
The Iron Paladin

@theironpaladin / theironpaladin.tumblr.com

I am The Iron Paladin. I chose this  name as an alias for it is what will be put on anything I do from now on. I am trying to change what it is that I am sorta. I have no idea what it is I am going to be changing into because I'm having a bit of trouble with that but I will figure it out so don't worry. I will do what I can to satisfy your cravings for art but, hehe, I'm no artist.


I have been away for quite some time it seems. No I did not forget about any of you. I have been getting my personal life back together. I am on an upward path that leads to a good deal of fortune in my life. It will be the base start again to this blog of mine that I worked on. As you can see most of my content has been deleted to show you just my base most concept. My writing. That will forever be the only thing I work on posting to this blog as I have a different personal blog now. I will take submissions if people would like to post something to my blog. Spread the love a bit. The posts won't start out very regular, but with time I am hoping that everything gets working very well. Like a machine. Anyways. You guys stay awesome and keep your dreams alive. Till next time.

-The Iron Paladin-



The angles have all come

And taken what they wish

They brought us hope

And took it back

Deciding we are

Not worth it

For we are already

At deaths door



I set up a paypal if anyone wanted to comission work from me. Or just wanted to send a small. Really small tip. I’m working on some more poems but can’t garenty more then one a day. But I’ll get out one a day at the very least. I love each and everyone of you for enjoying my work. Thank you all for staying by me. paypal.me/JefferyBullard


The Earth and Moon

Running through the wilds

As the moon light shines

Down on us with a smile

The eerie sounds filling us

With dread as they start to rise

The moon calling them back to life

Trying to rid the earth

Of its infestation

And cleanse it of its impurity


I guess I should tell you guys a little about my mind set so that my poems might have a bit more meaning. Back on April 24 2015 I had attempted to kill myself. Though I did fail I was also put into a mental hospital called Mind Springs here in Grand Junction Colorado. It was there I found a way to channel my emotions of self hate and my dis-stain in living into my writing. It helped me channel what I could already do and suppress it all. So some of the super dark poems are actually me venting my dislike of life. Currently I am 21 years old and survive in an apartment with a room mate. I work five nights a week serving people at a local burger king to make ends meet. And that’s about it. I am recently single though I am not looking for anyone right now. Maybe one day I will find someone who I will get along with. Not that I didn’t get along with my ex. Just things we couldn’t address at the moment and we split. But yeah. This is the most anyone will ever get to know me outside of messaging me. Hope this cleared stuff up for all of you.


I apologize

I know I don’t post like I should. And I  know that people are always happy to read something that I write. I just haven’t been in the right state of mind lately to write good poems for you all. I may still write but I only want to bring you the best ones. Only the best for my fans. No exceptions. You may all want anything. But with the way I am. It would kill me to put shit on here. Not all of my stuff has done great or amazing. And some of the ones I am most proud of have my worst record on people liking them. But I still am putting the ones that I think you all may like on here. If any of you have a certain idea you want me to write about don’t hesitate to send me an ask or a message. Even if it is to just talk for a bit. My box is open. Always will for anyone in need. For now my writing will always be free. Want to turn it all into one giant book one day to sell. Any ways. I am just rambling on now. Have a great life everyone.


Night Life

Rest your head

Here in my lap

Close your eyes

And let the world

Wrap around you

As I slide this blade

Into your chest

Ending your life

As you cry softly

To the heavens

Wishing for more time

The town is now empty

With no one else here

Will I stay in this peaceful

Place where I laid you to rest

Or wonder the world

Looking for more people

Who’s lives I can also end

With the starry night watching

Over me and

Keeping me safe from prying eyes


Whimsical Mim

Smiling for the first time today

You look up at the stars

Shining down on you

And think about

Everything that has happened

Tears may bring pain

But will wash it away

And time will heal

Our wounds though

Scars may remain

Just keep that smile

It suits you more then

The frown that you wear

And it will slowly

Bring you salvation

“Authors note” written for someone I recently met. They weren’t having the best time but I was able to make them smile. Even if just for a bit.



The reaper spreads his wings

And looks down upon you

As you draw your final breathe

The sun light dims

And he takes your hand

To lead you away

You are scared at first

Then you feel the

Sweet soothing melody

Of the end

Wash over you

As you pass the final gate



The ship began to rock as explosions rippled across the deck. Wood splintered and people yelled. Jeffery found himself in a world of trouble with a startling wake up call. He has to chose either to save the world from chaos or save his wife from an eternal hell. What will he choose and who will follow him on this adventure.

I hope you guys are ready for this. But I am working on a novel and I am leaving this teaser here. Tell me what you think of it. Go on. I don’t bite and I love feed back. Plus I would love to hear from all of you who have stuck with me. 


I'm Back (Again)

Sorry it has been so long since I was last here. I have had no internet for that past few months but now I have internet and can continue to entertain those brains of yours with my word play. I hope I can look forward to hearing from each and every one of you and hear what you want me to write next. You don't know. Maybe I will surprise you and post a poem you gave me the idea for. XD Till next time.
-The Iron Paladin

The Future

I sit there in this wheelchair

And think to myself

Why did I do such

A stupid thing in my past

Why was it that my 

Present didn’t stop 

From hurting us anymore.

Why am I in this 

Place still as I 

Force myself to stay alive

Through everything that has happened

And now my time is up

For the reaper has come 

To take me away


The Present

I’m sitting round this table

While my friends try to help

Keeping me afloat

While I figure out

What to do next

Where I want to

Go from here

What I have to do

To move on

From this nightmare

That was holding me back

Keeping me from

Getting you out of my head

But the light has

Finally passed over me

And you are finally gone

I can see that

And I’m still hurting from it

But I know I’ll be okay

On this day that

I sit here with

People who actually care


The Past

Life shit me out

And left me behind

With just a whisper

On my lips

Letting me tell

The story of

When I was alive

Of how I fought

And tried to keep

You safe but

I only ended up

Killing myself more and more

While you laughed

From the balcony

Smirking with that hideous smile

That should be in hell

But its sitting there in heaven

While I sink into hell

Forever left to rot

With the maggots feasting

On my legs with that

Whisper still there

Waiting to tell someone

The truth about what

Had happened to us


Black Rose

I place a rose onto the ground

Right beside your grave

In hopes that you will smile down

From that far off place

I think I hear you behind me

And turn real quick to see

That I am just as alone

As the day you left me

As a side note I just changed the last line. I think I like the change :D


Talent Scout

They told me that

I wouldn’t be able to

Do anything worth while

That I would be

Nothing but a burden

But what I found

Was this wall

That seemed so big

That I would never

Be able to scale it

Even with all the help

Of the people trying

To oppress me

Into submission

And control what it is

That I do

But fuck all those

Idiots that are blind

And can’t see that

I have talent

Buried deep inside me

And that I just need help

Getting it to come out

To bloom into

Another person just like you


Road Trip

We all pile in

To that cheap old car

And turn the music on

Forgetting about our troubles

Driving to who knows where

Enjoying what we have

Not a worry in sight

Or a pain in our hearts

Filled to the brim

With happiness and joy

For being with friends

On a little get away

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