mostly BNHA, Undertale, and Kingdom Hearts! <3

Hey guys:

I’m gonna take a break for a while.

Depression sucks and my phones gonna be taken away for a while. Idk when or actually even if I’ll get it back.

I’ll miss you!

I love you all!



Look at your gallery and what ever is your 20th picture is what you will be in the next life and tag 3 people

Welp I guess I am my drawing of Luna in the next life

Looks like I'll be frosty >\\w//<

I tag! : @autumns-daydreams @pretzelsketch @protective-mama-peachy and @kurayami-no-menba (I can't tag qwq)


Well that's not too bad...

Thank you for the tag! Ima tag: @squishidoodles, @redfirefox-55 and @daylilydoodles! Don't have to do it if you don't wanna.





the “this is your house I’m not making you sleep on the couch” “yeah but you’re the guest you take the bed” conversation between ur otp right before they share the bed reblog if u agree




Hello beautiful person! (✿◠‿◠) Once you get this you must share five random facts about yourself then pass this on to your 10 favorite followers! 💛


1. I am really good at Science but terrible at Math

2. My phone case is teal

3. My water bottle’s name is Mabel

4. I own 8 flannels/plaid shirts

5. I want to be a jellyfish

My lovelies: 


1. i’m hanging off my bed upside down right now, kinda hurts but it’s also extremely comfortable

2. i’m just a stick

3. i can curl my tounge into a u

4. i can flare my nose

5. some people think i have an english accent, i most definitely do not, ‘‘twas born and raised in pennsylvania, it’s probably because i have a slight speech impediment…


Oh shoot uhhh

1. I’m clingy as fuck and I crave attention constantly

2. I play viola (I’m not the best at it but i try)

3. I have a rubber duck collection

4. I did cheerleading in first and second grade

5. Today in math we switched seats and I ended up at the table right next to The Person and when I tried sitting as far as possible while staying at my table my teacher switched my table around and I ended up as close to him as possible so that was fun

Alright kiddos let’s get tagged!!

That’s 10 but if anyone else wants to do it then tag, you’re it!!!!!

1. I have adhd

2. I have a million freckles. seriously. there are thousands of these little fuckers everywhere

3. I’m 18!

4. In regards to sexuality, i really like labels for myself. i am in awe of people who choose not to use them (whatever the reason may be), because labels are my safety net. for a long time i felt i was the only person going through my “weird” stuff, and finding labels quite literally saved my life. sexuality is fluid, so i don’t mind updating my identification, but i l o v e labels. that said, i currently i.d. as panromantic and demisexual!

5. I actually have a very strong accent (dare you to guess what it is lol) that i have learned to get rid of when i sing. that said, now i sometimes slip into accents and can’t get out of them. it’s a real troublemaker.

5.5 bc im a rebel. i know ASL!

have fun guys!!

Oh deary me, I guess we’re doing one of these! 1. I have a very thick southern accent and I swear like a sailor,,,, I’m trying to tone it down nowadays but old habits and all that ^^ 2. I have several ducks and chickens that I love with my whole entire heart!!! I love my feather children 3. I’ve been on a professional bowling team! Bowling is very fun, and you can eat and sit down while you do it so it’s objectively the best sport ever 4. I love dancing, figure skating, and swordfighting! Something about the grace and dexterity and confidence behind it all, it’s entrancing 5. I’m a huge nerd with a passion for high fantasy rpgs, literature, and history!  (I’ll tag people following my main or rpg ask blog, hope im not bothering any of you guys, lol) @stop-it-anxiety @notsotinyblob @residentanchor @znikitrash @yalltookmyurlideas @jessibbb @probablynothumanish @sanderssides-chaos @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @bexxbeauty

1. I am learning French, Latin, and Spanish 

2. I am a romantic and love the idea of swords, archery, and castles, medieval times, love, anything from a book

3. I am a history nerd and remember all sorts of weird facts that I mention randomly

4. I can write in Circular Gallifreyan

5. I am in theater (or will be once we get a new director)

I’m not sure if this is going to be interesting or not, but here goes nothing!

1. I am 25. Which is like, really old on this website. I feel like that one vine where the little girl says, “I’m 16! I’m a grandma!”

2. I modeled when I was like, 8. It was so much fun and I wish I would have continued doing it.

3. My favorite movie is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

4. Oddly enough, I actually don’t have a favorite color. I have colors I lean towards, but none of them are my favorite.

5. Ummm………….I’ve never really had a serious relationship. And by that I mean I have never had a relationship last longer than, like, 5 months.

EEEEEE!! I’m so happy to be tagged!!

1. I’m vv short (4′10 at the age of 13)

2. I wanted to be a ghost hunter from ages 4-12

3. I’m surprisingly outgoing even though I’m filled with anxiety

4. I’m a hufflepuff!!

5. I absolutely love all my friends and followers on this site and I’m always open to making new ones!!


1. I’m kinda on the taller side, like 5'8 and a half

2. I’m Wiccan

3. I’m really into collecting vinyls, I even have a few blue labels!!

4. I am also really into classic rock!

5. I’m apart of so many fandoms that I can’t even count them all

Sorry I don’t have ten people to tag I don’t know that many people on here!!! Sorry for bothering the people I tagged too!!

:O sounds fun!!!

1. I really liked anime a lot a while ago. I’ve drawn back quite a bit but I still like anime

2. Uh I’m Canadian

3. I’m the youngest in my grade because technically I’m supposed to be a grade behind what I am, but I was born before the cutoff :)

4. I have a type: sad angsty characters with childhood trauma and a sense of humour

5. The first and only boyfriend I ever had was in grade 1. Imagine me being straight, ha!

Uh I’ll tag some people, but just do it if you want anyways!

I am legally forced to do this so here it goes!

1. I want to be an actor! Hopefully it works out.

2. I have a sister, the parasite’s blog is @evelinaonline.

3. I can’t move my left arm because I played Wii Sports Resort too intensely two days ago. Yesterday I did the same exact thing. This isn’t a fun fact but you all needed to know.

4. I’m one of those students who copies the homework all the time and doesn’t really study but gets good grades anyway.

5. I play the piano.

I don’t know who to tag so I’m tagging friends: @evelinaonline (suffer) @profjamie20 @pineipina @tidalwave-prince @manynerdthings

ohoho my oversharing tendencies are quaking

1. i have two cats! they’re assholes i love them

2. i hate the taste of plain water

3. i too, play the piano. which one of us plays the piano better is up for debate

4. uhhhh i have a signs hanging over my desk that says “another fine day ruined by RESPONSIBILITY”

5. i really love shrimp. i love shrimp so much. i had shrimp for dinner yesterday and i almost cried it was so good

aaaaa thanks for tagging me!

1. i have been playing piano for 7/8 years! hi fellow pianists!

2. I always have to peel the crust off my sandwich and then eat it before I can eat the rest

3. slightly sad, but ive had no pets for just over a year, my kitty died and my parents don’t want any more animals

4. my room is pastel blue and has a pastel blue accent wall!

5. i have a really low range, i can get down to the d below middle c

thanks again!

anyone who sees this is welcome to do it too!

Yay! Thanks for the tag! ❤️

1. I’m almost a black belt in taekwondo.

2. Out of all my siblings I’ve broken the most bones (only two if you’re wondering.)

3. The only pets I’ve ever had are a gold fish and a hamster. (And they’re both dead. Probably.)

4. I can sorta play the ukulele! I only know a few chords but whatever.

5. We used to own a trampoline, but we had to sell it when we moved.


1: I have 36 side blogs (and more on the way!) 😜

2: I have an abnormally long tongue that used to freak people out.

3: I ate dog food once. Like the kibble stuff. I was like 2 or somethin.

4: I have a crush on a girl in Poland.

5: I have 351 followers on TikTok for some reason.

I’m too lazy to tag anyone tbh 😅 So if you see this you must reblog with 5 random facts.



I was tagged by @assassinsdragons to post a GIF that represents me . . . So here you go! ✌️

It was surprisingly difficult to find one I was happy with? I'm tagging @malfoy-potterx, @restlessandordinary & @gryffindeku — if y'all want to!


Thank you for the tag @all-drarry-to-me

I chose this one bc losing focus is a big mood and I really relate to Jake's general happy but weird attitude

Finally! An opportunity to share my favourite gif! This is my general attitude when someone displeases me lmao


A gif that represents me, huh? Ok.

Since the gremlins family have all been tagged already, I'll tag @ghostietoasty @kozikoko @quietrespite @kingdomheartstrash @ori-kunn @maplefudge @mermaidlorelei and @cobblepottantrum ✨💚✨


I think this about sums me up😂

I have 2 that represent me but here's the closest one.

Im just a continuous tired bean sack.

Ok heh there are so many I want to post but they’re sooooooooooooo[breath]oooooooo not appropriate. Here’s one that will not cause emotional scarring but describes me and my blog at the same time:

And I’ll tag...everyone! I’d love to see what you all post! But specifically:


It feels like me lmao

Tagging whoever wants to join in bc im so tired i cant think of mutuals lol

@aspertiacitygymleader , yup! That's you but we enjoy the saltines.

For myself....


.....yup, that’s about right. 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

Aaaaand tags: @malenchka​ @feenievonkarma​ @darthgenki​ @onesinnerzerostandards​ @llamagoddessofficial​

Tiffany Pollard is my spirit animal

@lullychi​ @theydrawthings​ @thekraftkryptid​ @skelesansation​ @semisolidmind​


I don't know who to tag...

I feel like this for some reason.


I legit can’t decide which of these is more me. 😂


Yo Crack theory time:

**Spoilers for The Arcana ahead**






Okay so I haven’t gotten really far into the game yet, but here’s my theory:

This chick. She crazy. She totally killed her husband and is placing the blame on our good friend Julian :(

Why? Well because she caught the Emperor cheating on her with his physician of course! She got so mad that she killed Lucio and framed poor Julian.

Or you know she could have been after the throne or whatever but I like my theory better 😂


So... am I the only one who whenever she starts a new route she feels down and like a cheater because "oh shit, yesterday I was this character's lover and now I'm not" and then my mind goes to the ultimate dark mode and then I'm like "This character used to suffer mentally alone and I saved him, now he'll go back to suffer alone and watch me making someone else happy" and the cycle repeats itself.


I just started the Arcana, and I saw this.

Is this what I have to look forward to?

Cheating on my fictional s/o’s?

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