
Mechanic Ted Lups


My name? You'll have to ask me yourself
Excitable by music

Some of y'all seem a tiny bit upset about the mini-hiatus, so have a picture of me being super cute doing the thing I have to take a mini-hiatus for.


I was bored so I did that. My brother told me that I look like the girlfriend of a youtuber just not as beautiful *sad face*

????? ummmmm don't listen to your brother ??????? You!!!!!!!! Are a shining star exemplified in the form of a human!!!!


Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person

Dear person I hate,
Dear person I like,
Dear ex boyfriend,
Dear ex girlfriend,
Dear ex bestfriend,
Dear bestfriend,
Dear *anyone*,
Dear Santa,
Dear mom,
Dear dad,
Dear future me,
Dear past me,
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Dear person I had a crush on,
Dear girlfriend,
Dear boyfriend,

Sure why not?


How awesome does this sound though. You get infinite money and once a week you get to take a child to a candy store or toys or us or somewhere they love and buy them as much they want this would be fun given the kid wasn’t a brat.

There is no downside to this at all

This is the best, because it says A CHILD, not your child, so I could pick one of the really poor kids on the streets and go “Your life is going to change right now”, and I could buy everything their family might need, along with a house, a food supply, toys, clothes, and everything they never had the chance to have before. And the best thing is that I could do this with lots of children, and not just one. I could give a lot of children in need a full week of Christmas basically and maybe give them a chance to have a different life. That would be great.

Bless u ^ humanity still exists. 

Plus depending on how you define “child”, you could be helping high students who struggling with application fines and even pay for college tuition, room and board, or books

This is the purest post i’ve ever seen

Also. You would have infinite money why wouldn't you just give everyone else infinite money?


character list thing?

Harry Potter - Marauders

Remus Lupin

Sirius Black

Peter Pettigrew

Lily Evans

Siri Black

Remi Lupin

Harry Potter - Lightning Era

Pansy Parkinson

Luna Lovegood

Nymphadora Tonks

Fleur Delacour

Bill Weasley

Harry Potter - Next Gen

Teddy Lupin

Victoire Weasley

Harry Potter - Founders

Godric Gryffindor

Harry Potter - OCs

Syrene of the Black Lake

Back Ground Hogwarts Student (to be named)




male Ariel



Prince Zuko

Harley Quinn

fem!Jack Frost

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