

I am: 21. Welsh. A lesbian. Pronouns: She/They

They recorded tinnitus? It's a physical thing?????


The most mind-blowing moment, not only for De La Mata but the scientists too, came when they managed to actually record the sounds that she heard in her ears – which now appear as ‘Left Ear’ and ‘Right Ear’ which begin sides A and B on the album – and in doing so opened up questions about the nature of tinnitus itself. “The NHS definition is that it’s a phantom sound that your brain is creating, that it isn’t something ‘real’, so you should try to ignore it.” By having De La Mata place her ear into an anechoic chamber, with an ultra-sensitive microphone perched in her ear canal, they were able to provide significant evidence to the contrary. “After the first recording of it, it was ‘There’s no way, this isn’t possible.’” They tried again with her breath held, and again with her tensing her ears, and again with other members of staff, but each time it became apparent that yes, the noises De La Mata hears are seemingly something physical.

Does this hold true for others, too? This could be a game-changer.


Are fedoras really that bad?


I don’t really believe this mumbo jumbo
I mean it’s a goddamn hat.
The white rose, it symbolizes the unique beauty of all the women who wish not to be with a nice guy such as myse-
I wonder if this works with other kinds of hat…
Nothing ventured, nothing gained…
Men of Tumblr are my favorite kind of people…

wait, does that mean?

oh boy…….


Luckily, this nonsense doesn’t work on girls.



This post is immaculate

It can’t be true.

And it can’t possibly work on motorcycle helmets.

I must test it.

Nothing happening so far…



What in the world?

Oh why not? This should be interesting.

Here we go!

Were all mad here in Underland!

What the hell! Never Again!

… Actually …

One more time.

Alright, I gotta try this!

Can’t be that bad!


…oh my god…


This just gets better and better

This is one of my favourite things to look at

holy shit this stuff is back

The Gravity Falls one though

i wonder if it works for flower crowns?

here goes nothin-




Okay Clearly something is up.

Hmm… I wonder

I’m sure nothing could possibly…





I wonder what happens when you wear 8 of these at once…

Never not reblog





It’s so nice to see an ancient relic post be kept alive for the younger generation on this website 😂


To give International peeps an idea of what the fuck is happening to the Conservatives in the UK right now, leading up to the July 4th election

In a grand total of only 14 days, the conservatives have done the following on the campaign trail.

  • Announced the election outside of number 10 in the pouring rain with no plans to use an umbrella or take it inside.
  • Went to a brewery in Wales and asked if they were looking forward to the summer football, only for staff to respond that Wales didn't make the qualification for the cup.
  • Person who questioned the PM on Television was actually a plant
  • Went for an interview at the Titanic Quarter in Belfast and the reporter said "are you captaining a sinking ship into this election?"
  • This picture.
  • Promised a return of National Service which OBLITERATED the young vote.
  • A top Tory minister instead of campaigning went to fucking Greece.
  • A Tory minister gave up her own seat and told everyone to vote for the Reform candidate instead.
  • Three Tories defected to a different party.
  • Did a PR thing involving the PM dribbling a football and someone commented on camera "he's as good at football as he is as being Prime Minister" (he was terrible).
  • Former Tory minister suggested on Twitter that once he loses the election he would bugger off to California to be a speaker at GOP conferences like other former Tory ministers have done, and he had to furiously deny the allegations.
  • He said he'll get rid of poor value for money University Courses and when asked which ones, couldn't name a single one.
  • Announced the election but were nearly 200 candidates short to compete and are scrambling to find some.
  • Hung the flag upside down in their campaign video, which means we're in distress.
  • Gave a speech with factory workers, and one woman was so aghast at his bullshit on camera that they sent someone out to stand in-front of her to block her reactions; it has already been satirised.
  • A high profile conservative MP called a pollster who was live on air, the pollster answered, telling him that he was going to lose his seat by a massive majority. The MP didn't say anything and just hung up. Again, this was LIVE ON AIR.
  • They went campaigning in Hanley, and in the river behind them, the Liberal Democrat party very slowly sailed by on a little boat. The camera man panned the camera away from the prime minister to focus on the Liberals in the boat slowly sailing down the river.
  • A new poll shows that for the first time in decades, if not over a century, the Conservatives could be in third place, with Labour (Social Democrat) and the Liberal Democrats becoming the top two parties.

I hope you've been keeping count here, because it's been fourteen days and that is 18 pieces of terrible publicity.


Also Nigel Farage got milkshaked



FYI if your employer does this, if they have done it for a long time especially, you and your coworkers could be owed huge amounts of unpaid wages and it would be an easy suit if there is a paper trail like this and your employer is placing strict requirements on your behavior while not at work. Employment lawyers generally work on contingency. Just food for thought.

A national park I worked at had all the permanent rangers (I was seasonal) basically on stand by for call outs 24-7 or they were penalized on their reviews.

They got tired of it, sued, won, and the nps had to pay back YEARS of back wages for stand by time. Now they are all scheduled and if* you get called out its time and a half.

ONLY because some rangers stood up.

If your employer does this: document document document, then find an attorney


A question I get asked a lot while working at a public library is "how do you deal with homeless people?"

And the answer is, we don't.

The unhoused people who come here seeking refuge 99% of the time understand that they will be kicked out if they misbehave.

The people you have to watch out for are Jessica, who only came because the kid she didn't want had to visit for a homework assignment and she just *needs* to yell at her child for asking to borrow two books or stay an extra five minutes, or Michael, who came in to look at porn on our computers for whatever fucking reason, or Karen who just wanted to come by to throw a fit that the particular book she wanted was checked out and harrass our staff about our collection being too limited.

99% of the time, the people we need to ban are middle to upper-middle class white people while the homeless and mentally ill/disabled people mind their own damn business and are honestly some of the best patrons we have.

I bring this up because today we had a man come in. He stopped at the desk, pulled up a chair and said "I'm newly homeless and was living in my car. I'm disabled. It was impounded. It's raining. I don't have a phone and I don't know where to go tonight."

And we did what we could to help. He was incredibly kind and patient despite his obvious anxiety and stress, more than most able bodied, housed patrons are to us under much less dire conditions. I liked knowing that we were the first place he came.

We have so many people like this who come in everyday. Many are quiet and keep to themselves, but sometimes they talk to us.

They tell us about how they're taking a few courses on a scholarship they applied for from our library's computer at the local community college to get their diploma. Or ask about a manga or dvd or book we might have to help them pass the time.

One woman, who comes in daily with her tattered walker always says hello to me and likes to work on the new jigsaw puzzle with me when we set one out.

So like, treat unhoused people like people. Treat disabled people like people. I don't want my library to feel like the only safe space in the world, but I'm glad it can be one of them.

I'm so sick of hearing about how "the homeless are ruining everything" when they are some of the kindest, most respectful people here. Sometimes they mutter, might not have had a place to shower, and might need a little extra space for their backpacks but that's FINE. It Doesn't Matter Actually. None of that is a problem or any of my business to care about (unless they request help/services), and I also don't think it's any of yours.


There also needs to be a button for “this is the 5000th time I’ve read your fic because I’m having a horrible day and this is the only thing in the world that always brings me happiness.”

good news: there is!


Support the folks posting work on comment-ebabled sites!


I love when people leave comments on my old stuff.

Its like passive income but it actually works to make me happy.


Honestly though, comments like that are gold to me. I love to write and a comment telling me that something I’ve done has improved someone’s life even in a small way? That’s impact. We live in societies that tell us over and over we have no value and nothing we do is ever good enough. So for someone to post a comment telling us that we improved their lives with our stories? That tells us our effort had value. We writers set out to improve the world in tiny ways, offering random acts of kindness in the form of a few minutes’ entertainment, and comments tell us we’ve achieved that little goal.

You can totally come back and leave a comment under that comment a year later! I’m glad to know you are still enjoying it and want to know if you’re doing okay.


There is no higher compliment than a re-read.  The longer the time that has passed, the higher it is.  It means a story resonated and stayed with someone. 


*places an orange just outside a fairy ring to see what comes out* science is more of an art than a science

*the orange grows legs and skitters away*

Fascinating results *places a banana in the same spot*

*clawed hand reaches out of the ether and drags it into the ring, leaving ragged claw marks in the soil as it disappears, back into the ether from whence it came*

“let’s go to the extreme.” *places a pineapple in the same spot*

Real scientists would keep putting an orange in the same spot to make sure the results are consistent before moving on to other fruits or different spots.

The only valid response to this post.

We’re working up the complexity levels of fruit until we feel there is enough evidence to support the judicious placement of a volunteer twink

You sit down, we haven’t seen what’s happened to the pineapple


percy "the world was collapsing and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive" jackson x annabeth "an asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, and annabeth wouldn't have cared" chase


kill the rhetoric that americans are so lazy that they won't take farm jobs. americans take labor intensive jobs all the time. the reason no americans will take farm jobs is because agricultural work is exempt from the vast majority of labor laws and labor protections, including the use of child labor. so only immigrants - people who have little to no protection from the law or other options for work - take most of these jobs. we have created a permanent underclass of labor and then say that americans are just lazy for not volunteering to be part of the underclass.

there are actually good discussions to be had about how alienated many americans are from food production (hi hello that's what my only popular post is about), but the real solution to this problem is to protect agricultural workers, citizens or not. ban child labor in its entirety. punish corporations and farm owners that abuse and poison their workers. reform the immigration process so that these people aren't barred from legal protection and recourse.

agricultural workers have been exploited since the dawn of civilization, but the US in specific has been doing this since slavery, and it evolved in the 30s when FDR's labor laws excluded them specifically because most agricultural workers at the time were black. now it's mostly latino immigrants.

food doesn't fucking pick or slaughter itself. but citizens aren't going to take these jobs when the entire industry is rife with abuse - both legal and illegal - and horrific wages and working conditions.


Palpatine: My boy, I'm afraid to report that Master Kenobi is very likely sleeping with your wife.

Anakin, who knows for a fact that Obi-Wan is sleeping with his Commander, a good chunk of Ghost company, the Organas and Quinlan Vos: ...where is he finding the fucking time???

Palpatine, oblivious: Oh I've heard from some very reliable sources that-

Anakin: *pulls out a spexcel spreadsheet, the 3rd System Army's shared spoogle calender and a calculator*

Anakin: Your Excellency. That's just. not logistically possible.

This. Exactly this.

The only way for this to work out is for Padme to join the Ghost Company orgies or the Organa threesomes, and he can account for her wereabouts on those days and also she said she doesn´t do threesomes and orgies are Sabé´s thing so maybe the Chancellor´s source misstook Sabé for Padmé?


The thing about the All-Blades and killing "true evil" is that evil is subjective right, and I imagine he can sense more mundane evil too he just doesn't feel the same call to use the blades. But like, I think it's fair to say that the Joker is the exception. I think even aside from the trauma Jason can feel the pull to rid the world of him. Imagine being Jason "literal divine power of justice" Todd and having Bruce tell you that actually you don't get to decide who lives or dies. Your anger is literally so righteous and purifying that you have magic swords attached to your soul and some rich man is telling you that you can't play god. I would be soooo mad like what are you even talking about. Perhaps you can't but I am the subject of a prophecy and also probably immortal and also I'm definitely not entirely human anymore. So.


Is there a term for the various cultural ephemera people only bring up to have the same boring argument over and over again? E.G. Pineapple on pizza, is a hotdog a sandwich, tomato vegetable, etc.

The kind of boring pseudocontroversial statements people make to stir the pot in reddit threads, or at the lamest possible dinner conversations you've ever borne witness to.

A lot of people seem to think I hate these because I find them stressful. I do not. I'm a notorious contrarian and I love arguing and having discussions.

What I hate is having the same pointless discussions over and over again about the same three topics.

My problem isn't with contrarianism, my problem is that your contrarianism is tedious.


never thought about the implications of frederick not seeing annabeth for five years. imagine the last thing you have of your daughter is a broken window lock and an unmade bed with cobwebs hanging from the headboard. and then reuniting with her five years later. and she's a foot taller. and her hair once natural is now braided and upkept. and she learned how to tie her shoes without you. and wow do you even know your daughter? and then she turns to face you from across the field. and her eyes are still the stormy gray that you remember. except they're now calculating and cold. searching for the slightest sign of a threat. and your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach. because look what you put your daughter through.

My good lord just hit me straight in the feels


I've read a bunch of fics, especially some crossovers, where Red Hood is or was on the FBI's most wanted list. A couple where he's on like the CIA's or Interpol's or something. But do you know what I'd find hilarious?

He's on absolutely none of them.

A big fanon thing, and sometimes canon (looking at you, No Man's Land), is that the federal government just kind of... doesn't get involved in Gotham? It's just left to it's own devices.

So combine that with both Gothamites-hate-outsiders and the idea that there are so many more/worse people to deal with than the crime boss who's somehow been bringing crime down, and, well. Sure, they have a file on the guy, but it's bare bones and nowhere near the top priority list.

Even funnier is if this is pre-reveal, so Batman doesn't know it's Jason that's running around taking over crime and whatever, he's just busy trying to find out who this guy who put a bunch of heads in a duffel bag is. He makes some small comment about it at some JL meeting and everyone is like, whomst?

Like sure, people outside of Gotham who do hear about Red Hood are horrified, but also it's... normal? Isn't that normal for Gotham? They all hear so many crazy stories coming out of Gotham that who knows what's exaggerated or not, but that's not even... that weird? Like, gory, sure, but... it's Gotham.

Just every outsider's views of Gotham being so skewed and/or biased that hardly anyone blinks an eye at some rising crime boss in the most crime-ridden city on the planet.

What would be funny to me was if he got in all those watchlists while training with the League of Assassins and then showed up in Gotham, in which case all the intelligence agents go like:

Oh, it all makes sense now.

Agent 1: I don't get this guy's deal. He's like an enigma. A dangerous one wrapped in explosives.

Agent 2: Where's he from?

Agent 3: (pulls out file) Says here he's a gotham native.

Agent 4: Ah, not our problem then

*Red Hood stricken off the FBI most wanted list for being a Gothamite*

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