
Well, Hello There


I read. I write. I wander in the rain. I walk in circles. I pace back and forth. Basically, I spend too little time doing productive things.
Malec: *Filling crossword puzzles*
Puzzle : Nine letters. Starting with H and sixths letter is D. A synonym for dangerous to others.
Alec : Hazardous
Magnus : Herondale
Alec :
Alec : *Writes Herondale as the answer*
Christopher: people tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room.
Thomas: it’s called arson and those people are witnesses

grace blackthorn as estella havisham quotes

“I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.”
clary: i'm cold
jace: here's my jacket
clary: i'm cold
sebastian: *sets the world on fire*
[after people find out about Ty’s necromancy]
Kit: Look, I know you think my judgement’s clouded because I like him a little bit…
Tessa: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Kit: No, that’s our joint tombstone.
Jem: Tessa, I’m worried about Kit. He’s listening to Adele on a loop for hours at a time. He keeps doodling “Kit Blackthorn” on all of his notebooks. The other day he called me “Not-Ty”
Tessa, who has already been a mother to an angsty love-sick teenage Herondale and knows when to just let things run their course: *looks up from her magazine* just eat your Cheerios not-Ty
Kit, after meeting the Blackthorns: So, was anyone going to tell me all Shadowhunters are stupid hot, or was I supposed to get orphaned and find that out on my own?
Kit: There are two types of people in the world.
Ty and Dru: What are you talking about?
Kit, grinning: Allow me to demonstrate. What is the fear of being murdered called?
Dru, at the same time as Ty: Common sense.
Ty, at the same time as Dru: Foniasophobia.
Kit: Exactly.
Livvy, visiting Kit again: Are you drinking again?!
Kit, sipping from a mug: Relax, it's just tea.
Livvy, suspiciously: What kind of tea?
Kit: ...tea-quila.
Kit, after knowing Ty for less than a month: Not to be dramatic, but I would die for you.
Ty, gathering all the items for the necromancy ritual: That's not exactly what we're trying to do here. Haven't you been paying attention?
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