
rp blog for Mommy Mearest // 16+ // performed by butcher. // icons, pfp, and header by @yuyu69 on twitter. // formerly askmommydearestfnf.

okaaay okaaay

obligatory comment about crawling from the grave here

hi!! i’ve been swamped with unfortunately Getting A Life, which is why i havent been super active on here🙏 i’m almost finished with getting my cosmetology license, and then i plan to take a year break before starting back to college to get my mortuary science degree

once i finish up this current school year, i promise you guys i’ll start being more active :3

Anonymous asked:

yo miranda. what's the heaviest amount you can lift. or. however is the correct way to phrase this question.

can you lift a truck miranda.

                    ˚◞♡ ⃗ she simply responded by lifting a large truck over her head with one hand triumphantly placed on her hip . of course i can . i m not sure how much i can lift at max , though . i haven t lifted in a while .


so t his made mec urious and .

She can lift up around maybe 10,000 pounds at max🙏

Anonymous asked:

yo miranda. what's the heaviest amount you can lift. or. however is the correct way to phrase this question.

can you lift a truck miranda.

                    ˚◞♡ ⃗ she simply responded by lifting a large truck over her head with one hand triumphantly placed on her hip . of course i can . i m not sure how much i can lift at max , though . i haven t lifted in a while .


ok but this is 100% younger dante and you cant convince me otherwise

song is im not a vampire by falling in reverse btw kicks feet


[[ ooc: TRUE you are so right, this is very him. This absolute edgelord. This hollywood disaster story dsfhgdshg I have also listened to the whole song and it is now on my dante playlist thank you :') ]]


reminds me of when i obnoxiously played greenday on my bluetooth speaker in the halls in middleschool


do you want to share this ?


" y'wanted ta try a ~new flavor~ o'sumn n'realized ya don'like it again din'cha~? " asks the motherfucker who actually does exactly that every time he finds a new monster energy.

" ...heh. a'ight, pass the silly straw. i'ope it isn't fuckin garlic flavored or idunno. "


                    ˚◞♡ ⃗  whaaaaat ? can t a girl share a shake with her sweetheart ? the purple demoness playfully pouted , before offering up a lopsided smile to blitz . sides , it s not that i don t like it i just think it would taste better if i shared it with you !

miranda giggled and twirled the straw toward her golden partner ( were they even together ? she was still figuring it out . ) she brushed her thumb against his jaw and pressed a small kiss to his cheek before looking at him in mock terror .

gar wh garlic blitz , babe , that s a bit too evil even for my standards !

@daddy-devilish liked for a young!miranda starter!

                    ˚◞♡ ⃗  ruby red eyes green with envy scanned the young demon from head to toe as he walked into the club . dante dearest . miranda knew that punk getup anywhere and , if this encounter had come before she started pursuing her music career , she would ' ve been bouncing off of the walls . but now , this man wasn ' t her inspiration anymore , he was her rival .

that , of course , wasn ' t a viable reason for her not to do her job . not to her boss , anyway . and so , dressed scantily in a sleek leather costume that would surely make jennifer tilly proud , miranda approached the front counter and offered dante one of her sweetest smiles .

" mr . dearest , " she cooed , " welcome to the lounge . what brings you to our fine establishment ? "


𓏶♪ || Another successful take down, another hit song, another night feeling unstoppable. Steady climb, one more conquest, like second nature, somewhere between greed and bloodlust. By now, he's convinced he was born for this, fame his birthright. The young rockstar comes in-- smile first. Pearly whites like a shark, sharper than the spikes that line his shoulders, clearly entertained by whatever he was telling the small entourage that's been tagging along with him. So much so he didn't even look at the person offering their service until he heard his apparently recognized name.

" I gotta celebrate somehow--! " He turns, and he's immediately ensnared... in a pair of shining demonic eyes. His smile numbs for what short a moment it was, but promptly returns as a lopsided smirk as he realizes his delay might need an excuse. " ... Don't I know you from somewhere? " That wasn't just stalling. Tunnel visioned as he may have been, he looked at the other competition-- if only with a passing glance unless they were in his way. But they were a little hard to forget.

                    ˚◞♡ ⃗  rat bastard . miranda sucked her teeth at the comment and , for a brief moment , quirked her lips into an irritated pout . however , just as quickly as it came , it was replaced with a welcoming (albeit quite forced) smile .

miranda ignis , sir . up-and-comin ‘ . i wouldn t expect someone like you to remember—no , acknowledge someone who threatened your career though . the purple demoness fluttered her eyelashes at the rockstar and leaned on the counter , holding out one of the establishment s laminated menus . table for one , i assume ? you don t seem like the type to let your groupies get that close .


                    ˚◞♡ ⃗  " why is everyone so surprised that i used to be a stripper ? i ' ve been in countless playboy issues , my tits were out in a minidress on christmas , and half the time i ' m on stage i ' m in latex and / or skimpy goth wear. "

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