
@scottlaningham /

a satellite

Singer/songwriter Scott Martin, missing no more -(S1E3)

I met Scott Martin 30 years ago when he was was making a record in Boston. It was a brief introduction in a hallway and we both went on our way, not knowing if our paths would ever cross again. They did, and after two decades of life that has seen us both raising families, me working for IBM and Scott running an…

Groovin on life, Ep2: Gerald Stockton on bass and the boiler room

Play audio-only below or download the mp3 HERE.
Gerald Stockton and I have been friends since 1991 when he contacted me about writing for a music production library company in Dallas after he heard a cassette tape of my comedy song, Moose In My House.…

Experimenting with a hybrid drum kit for some Americana and hard-to-define gigs. A mixture of hand and sticks/brushes playing. I really like this sound and feel.

... the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit to it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.

From The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, important to remember during this and any political season


Alejandro Escovedo band making our way to The City Winery NYC on Jan 23 during Snowmageddon. Hopefully, the weather will be more gentle in Chicago this weekend, and we appear at the City Winery there Fri (jan 29) & Sat (jan 30).


Alejandro Escovedo Experience at The City Winery NYC. We had two great nights, the weekend of the Great Blizzard of 2016. A true joy performing with such a special group of musicians. It was a dream band in so many ways. L-R Sean Giddings, Elias Haslanger, Brian Standefer, Mitch Watkins, Alejandro Escovedo, Scott Laningham, Jesse England, Karla Manzur, Daniel Durham, and Chris Holston (not pictured). A portion of us with some other terrific players descend on Chicago this Friday and Saturday at The City Winery in the Windy City.

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