garden of lost souls

@ayuura /

as if the universe blinked, you vanished.

my favorite genre of photo is cosplayer out in a random place in public. and i’m not talking abt malls or hot topic and shit where you’re already more likely to find cosplayers. i’m talking abt seeing like a junko enoshima cosplayer at a mcdonald’s


ok but i don’t think any of these can compete with this pic taken by a professional photographer of just the most dejected spamton i’ve ever seen. just alone. with three seperate drinks. also this was featured on an official bbc news report


there’s a misconception that grief only happens when we lose people. this is not true. we can grieve circumstances, relationships, missed opportunities. in fact, sometimes when you find yourself plagued with waves of emotion from sadness to melancholy you may be grieving yourself. the version of yourself that you might have been if things had been different, or if only you had said something, or if someone had stood up for you.


Girls will lay in bed and wiggle their legs and squirm under the comforter and be like “mmmmmmm I’m so comfy!!!!” I’m girls


the origins of the “what are you two FUCKING talking about??” meme is almost funnier then the meme itself


seeing this made me feel like i just got a letter informing me of my own death


Let them come. Let them see this and immediately flee

all i have to say in response is this post:



I can back this up. It isn’t only their shelters.

I have a family friend who worked at our local Salvation Army headquarters as a a secretary. This particular office took all the Christmas donations for children in need, put them in a warehouse, and on a designated day the staff and their friends picked through them all, taking whatever they wanted. She saw people hauling away bikes donated for specific families. Some local children had hundreds of dollars of gifts donated in their name, and on Christmas they received three cheap things, items likely not even from the person who sponsored them.

My friend quit, and I’ve not given them a dime of my money since then.

Do not give to the Salvation Army.

Do Not. Give. To. Salvation. Army

My turn.

I’m a wildfire and disaster logistics specialist.

I deal with a lot of agencies who provide disaster relief.

I used to say the Salvation Army’s disaster services were the one (literally the ONE) good thing they did.

They would come in, set up a canteen trailer, make and pass out hot coffee and donated food in a disaster, usually being one of the first agencies to get there and the last to leave.

Then I found out.

Every time they did this, regardless of if they were actually invited or deployed by the agency in charge (usually FEMA, sometimes others) they would SELF-DEPLOY. Meanjng they would just show up. Ok. That’s not TOO bad, sometimes agencies have to take initiative and get there before the red tape is sorted out. BUT. They, after they left at the end of the incident, they would send FEMA or the host agency a BILL. They used one or two paid employees (usually the driver of the truck and a supervisor); and many VOLUNTEERS, but they would bill for EVERYONE’s Labor at standard federal rates. They would bill for the food they distributed even though it was all donated by another agency or private parties. They would bill for the coffee they made and the supplies. Except they would use electricity from the shelter location, water from donations or from the shelter, and in many cases, they would get the coffee and industrial filters DONATED, but bill for them at retail prices.

Don’t FUCKING give to the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army is also ass to the workers. A good number of people join it, naively thinking that it’s doing good, and end up leaving cynical and beaten down. The management is hostile, if not outright abusive, and demand some ridiculous hours of it lower to mid-level staff. Don’t support these people.

Unsettling update

Find better local charities and shelters and give to them instead!

Also just for even more horrific context on the original twitter thread?

Salvation Army reached out to Milknmuffins and asked what shelter she’s at with the promise to address the abuse in it. She…ended up saying where she was. She was thrown out onto the street. It’s also all on Twitter.

They invited her to a personal talk so she could explain the situation in person.

And then they threatened her with a screenshot of a rape-threat made supposedly by her:

And then threw her out into the street while claiming she broke house rules that

So yeah, the Salvation Army is a bunch of entitled assholes that will treat the most vulnerable like shit if they dare try to do anything that makes them look bad


My heart makes me feel but my brain will not accept.

happiness comes once in a blue moon, the silver lining slowly approaches but alas, soft rumbles in the distance

Does the ocean feel the rain?


Things That Happened In 2021 That Dont Feel Like They Did

  • Prince Phillip kickin' it
  • That shit in the Capitol that just like never got mentioned again?
  • Wandavision finale
  • The big-ass blizzard that hit Texas
  • Kardashian-West divorce
  • Grimes-Musk breakup
  • Trump got his dumb ass banned from every imaginable social media out there
  • Apparently there was a Super Bowl this year???
  • Rush Limbaugh kicked the bucket and the world collectively celebrated with dancing crabs
  • Harry and Meghan dishing the shit on the royal family
  • The Boat In The Suez Canal
  • Republicans refusing to take the vaccine but eating horse meds for some fucking reason
  • The Bernie Sanders In A Chair meme
  • Sea shanties took over TikTok
  • The Redditors and the GameStop stock, god bless
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