

@asturiat / asturiat.tumblr.com

@sacrosanctbijou approached.

“Ah -- did anyone bring a rosary by, or mention finding one? It’s rather old, and belonged to my mother.”

[❁] And oh, how it is the last thing she wants someone to find: what they may take for rubies upon the cross (which, in size, is equivalent to her hand) are truthfully the souls of the martyred, anchored by stones which store and absorb. So many people she carries with her in that cross, so many she wouldn’t want anyone to touch. [❁]

“I...think it fell out of my pocket.”

dmlynx :
kuchenkat :
lsunnyc :
celynbrum :
somethingdnd :
lsunnyc :
can we take a moment to just think about how incredibly scary magical healing is in-context?
You get your insides ripped open but your friend waves his hands and your flesh just pulls back together, agony and evisceration pulling back to a ‘kinda hurts’ level of pain and you’re physically whole, with the 100% expectation that you’ll get back up and keep fighting whatever it was that struck you down the first time.
You break your arm after falling somewhere and after you’re healed instead of looking for ‘another way around’ everybody just looks at you and goes “okay try again”.
You’ve been fighting for hours, you’re hungry, thirsty, bleeding, crying from exhaustion, and a hand-wave happens and only two of those things go away. you’re still hungry, you’re still weak from thirst, but the handwave means you have ‘no excuse’ to stop.
You act out aggressively maybe punch a wall or gnash your teeth or hit your head on something and it’s hand-waved because it’s ‘such a small injury you probably can’t even feel it anymore’ but the point was that you felt it at all?
Your pain literally means nothing because as long as you’re not bleeding you’re not injured, right? Here drink this potion and who cares about the emotional exhaustion of that butchered village, why are you so reserved in camp don’t you think it’s fun retelling that time you fell through a burning building and with a hand-wave you got back up again and ran out with those two kids and their dog? 
Older warriors who get a shiver around magic-users not because of the whole ‘fireball’ thing but the ‘I don’t know what a normal pain tolerance is anymore’ effect of too much healing. Permanent paralysis and loss of sensation in limbs is pretty much a given in the later years of any fighter’s life. Did I have a stroke or did the mage just heal too hard and now this side of my face doesn’t work? No i’m not dead from the dragon’s claws but I can’t even bend my torso anymore because of how the scar tissue grew out of me like a vine.
Magical healing is great and keeps casualties down.
But man.
That stuff is scary.
shit just got creepy
Or maybe magical healing doesn’t leave scars or damage. It is magical, after all.
So after years of fighting, your skin is still perfect. Unmarred. In fact, you’re actually in better shape than regular people who don’t get magical healing when they fall out of trees or walk into doors or cut themselves while cooking dinner. You’re in such good shape that it’s unnatural.
And the really good healing magic takes away more than just the obvious injuries. You first start noticing it after about ten years when you go home and haha, you look the same age as your younger sibling, that’s funny.
Not so funny ten years later when they look older. Or forty years later, when you bury them still looking like you did at twenty. When do you retire from this gig anyway? How much damage is too much damage?
How many times do you glimpse the afterlife, or worse, how many times don’t you? What do you live through, get used to, show no outward sign of except a perfectly healthy body, too perfect for any person living a real life.
How many times are you sitting in a tavern with your friends and you hear the whispers, because the people around you know. How can they not know? Your weapons shine with enchantments and your armour is better than the best money can buy and there is not a damn scar on you. You hardly seem human to them.
How long before you hardly seem human to yourself?
And you find yourself struggling to remember the places where the scars should have been, phantom pains that wake you screaming, touching all the old injuries and finding nothing there. It’s all in your head. Was it ever anywhere else?
How long before you’re fighting a lich or a vampire or some other undead monster and you wonder…
…what makes me so different?
Here we go someone who GETS IT.


@prometheansins approached.

[❁] She can’t help but ponder over how they have changed over time -- she is no longer the petty, small girl who asked a man so powerful on a date simply to humiliate him (and then pay the bill), and he is...admittedly a good bit as he was, but seeming to finally grasp the concept of reality. (Progress was progress, or so she thought.)

Hands carefully molded meat into patty-shapes, ready to be cooked up (garlic and cheese gently laid into their ground-lamb forms) and soon to be eaten. Astounding to think she’d even have a date with someone, much less one involving cooking for them.

Lips would part for but a moment, eyes peering into the living room from that one corner of the kitchen. [❁]

“Atlas, I hope you don’t object to garlic in your burgers -- a friend taught me to make these, so I tend to use her recipe...”

[❁] If anything, she simply wants him to enjoy the food (as well as, perhaps, her company), even if he doesn’t end up liking what they watch. This much, at least, could be done -- couldn’t it? [❁]


“Please be careful, the right side of that walkway is unstable.”

[❁] The thing’s all wood, and she wonders why it has yet to be replaced -- but no matter, she has somewhere to be: no time for this mundane conversation, just enough to warn the person she passes as she walks carefully to the left. [❁] 

“The area closest to the center is where it’s softest and most worn, so do be sure to stay to the left when you reach there.”

@conseille approached.

“Oh, you’re new.”

[❁] The comment comes out almost unconsciously as the woman finds herself looking over the counter and into the fact of a stranger: it wasn’t meant to be a rude comment -- most people who entered the bakery did so out of preference for the goods it had been selling since before she’d taken ownership (when she herself had still worked there, some nine years in the past), so a new customer, whether tourist or new resident, was always a small surprise. [❁]

“Ah, that’s not a bad thing -- it’s just that this place doesn’t see much new revenue. That aside, is there anything in particular you’d like? I recommend the flaons and miguelitos, personally.”


tagged by: @maluspuerum

tagging: @bowofbenbulben, @everlivinq, @inverted-iris, @amouroso, @tenacious--quaintrelle, & anyone else who’s got the urge.

famous first lines of poetry pt. 1: bold the ones that apply to your muse. REPOST. DON’T REBLOG.


I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // Tyger Tyger, burning bright // I have done it again. // Do not go gentle into that good night. // The sea is calm to-night. // Let us go then, you and I, // April is the cruelest month, //  Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. //  There is a place where the sidewalk ends // I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart) // Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, // Whose woods these are I think I know // Let us twain walk aside from the rest; // Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, // I taught myself to live simply and wisely // It so happens I am sick of being a man // I wandered lonely as a cloud // Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? // O my Luve is like a red, red rose // O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; // Out of the night that covers me, // It was many and many a year ago, // You may write me down in history // Do not stand at my grave and weep // Some say the world will end in fire // Some say in ice. // Hope is the thing with feathers // The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, // No man is an island, // Remember me when I am gone away, // I met a traveler from an antique land // ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves // This is thy hour O Soul, // We wear the mask that grins and lies, // Death be not proud, // And death shall have no dominion. // Laugh, and the world laughs with you; // The art of losing isn’t hard to master; // To see a World in a Grain of Sand // Is there anybody there? said the Traveller // Nobody heard him, the dead man, // That crazed girl improving her music. // Come to me in the silence of the night; // Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // When you are old and grey and full of sleep, // In Flanders’ fields the poppies blow // I thought of you and how you love this beauty // Life, believe, is not a dream // It may be misery not to sing at all, // If tarry space no limit knows // Come live with me and be my love, // Had we but world enough and time, // My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense // Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art- // Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. // Heaven is what I cannot reach! // My dear, my dear, I know // In visions of the dark night // Shall I compare thee to a summers day? // Break, break, break // She walks in beauty, // I had a dream, which was not all a dream. // He clasps the crag with crooked hands

@fearducts approached.

“Hey, you alright?”

[❁] It takes her a moment to fight the growling of her stomach -- she knows what she smells, but she has to behave (cannibalism is frowned upon by most societies, hers included, and she’s supposed to be dieting right now). The man before her looks -- lost, in a couple of ways. Maybe a little sad, if she squints and makes eye contact for more than half a second.

She’s not covering herself up, just dressed like any other girl someone would see on the street: nice dress, neatly brushed hair, nice shoes and makeup done well. It’s the painted lips that hide predator’s teeth, but she’s two of a kind in the moment (though she feels no safer knowing such: but when does a ghoul ever). [❁] 

“You look a bit -- out of it.”

@beckonlight approached.

[❁] Tall and a  bit dour-looking -- like one of those knights from the stories she’s so fond of. She tilts her head (has to look up to meet that stare, after all, considering her own diminutive height).

She almost thinks to quote poetry, but decides against it: off-putting behaviors are reserved for when someone makes her dislike them after all. Instead, she’d make a softer comment -- words on flowers, about petals and eye colors. [❁]

“You know, your eyes are only a shade off from the color of blue hydrangeas. They’re very pretty.”


A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 10 other people to do the same!

TAGGED BY: @bowofbenbulben (I’ve been needing to update this, so thanks)

NAME: Carmelita Asuncion Magdalena de Asturias AGE: 17 (Zero timeline), 27 (Stay Night timeline) SPECIES: Human (Magus; Master) GENDER: Female ORIENTATION: Pansexual / Gray-aromantic PROFESSION: Clocktower student/graduate (verse dependent); King of Spain & Head of the Asturias bloodline (verse dependent); Baker & professional mom (verse dependent)


BODY TYPE: Almost hourglass, but with more shoulder than hip EYES: Dark olive green SKIN: Rich staurolite HEIGHT: 5′1″ (Zero timeline), 5′6″ (Stay Night timeline) WEIGHT: 103 lbs (Zero timeline), 137 lbs (Stay Night timeline)


FAMILY: Asturias bloodline (Main family (her father, stepmother, and stepsister, & 2 branch families) PARENTS: Aureliano Hernan de Asturias (father), Imelda Laia de Asturias, nee Argyris-Valencia (birth mother), Eliana Corrina de Asturias, nee Fairbairn (stepmother) ANY PETS?: yes [ X ] | no [  ]  (A wolf, usually deceased by Zero timeline; a service dog in Stay night timeline.)




COLOURS: red, pink, gold, pastels SMELLS: Flowers, dirt, rain, mud, baked goods, meat FOOD: Meat, cakes, seafood, pasta, cookies FRUITS: Raspberries, cherries, plums, apricots, peaches DRINKS: Tea, coffee, rum, tequila, sodas, juice, alcoholic apple cider, milk ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? yes [ x ] | in between [  ] | no [  ] FAVORITES: Things made from flowers, books, soft cloth


SMOKES? yes [  ] | no [  ] | occasionally [ x ] DRUGS?: yes [  ] | no [ X ] | occasionally [  ] DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [ x ] (verse dependent) | no [ ]


h-hey!! carme, you know… one day i’ll probably be too tall for you to ruffle my hair like that-  


   although, you’ll probably just force me to lean down or something. i guess i’ll never escape this sort of thing…

not that he minded, really. considering the ABSOLUTE HELL he’d been through, shinji would take little displays of kindness wherever he could get them. gaze flickered to the ground before focusing again on his friend’s face- boy, was he damn lucky to have a friend like carme- royalty & all, she was the whole goddamn package. 

would he want to be a king? no, not anymore. would he date her? probably. the line between friends & more was a bit blurry- they’d certainly grown close. evidently, she’d gone to clocktower with the kid who took el melloi’s title- waver velvet or something. he’d fought in the previous war with the rider class servant ( sakura had been with rider, too- ). she had another friend who was from a powerful line of alchemists, a true disciple of paraclesus ( one day, he would be paracelsus )… 

anyway… i was thinking about applying to the atlas institute. even if i… well, with the grail, my wish was granted, but my magic circuits still only work on occasion… i don’t know if i can deal with living in fuyuki forever… & since you’re my friend… do you have any advice? this place is driving me fucking nuts- ❜ 


“I’d say get out of this fuckhell and live as you wish -- you’ve earned it. If you head for Atlas, I think some member of my mother’s family still teaches there. My birth mother’s, I mean. I could -- I could see if they would still talk to me. They...are notably hard to please.”

[❁] She says it for her own good -- she needs to clarify to remind herself that she has two mother’s families to consider, and that the woman who was more mother to her (though she is technically a stepmother) had a family that would never get close to the Atlas Institute, though Carmelita saw nothing wrong with the place. Hell, both her father and mother were Atlas students once (father by choice, mother by tradition) -- she herself had been the only Clocktower student (and graduate) in some time in either bloodline.

And still, a part of her is memorizing this peaceful haziness (she cannot define “love” in so many letters, or in the words people oft use for its many facets, but she does feel deeply for this mess of a boy), her fingers still absently threading through Shinji’s hair. She takes up a space in his life, regardless of its shape, and that is important -- her old self would’ve gladly died.

(Perhaps she could return to London, open up the old flat again, or run home to Spain -- the latter is more likely, as there’s business with a now rather unwanted crown to be sorted, but she’s not married, not getting married, and likely has to wear her headpiece-shackle for as long as she lives.) [❁]

“I’ve never met them, but they never approved of father’s line -- probably to do with the fact that he was a fully capable mage who threw away his magecraft, and seemed to disregard how powerful his own lineage was. Or maybe they don’t like me, because my birth mother is dead and I’m not. But that aside -- I could talk to them for you.”



below are a collection of quotes from some of my favorite 80s movies.


“I’ll make it very clear: you slip me the cash, and I’ll slip you the weiner.” “Don’t fuck with the babysitter.” “Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues.” “Get out of my house!” “I can only dream about having somebody like her as a girlfriend, but you’ve got her, and you treat her like this?” “Don’t waste your time, half pint. Her legs are locked together at the knee.” “I’d love to hit you. I’d love to pound on your face!” “You’re so slimy, I won’t sink to your level.” “If you give me any grief I swear to God I’ll kill you. Dead, murdered, stabbed.” “Get in the car and run him over.” “How could a righteous babe like you be lonely?” “That’s the sweetest thing anybody’s ever said to me.” “My only shot at ever being in a gang fight and all I get is one stitch?” “Tonight is going to be the greatest night of your life.” “I am not losing anything, I am still in control here! Got it?” “I’m trying to get a date, you’re cramping my style!” “Girls like you come along once in a lifetime.” “And you’re just a girl in love with an asshole.” “I got a little banged up.”


“Great Scott!” “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” “This is heavy.” “Why do you keep calling me Calvin?” “It’s written all over your underwear.” “Hey, you! Get your damn hands off her!” “I finally invent something that works!” “Maybe you were adopted.” “I guess you aren’t ready for that yet.” “You look so familiar to me. Do I know your mother?” “Are you sure about this storm?” “Since when can weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future?” “You’ve really made a difference in my life. You’ve given me something to shoot for.” “I’m really gonna miss you.” “Even if your intentions are good, it can backfire drastically!” “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.” “What the hell is a gigawatt?” “It’s not like I’ve never parked before.” “You seem so nervous. Is something wrong?” “I swiped it from the old lady’s liquor cabinet.” “If you let people walk over you now, they’ll be walking over you for the rest of your life.” “I figured, what the hell?” “Since you’re new here, I’m gonna cut you a break, today.” “Why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here?” “I thought I told you never to come in here.” “I’m your density.” “I’ve never picked a fight in my entire life.” “I can’t keep up of all of your boyfriends!” “History is gonna change.” “One rejection isn’t the end of the world.” “What are you looking at, butthead?” “I’m gonna get that son of a bitch.” “Say hi to your mom for me.” “Where are my pants?” “I’ve never seen purple underwear before!” “I have your car towed all the way to your house and all you got for me is lite beer?” “You really think I ought to swear?”


“We don’t have a candy machine in the boy’s room!” “I’m not particularly concerned with whether or not you like me.” “I can’t believe you’re saying this.” “She thinks you’re shit. And deep down, you know she’s right.” “It’s called a sense of humor - you should get one - they’re nice.” “C'mon, I’m talking about more than just sex here.” “You know, I’ve been out with a lot of girls at this school. I don’t see what makes you so different.” “I have taste.” “You’re a bitch” “I’m off like a dirty shirt.” “I just want them to know that they didn’t break me.” “You don’t have the guts to tell me the truth.” “That’s a major appliance, that’s not a name!” “You know what an older women does for me?” “May I admire you?” “Drinking and driving don’t mix – that’s why I ride a bike.” “Why don’t you just… nail her, and get it over with?” “Why are you getting involved?” “I’m getting really bored with this conversation, all right?” “If you want your piece of low-grade ass, fine.” “Does he have… strong lips?” “This is a really volcanic ensemble you’re wearing, it’s really marvelous!” “I believed in you. I just didn’t believe in me.” “Good Morning! Welcome to another day of higher education!” “This is an incredibly romantic moment, and you’re ruining it for me!” “Love’s a bitch.” “Do you hear yourself? Do you hear the same asshole shit I hear?” “What, do I have to spell it out for you?” “Nobody appreciates your sense of humor.” “Why don’t you go to take a shower, you look like shit.”


“We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.” “I’ll do anything sexual. I don’t need a million dollars to do it either.” “I’m a nymphomaniac.” “I’m not going to discuss my private life with total strangers.” “If you say you haven’t, you’re a prude. If you say you have you’re a slut. It’s a trap.” “You’re a tease and you know it.” “Why don’t you just answer the question?” “What do you need a fake I.D. for?” “You wanna come over sometime?” “Eat my shorts.” “I’m doing society a favor.” “You really think I give a shit?” “Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?” “Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place.” “Why are you being so nice to me?” “Chicks cannot hold their smoke, dat’s what it is.” “When you grow up, your heart dies.” “I have a really low tolerance for dehydration.” “I could disappear forever and it wouldn’t make any difference.” “I might as well not even exist at this school, remember?” “You’re so pathetic.” “Don’t you ever compare yourself to me.” “Do you know how popular I am? I am so popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.” “You won’t accept a guy’s tongue in your mouth, and you’re going to eat that?” “I’m telling the truth, that makes me a bitch?” “You have problems.” “Speak for yourself.” “You’re kind of sexy when you’re angry.” “Would you mind telling me how you know all this about me?” “I don’t think either one of them gives a shit about me. It’s like they use me just to get back at each other.” “Being bad feels pretty good, huh?” “You ask me one more question and I’m beating the shit out of you.” “Have you ever been felt up? Over the bra, under the blouse, shoes off… “


“It’s our time down here.” “Just throw everything into cardboard boxes.” “Always separate the drugs.” “I want you to spill your guts, tell us everything!” “I’m not all alone in the dark. I like the dark. I love the dark.” “That was so nice of you.” “If you do a bad job you’ll be locked in here with the cockroaches for two weeks without food or water.” “You know, your voice is kind of nice when your mouth isn’t screwing it up.” “Your looks are kind of pretty when your face isn’t screwing it up.” “C'mon, give me a lickery kiss!” “Hey, are you hungry? I got a Baby Ruth.” “You’re even hungrier than I am.” “Is this supposed to be water?” “I’m setting booty traps.” “Looks fine to me.” “Okay, this is the little boys’ room, and that cave over there is the little girls’ room.” “Next time you kiss him, do it with your eyes open. It’s a whole different experience.” “Senior Jerk Alert!” “I’m gonna hit you so hard that when you wake up your clothes will be out of style!” “What happened to your braces?” “You know, I just want to say thank you. For offering to save my life.” “Man! You smell like Phys Ed!” “Watch your hair! Watch your hair! They’re goin’ for the hair!” “My God, I’m in a crazy house!” “This is ridiculous. It’s crazy. I feel like I’m babysitting, except I’m not getting paid.” “I just saw the most amazing thing in my entire life!” “First, you gotta do the truffle shuffle.” “I’m pretty much ODing on all your bullshit stories!” “You’ve got a great body.”


“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” “You’re my hero.” “A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself.” “I could be the walrus. I’d still have to bum rides off people.” “You can’t respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn’t work.” “Pardon my French, but you’re an asshole!” “Look, don’t make me participate in your stupid crap if you don’t like the way I do it.” “It is his fault he didn’t lock the garage.” “I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life.” “You’re still here? It’s over!” “The key to faking out the parents is the clammy hands.” “It’s a little childish and stupid, but then, so is high school.” “Your ass is mine.” “You realize if we played by the rules right now we’d be in gym?” “The city looks so peaceful from up here.”  “Anything is peaceful from one thousand, three hundred and fifty-three feet.” “I am very cute, very alone and very protective of my body.” “Gummi bear? It’s been in my pocket; they’re real warm and soft.” “You killed the car.” “You have nothing to worry about. I’m a professional.” “I think we should shoot her.” “What are you interested in?” “Get off of the float!” “In a nutshell: I hate my brother.” “Are you suggesting that I’m not who I say I am?” “You’re a beautiful man. I want to thank you for your warmth and compassion.” “I asked for a car, I got a computer. How’s that for being born under a bad sign?” “Four thousand restaurants in the downtown area, I pick the one my father goes to.” “Only the meek get pinched. The bold survive.” “Go piss up a flagpole.” “You heartless wench!” “I weep for the future.” “If you’re not over here in fifteen minutes, you can find a new best friend.” “You’re not dying, you just can’t think of anything good to do.” “Do you have a kiss for daddy?” “What a little asshole.” “You sounded like Dirty Harry just then.” “You wear too much eye makeup. My sister wears too much. People think she’s a whore.” “I can’t drive when you’re yelling at me!” “Smile, babe. Just smile…”


“Do you wanna kiss me?” “I get the feeling you’ve been kissed a lot, and I’m afraid I’d suffer by comparison.” “I thought only pansies wore neckties.” “I thought only assholes used the word ‘pansy’.” “Son of a bitch is gonna pay for that!” “Hey, hey! What’s this I see? I thought this was a party.” “I’m no saint you know. I’m not even a virgin.” “Don’t you talk like that here!” “How come you don’t like me?”  “What makes you think that I don’t like you?”  “You never talk to me at school. You never look at me!” “I see you chasing after her and I see her running from you.” “I was almost jealous.” “Sometimes people run out of things to say.” “Hey, I like that hat, man. They sell men’s clothes where you got that?” “I thought I was alone.” “You want out of here so bad you probably memorize bus schedules.” “Who were you with?” “I don’t want you to see him anymore.” “I’ve heard he’s a troublemaker.” “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” “You like it or not, this is it. It doesn’t get much better.” “I just don’t know that I believe in everything you believe in. But I believe in you.” “If you ask me, he’s a total fox.” “It seems that a lot of people are pointing the finger in your direction lately.” “You figured where there’s smoke there’s fire, right?” “You’ve got an attitude problem.” “Is that what I get, huh? I treated you decent!” “I was about through with you anyway!” “No fights, you don’t even know this guy.”
@alphadraconiis approached.

“Are you alright? You seem a bit disoriented.”

[❁] Maybe the stranger hadn’t gotten enough sleep, or was allergic to the surrounding plants -- whatever the case, it was enough to cause the girl quite a bit of concern (as someone whose health erred poor more often than well, she saw such things within instants).

Well, she did have water on her, somewhere in her pack -- it wouldn’t hurt to bring some out for the person. Hands would rummage about in a bag as deep as any merchant’s, fishing for a jar and quickly offering it outwards. [❁] 

“It’s...herb water. It might make you feel better.”

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