
UK Trans Info

@uktransinfo-blog / uktransinfo-blog.tumblr.com

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We won’t be fobbed off: hold the BBC to account for endangering trans kids!

The BBC, after defending a disgraced ex-doctor and endangering trans children, are trying to protect themselves after being “hammered” by complaints from trans people.

After these varied complaints took issue with a wide variety of issues with the documentary, the BBC replied to all complaints with a copy and pasted response that basically summarised the episode, and did not address the issues raised.

If you have received a response and aren’t satisfied with it, take it to the next stage. You must do it within 20 days of receiving your response.

We’ve written guidance on how to do this, and encourage as many people as possible to act!

We’re also going to be more directly reaching out to the BBC in order to start a dialogue around this. We’ll keep you updated as this progresses, but we’ll still need complaints to them to help keep their attention, and to encourage them to engage in a conversation over this issue.

We’ve heard that some people have started to get responses to this, and they continue to not investigate them but rather simply reply denying the complaints. If you’ve received a response - get in touch and let us know, so that we can start to look at what these are.

Later this week, we’ll be publishing further information around the complaints procedure for the next stage. We’re also going to chase up our direct contact with the BBC and push even harder.

But, for the moment, if you’ve received a response, please get in touch with us and let us know. You can forward a copy to info@uktrans.info, send us a twitter DM or a tumblr message!


We won’t be fobbed off: hold the BBC to account for endangering trans kids!

The BBC, after defending a disgraced ex-doctor and endangering trans children, are trying to protect themselves after being "hammered" by complaints from trans people.

After these varied complaints took issue with a wide variety of issues with the documentary, the BBC replied to all complaints with a copy and pasted response that basically summarised the episode, and did not address the issues raised.

If you have received a response and aren't satisfied with it, take it to the next stage. You must do it within 20 days of receiving your response.

We’ve written guidance on how to do this, and encourage as many people as possible to act!

We're also going to be more directly reaching out to the BBC in order to start a dialogue around this. We'll keep you updated as this progresses, but we'll still need complaints to them to help keep their attention, and to encourage them to engage in a conversation over this issue.


BBC Two's This World aired a documentary on BBC Two at 9 PM on Thursday the 12th of January 2017, "Transgender Kids: Who Knows Best?". This was a violent and one-sided show, attacking trans youth and the trans community, featuring Dr. Zucker - fired for malpractice against trans youth. This is dangerous and we are already seeing a rise in contact with trans youth support services. For more information on this, see this twitter thread. Please support us in telling the BBC this is not acceptable.


The Women and Equalities Committee undertook an inquiry into equality for transgender people, which the government issued a formal response to on Thursday. The original report can be viewed on the transinquiry.co.uk website, as can the government's response; further information and media can be tracked on Twitter by following the#TransInquiry hashtag.

Teaming up with the Nonbinary Inclusion Project, and their new offshoot organisation Specific Detriment, we have prepared a critique of the government's response titled "No Excuses: Inclusion and Equality for all".

You can view this document at http://transinquiry.co.uk/noexcuses


Updated information about the waiting lists for genital surgery at Charing Cross have been published. Please note that this is statistics for the surgical team at Charing Cross, regardless of which GIC the patient has been referred from. Also it is not currently possible to get information about waiting times at Nuffield Hospital or the Andrology Centre.

Current statistics on gender reassignment surgery at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, as of the end of January 2016:

  • There are 301 people on our waiting list
  • 24 people have been approved for their operation and given a date
  • 34 people have been approved for their operation and are awaiting a date
  • 72 people are ‘on hold’ as they are not yet fit for surgery
  • 171 people are waiting for an initial consultation with the consultant
  • five patients left the waiting list without surgery (this includes patients who have been discharged back for not attending their appointments or who no longer wish to proceed with surgery) the average waiting time for patients who received treatment was 73.7 weeks
  • two patients were transferred to a private provider

During January 2016:

  • eight people had surgery (four procedures were performed by Phil Thomas and four by Tina Rashid)
  • 12 pre-operative assessments were carried out
  • we received 23 new referrals
  • 18 Imperial patients were treated by a private provider

Two-thirds of trans people in Greater Manchester suffer abuse each year because of who they are, research released today has revealed.

The figures, which come from Greater Manchester Police’s new Transphobic Hate Crime Report, show that 67 per cent of respondents have been a victim of hate crime, with 70 per cent stating that they were verbally abused.

The report, released during Hate Crime Awareness Week, addresses the fact that transphobic related incidents are the most unreported of all hate crimes. It goes on to make recommendations on how to increase reporting from within the trans community.


As part of Genesis Cinema's month-long celebration of LGBT History month they're hosting The Misgendered Project as they bring to the Bar Paragon screen the groundbreaking 'Her Story' mini-series on 23rd February at 7pm at the Genesis Cinema, Mile End Road, London.

'Her Story' Looks inside the dating lives of trans & queer women as they navigate the intersections of desire and identity.

Starring Jen Richards, Angelica Ross & Laura Zak this 6 episode series will be presented alongside a discussion on the presentaion of transgender people in culture/media and the chance to socialise and relax.

Entry to this event is FREE and there will be the opportunity to donate to support the Misgendered Project and UK Trans Info. Book your free tickets at http://genesiscinema.co.uk/GenesisCinema.dll/WhatsOn?Film=1647979


New guide from Brighton & Hove CCG for GPs on "Supporting Patients Accessing Gender Identity Services". Although some of the information is specific to Brighton and Hove, most of the guide is applicable throughout England.

This guide is for GPs on the care of patients accessing NHS Specialist Gender Identity Services (SGIS). Trans people are entitled in law and policy to equal access but health inequalities remain and trans people have not always had a good experience of NHS care. This guide aims to enable GPs to get ‘up to speed’ on some of the key issues.


The Ministry of Justice is undertaking a review on the care and management of transgender offenders and hope to get insights from a wide range of stakeholders. In order to structure their thinking, they have produced a short paper (see http://uktrans.info/offendersreview) that asks open questions on which they would like your thoughts and insights.

As there are quite a number of questions, they expect you may want to respond only to those that relate directly to your interest or field of expertise. Please don’t feel compelled to reply to each and every one.

Replying online: If it would be easier for you to reply on-line, they have produced a simple on-line survey using identical questions on this link, https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TGReview.

They are keen to hear from all relevant stakeholders, so please feel free to pass on the information and web link.

If you are not completing the online survey, you can email your reply to TransgenderReview@justice.gsi.gov.uk or by post to George Barrow, Transgender Review, Ministry of Justice (4.12), 102 Petty France, London SW1P 9AH

A copy of the terms of reference of the review, which includes details of its independent oversight, is on this link,https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/review-into-the-care-and-management-of-transgender-offenders.

Given that they are hoping to have conclusions to the review in March, they would like any responses by 24 February.

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