
Silm Remix Exchange 2023

@tolkienremix / tolkienremix.tumblr.com

A Silmarillion-focused remix exchange! Mobile Directory

Silm Remix 2023 Roundup!

​Thank you to everyone who participated in the Silm Remix 2022! We’re so thrilled to have inspired so many fantastic works. Please, go forth and enjoy these marvelous creations!


Aipilosse remixed jouissant's mock your own grinning into As Hush as Death

arriviste remixed HewerOfCaves' We Live a Lie into the world to come

asterisq remixed swanmaiden's post mortem into what remains

BaccaratBlack remixed I_did_not_mean_to's Night like this into Through the Darkest Night

Brievel remixed kitkatkaylie's Light from the Dark into Dawning Light

Drag0nst0rm remixed Brievel's Nightmares into Dawn

Grundy remixed asterisq's Flashing fire - cold as ice into Smoke & Ashes

HewerOfCaves remixed BaccaratBlack's Desperation and Defeat into Maiar Hate This Simple Trick

I_did_not_mean_to remixed SpaceWall's The Second Rebellion of the Noldor into A key change

Idrils_Scribe remixed LadySternchen's Goodbyes (chapter 33) into The Lark That Rises

JazTheBard remixed TheChasm's in the breaking into Wait for the Dawn, Wish on a Star

jouissant remixed undercat's To the Land of the Forsaken into In Forsaken Lands

kitkatkaylie remixed Drag0nst0rm's Like Tomorrow Won't Arrive into Round and round and round again

LadySternchen remixed Idrils_Scribe's Shadows Laid Before the Sun into Beyond The Mists

maglor_my_beloved remixed reindeer_pizza's First Meetings into See this Task to its End

reindeer_pizza remixed welcoming_disaster's eggshell into Expectations

searchingforserendipity remixed maglor_my_beloved's Lilac into Love, Caution

searchingforserendipity remixed maglor_my_beloved’s The Harper into Singing Sweet Songs As They Went

starlightwalking remixed steadfastalysanne2022's In This Mad Season, I Come Undone and Her Father's Daughter into His Daughter's Father

steadfastalysanne2022 remixed searchingforserendipity's Ahead, above, across, here into here is the deepest secret nobody knows

swanmaiden remixed Aipilosse's Family Pulled From a Flood into Ebb and Flow

TheChasm remixed Ancalimë (Cymbidia)'s Breadgiver into keep it in remembrance

undercat remixed lonelyvisitor's A Mistress Of Her Own Lust into the first filament

welcoming_disaster remixed starlightwalking's a most faithful vassal into smoke signals

Anonymous asked:

I joined late last year so I don’t know timelines, but will there be a Tolkien Remix this year?

We haven't put one together yet. It may happen at some point this year, but it won't be on the same timeline as it has been in the past.


THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Silm Remix this year! It was a wild success, and we’re so grateful for everyone who pitched in!

Remember to check out the collection if you haven’t already!

And if you made a promo post for your fic on tumblr, please DM it to me @arofili so I can reblog it to this blog for all to see!


through the darkest night

  • Relationships : Maedhros/Fingon
  • Characters: Maedhros, Fingon, Maglor
  • Rating: G
  • Words: 1k

The fortress at Himring was exceptionally dreary, which suited Meadhros just fine. His torments upon Thangorodrim and within the Iron Hells did not lend for a particularly cheerful demeanor. It less suited Maglor, who was prone to the fantastical and whimsy. He simply could not compose under such dismal conditions, although his elder brother scoffed at the idea that Maglor still composed.

Was the Noldolantë not telling enough, brother? He had mocked once over dinner, already well into the dark wine he favored on even darker nights.

But oh, there is so much more to tell…


Here to rec my wonderful gift for the @tolkienremix exchange, feat. Idril, Finrod, and Turgon navigating Elenwe's death and the idea of Gondolin, with fantastic characterization:

In Forsaken Lands, by a currently anonymous author

Highly recommended! Go read!

And the anonymous author has turned out to be the incredible @jouissants, who is a marvelous and skilled writer who's written yet another wonderful work! Thank you so very much for the remix; it's wonderful and very highly recommended!


It’s time for author reveals for the 2023 Silmarillion Remix! I had the opportunity to remix Brievel’s excellent Nightmares.

If you would like to see some late First Age hurt/comfort between Maglor & Maedhros, check it out!



Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fëanor | Curufinwë/Nerdanel Characters: Fëanor | Curufinwë, Nerdanel (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Vairë the Weaver, Oromë (Tolkien), Maedhros | Maitimo, Aulë | Mahal Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:

It was the happiest and best of worlds, the bronze finally poured perfectly from the mould without cracking in the casting. He was happy. Surely he was happy.


Fëanáro said, and the words, somehow, were not quite his own, “Am I supposed to be complacent? Should I not keep reaching for more? Who am I, if I don’t?”


still Not Around right now but this was my @tolkienremix story based on @zealouswerewolfcollector’s delightfully eerie We Live A Lie.


The morning after Eärendil departed north, Elwing resolved to call a council. She had an important announcement to make, and fielding the inevitable questions and well-wishes would take her mind off her longing for Eärendil.

He will return by spring, she reminded herself,  and not set out again until after the birth. That had always been the plan - there was no use in being maudlin about things. She rose and dressed simply, in a heavier linen  lann over a petticoat for winter, although the Silmaril would keep away the worst of the cold. While dressing, she took the opportunity to consider her naked body. At only three weeks, her stomach was still almost flat against her hand, the same as it ever was. Were her breasts a little swollen this morning, or was she simply imagining, even willing it for some physical proof of her children?  If it were not for the twin tiny sparks dancing around the edge of her  fae, would she have known herself pregnant at all?

Perhaps she could not be blamed for wanting some physical sign. She and Eärendil had tried so  hard  for this outcome, had longed for it.

my remix of @aipilosse ‘s family pulled from a flood for @tolkienremix. earendil and elwing have finally managed to concieve, but there’s still a few storms to weather before their children are born.


Maiar Hate This Simple Trick

I wrote a sequel to @elentarial‘s Desperation and Defeat for @tolkienremix. Big thanks to @welcomingdisaster for beta! Please make sure to check out the original fic too (and the rest of fics in the collection!)

2234 words, T, background Celebrimbor/Narvi and Celeborn/Galadriel

Compilation of miscellaneous notes and letters sent between the high lords and ladies concerning a particular incident of note occurred in Ost-in-Edhil in the eleventh century of the Second Age.

From Prince Celeborn of Doriath to Lord Celebrimbor of Eregion

Dear Celebrimbor,

You might not be aware of it (I lay no blame on you for ignorance born from inexperience), but when you assumed the leadership of Eregion, you also took upon yourself the burden of responsibility for the safety and comfort of all its citizens. 

Regretfully, my safety and comfort were threatened when the Maia, who hails himself Annatar, chose to visit me uninvited to inquire of the whereabouts of my beloved wife and, most disturbingly, to complain about certain facets of your Dwarven colleague. (I have made my views of your association with that individual perfectly clear, so I shall not repeat myself here.)

Celebrimbor, mayhap the Noldor seek knowledge everywhere, but we, the Sindar, have certain reservations. Thanks to your Maiarin suitor, I now know more of Dwarven anatomy than I ever wanted or needed to know. 


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Elrond Peredhel & Tindómiel Characters: Elrond Peredhel, Tindómiel (Tolkien) Additional Tags: in-universe romance and erotica, unfortunate arachnid attractions, the state(s) of being peredhel, Remix Summary:

“I do see the appeal of Ungoliant,” Elrond said. “The longing to be one being with your beloved, to cease to be through union with the one you desire. The longing to subsume yourself in their self, for your lover to subsume you. For them to eat you. A consuming romance, your lover devouring you: to be caught in their grasp, chained in silk, and you joined forever with the one who hungers for you. Yes, I see the appeal of the Spider.”

“Really, Elrond? Let us stop,” said Tindómiel. “I wish to hear no more of spiders. If arachnids are what Elves desire, then I have never been more grateful that my father Chose not to be one.”

Elrond and Tindómiel chat on a lazy summer day.


A gift for the always-incredible @i-am-a-lonely-visitor, written for the @tolkienremix exchange.

A remix of A Mistress Of Her Own Lust, but with heavy inspiration from A Very Bad Idea and An Incarnation - you should read those too!

“I do see the appeal of Ungoliant,” Elrond said. “The longing to be one being with your beloved, to cease to be through union with the one you desire. The longing to subsume yourself in their self, for your lover to subsume you. For them to eat you. A consuming romance, your lover consuming you, devouring you: to be caught in their grasp, caught in a silken web to be eaten, and you joined forever with the one who hungers for you. Yes, I see the appeal of the Spider.” “Really, Elrond? Let us stop,” said Tindómiel. “I wish to hear no more of spiders. If arachnids are what Elves desire, then I have never been more grateful that my father Chose not to be one.”

sharing my fantastic remix fic — which has brought me UTMOST JOY, anon, utmost!!!!! tindómiel and elrond take a break from hot númenórean girl summer to debate erotica, (im)mortality, and the appeal of spiderfucking 🥰

now that reveals are out can safely say that my @tolkienremix gift was of course by beautiful genius @undercat-overdog 🖤🕷🖤


keep it in remembrance

My fic for @tolkienremix, inspired by Ancalimë’s wonderful story Breadgiver!

  • Relationships: Nerdanel & Sons of Fëanor, Nerdanel & Indis
  • Characters: Nerdanel, Sons of Fëanor, Indis
  • Rating: G
  • Words: 2k

Maedhros was a perfectionist. He had been one, thought his mother, since he was very small; as patient as he was with the myriad small faults of others, he little liked to find any of his own. He had taken to conventional baking easily and cheerfully; the precision, Nerdanel could tell, appealed to him. The right temperature, kneading the dough for the correct length of time, and you were rewarded with a perfectly risen loaf of waybread. Nerdanel suspected that the predictability of this process rather soothed her thoughtful, measured eldest, which led her to believe that her experiment would be a success.

Baking coimas, it turned out, was more complicated.

“You are thinking too much about the mechanics of it,” Nerdanel said, “and not enough about what you want the bread to do.

Maedhros smiled ruefully at her. “You could have stopped earlier, Ammë,” he said. “I am thinking too much.”


Thank you so much @last-capy-hupping and the mods at @tolkienremix

! Here is the deepest secret nobody knows captured my heart and imagination, it's a wonderful work. You've given Indis and Míriel such strong voices, and developed the tenderest parts of my old fic beautifully into such beautiful intimacy. This is so gorgeous!


The collection is now FULLY REVEALED!

As of today, creators have been revealed! Go thank your no-longer-anonymous author for their work, share your fics across the web, and otherwise gush about the writing process. You’ve earned it!

This tumblr blog will be reblogging any tumblr promos you tag us in. If you want us to share your fic, make a post with a link to your story and @ mention us @tolkienremix in the body of the post!

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