
Peanut Butter


A sorta dead blog for my fantroll that I later based my first DnD character off of. Basically a gremlin.

It's that wonderful time of year again where I draw Peanut and then forget about her for the rest of time until this moment the next year

Anyone remember Almond Butter? Me neither lol anyway here she is too


[Translation: P3anut's Guid3 to Bronz3 Trolls]

H3llo, I'm P3anut, and I'm going to run you through all th3 diff3r3nt typ3s of Bronz3bloods that liv3 on Alt3rnia! On3 of th3 main f3atur3s of us bronz3s is that our horns typically r3s3mbl3 th3 horns of various 3quin3 bas3d b3asts! But asid3 from that, w3 hav3 a lot of various hobbi3s and car33rs w3 lik3 to pursu3!

For 3xampl3, Skylla Koriga h3r3 is a farm3r, I think! Sh3 also do3sn't 3at grub bas3d foods, so I think that's just part of h3r lif3styl3! Sh3's v3ry pr3tty though, and I would 3v3n go as far as to say I hav3 a flushcrush on h3r! R3gardl3ss of that, w3'r3 not all about agricultur3! Som3 of us lik3 th3 aviary v3hicl3s that stay within th3 atmosph3r3, such as Vikar3 Ratit3!

H3 also has this w3ird obs3ssion for this on3 3x3rcis3 training vid3o s3ri3s, but I think h3 car3s mor3 about flight! I gu3ss you could say h3 wants to l3t his dr3ams soar? Sorry, that was not a v3ry good jok3.. Anyway, som3 of us ar3 musicians! I consid3r mys3lf a musician if I'm b3ing hon3st! But I'm not talking about m3, I'm talking about Chixi3 Roixmr! Sh3's quit3 a gal if you ask m3!

Sh3 and I got to mak3 som3 music tog3th3r, and I hop3 our musical numb3r is in h3r album "Chixi3", 3v3n if it's as an 3xtra. By th3 way, sh3 told m3 to t3ll you guys to list3n to h3r music and giv3 som3 kind f33dback! Now moving on, our last bronz3blood h3r3 is som3 r3b3l, h3 won't t3ll m3 his nam3. For any highbloods r3ading this, I'm not supporting any r3b3llions! I'm just doing this as a school proj3ct! I don't 3v3n lik3 th3 guy, I h3ard h3's not v3ry nic3 to his moirail.

I usually don't try to int3ract with this troll's typ3, as thos3 who do affiliat3 th3ms3lv3s with r3b3ls 3nd up g3tting cull3d. But I'm not a r3b3l, so pl3as3 don't cull m3! Unl3ss I'm trying to ward off th3s3 r3b3ls, I don't int3ract with th3m! Anyway, that's all I hav3 tim3 for, so I wish you a good morning, day, 3v3ning, night, or anything in b3tw33n! I hop3 you 3njoy3d this!

[Translation: Th3 3nd]

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