
Begrudgingly sewing bras

@mint-corset / mint-corset.tumblr.com

I can help with sewing tips. I seem to give good advice when it comes to bra hunting too. I mostly spend my time sewing clothes and drawing.


Just so you all know, my tumblr glitched egregiously so now every time someone reblogs this from me, tumblr takes me off of my dashboard or search results and forces me to see this post again


I would like to issue a formal apology to this website for kickstarting the horse plinko meme .


journey to the center of candace is 100% candace's fault who the fuck eats a sandwich they find abandoned on the floor of their garage

you people are insane so youre telling me if you walked outside your front door one day and saw THIS

you would simply walk over and eat the fucking sandwich no questions asked??????????

listen i couldn't take a photo inside the garage because it's not my garage i just put a sandwich in front of the first garage i saw but yOU ARE MISSING THE POINT IT WAS ON THE GROUND. FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG.

and her brothers are PHINEAS AND FERB.

therefore it is of my opinion that candace is Not allowed to be mad at them for the invasion of her large intestine, because SHE ate an unattended sandwich off the FLOOR. thank you for coming to my ted talk, your honor.


I fully support your interpretation of this but hang on back up

What do you mean that's not your garage?

OP out here in the wild just putting a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich down in front of random people's houses for a Tumblr post


Op better not be mad when the homeowner comes and eats their grilled cheese sandwich off the ground

i can't even really defend myself here because i literally did eat that grilled cheese after i took this picture and that plate was on the ground for easily the same amount of time that isabella's plated grilled cheese was on the ground for BUT to be fair i never took my eyes off that grillt cheese so i knew for a fact there were no little boys in miniture submarines in my cheese. but like yeah


How would you know? There could have been little boys in miniature submarines already on the floor, that moved onto your sandwich while you took that picture! Little boys in miniature submarines are an ever present risk.



This reads like an ancient post but it was written 22 hours ago


"people in real life: hey man how's it going" is a killer phrase. instantly neutralizes whatever insane discourse you find online. gonna start using that from now on


Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?

Modern movies and shows tend to have very unbalanced mixing. Also, a common trend in modern movies is more realistic dialogue (mumbling) that is not as crisp as it was in previous eras of film making.


I’m eating corn chips and they be crunchy and loud as hell and also I’m half deaf I think

wife complains if I have the tv up too loud

I'm autistic.

For me it's absolutely the mumbling. I have never needed subtitles for old films like "It's a wonderful life" but nowadays they barely open their mouth when talking. You can't understand shit. Also the mixing is shit that is true. To hear dialogue you have to put the Volume on 100 but then the music comes and blows your shit away because its mixed loud as fuck.

Also valid and absolutely true

My brain likes the extra stimulation of reading.

Also it improves literacy.

Background noise often overwhelms audio for me, unless I really spike the volume. And I overheat easily, so I have a fan on me most of the time.


I simply sometimes struggle to process language. Sometimes I'll have full focus on someone speaking and suddenly, it sounds like they're speaking another language or it's like TV static.

This happens when watching things too, again even with my full attention.


Masha The Hero


They forgot the part where the ambulance actually stopped to let the cat in

oh good I was worried

What a good cat. What a kind cat. How can anyone not love cats they are so good and loving.

they also forgot the part where they only found the baby because masha was screaming her head off bc she knew this baby was in danger. she went around outside the alley the next morning and yelled at passerby until she got one to follow her to the baby. she kept him warm all night and then made sure someone found him. she was adopted after this bc she was a stray and is in a loving home and is a hero


Hero cat

Thank you, Masha, you’re such a good girl.


Kittens can’t regulate their own body temperature. That’s why they pile up.

Cats see us as colony members.

Masha saw a kitten that was on its own, no mommy, no other kittens to cuddle with. She instinctively knew that was a cold kitten. She knew that a kitten alone on a cold night was very likely to die. Because a kitten would have died too.

So, all she was doing was what any good colony member does - protecting the abandoned kitten. Then when the abandoned kitten’s mommy didn’t come back, she called the rest of the colony for help.

People have this bizarre idea that housecats don’t have a social sense. They do, and it saved this kid’s life. And possibly Masha’s too, as life on the streets is dangerous for a kitty.

We say “good dog” all the time, but Masha was being a very, very good cat…not just by human moral standards but by feline ones.


Rebloging again because who can resist Masha the Hero cat 😻😻😻

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