

@minassalin / minassalin.tumblr.com

Elvhen: Mi'nas'sal'in: The intense feeling of missing something or someone that is deeply important or personal - "The knife again in my soul." ISTJ: The Inspector. Panromantic Demisexual she/her.

Someone alert the Dread Wolf, I found his orb at an artisan market


They're never in our thoughts so much as when they're gone.


Come Join a Dragon Age Discord Chat!!

I’ve seen a few of these going around in other fandoms, but never one for fans of Dragon Age!! So since I’ve run a small server before and have a great love for these games and community. I thought I’d try and share this way

First and foremost! what is discord?: –It’s a text chat and mic call program similarly to skype. A bit less buggy and takes up less room. As it was made to be a contender against ventrillo and the like to use while gaming. It’s super nice and comes with the ability to hold these servers. Anyone can join and chat without having to add everyone on your friend list.

If you’d like to sign up and download. That can be found right here!! –xx–

All rules and how things works can be found in the link below. If you have any questions or concerns. You’re welcome to shoot me an ask, reply to this post, or IM me.

Information all found here!: –xx– a link to the channel is in there; to make sure you read the rules!

and please reblog this!! It can only get around to other people if it’s shared <3


Someone alert the Dread Wolf, I found his orb at an artisan market


Okay, can we just talk about this Codex real quick….?!?

Codex entry: The Box of Screaming  from Dragon Age II and The Black Emporium DLC

I received the box from a man I met in the Silent Plains. He spoke little and would not reveal his name. For reasons I shall not detail here, I had been kidnapped and left for dead in that gray, wind-blasted wasteland.
After days of walking, I was parched and close to death. I was about to dash my head on a rock to speed my passing when the man arrived. He possessed a waterskin containing ample water for a person traveling from our location to the to the Imperial Highway. From there, he said, I could find my way to Solas or Perivantium. He offered to give me the waterskin if I agreed to take three things from him: a glowing crystalline shard, a bronze sphere, and an iron-bound box with no hinges.
I asked the man if he wished to have these items delivered. He said that he merely wanted me to have them. It was an odd request, but I was too weak and too desperate to think much of it. And so I agreed. The man put the items into a leather sack, which he handed to me along with the water.
“What about you?” I asked. He said nothing, only pointed in the direction from which I had come. “There is nothing that way,” I said. He merely smiled at me.
I found the Imperial Highway about a day later, and a caravan driver agreed to take me to Perivantium in exchange for the large glowing shard. In Perivantium, I bartered the bronze sphere for new clothes and room at the inn. That night I examined the iron-bound box and found no way to open it. I held it to my ear, and thought I heard slow, measured breathing coming from within. My mind was afire with curiosity, and I obtained from the innkeeper a large hammer, thinking to smash the thing open. The moment the hammer touched the box, it shrieked—the shrill sound pierced the depths of my soul.
I gave the box to the innkeeper in the morning and felt better for having rid myself of it.
—A page ripped from a mysterious journal, on display in the Black Emporium



Even if the Mystery Man was Not who you-think-I’m-thinking it was, we can ALL at least agree: This Smells Like Eggs. Well, I’m thinking more like Agent of Fen’Harel, but Egg-Adjacent, anyway!

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