
I don't really know


I draw sometime, I write rarely. I'm bi romantic asexual cis female.

Fockin shite I’m drunk in a hot tub and yeah I brought my phone in so now is probably an important time to let y’all know I gotta reset my phone soon (logging me out in the process) and I lost my goddamn password for this blog in a stack of sketchbooks

So happy birthday to America (though it be historically inaccurate)! I hope everyone else is enjoying the explosions 🎇 I’m gonna speed run some asks while I’m still conscious/my phone hasn’t drowned :))))))

Oh and btw I’ll make a new account soon as a backup, the lovely @whoopdy-do-fuck-you and @dkmbookworm will be able to verify that me is really the me in case you’re feeling (rightfully) sus ‘bout it 😘

Merry colonizer day ✨🥰❤️


Hijacked this from someone because it seemed interesting, so I'm making it a tag-game, just because!

Rules: share your result, and whether you agree with it or not (only if you want to of course)! Here is mine:

Fun fact is that I don't agree with most of it, (I agree with the last part only) because that's really not how I see myself, but oh well I like how my hues are indeed red and green and the fact that the color is a repetition of 0 and 8 just makes it make sense (I have a weird connection to number 8,hi).

Tagging 🥂: @shiroi-no-kumo-blog @haleigh-sloth @todomitoukei @mirkaaaluv @kiridabideku96 @purplemys @helga-grinduil @roses-bel-air-darling @princesskittten @cremationanddecay, and everyone else who wants to! but please don't feel pressured into doing it!

Thanks for the tag @raspberrysflavour and @kiridabideku96 💞

It's somewhat true for the most part for me. Except I am not good in social situations. I am super shy! True I am not decisive but I am still a go getter.

Thank you for the tag! And I think this is pretty accurate! A lot of quizzes say I would be a good leader, surprisingly. XD

@thehouseofmaple @charmspoint and anyon s can add on!

Thank you for the tag!!! This was fun, feel free to do it if you'd like!!


ooo thank you for the tag!

Not very accurate but I do love the color they gave me


thanks for the tag @noncommittalhum and @leneyyo <3

that's...actually pretty accurate :)

Thank you for tagging me @presumptious-quirks! I love these 💗

It says this color is “seagreen”. And…. This is pretty accurate.

Edit: of course I forgot to add tags 🤦🏼‍♀️


The color isn’t one I’d wear normally, but this is a very accurate description of my personality!

Thanks for the @, MJ!

I used to wear this color a lot actually, an army jacket.


your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying ladies?


I’m indifferent to the difference between tomorrow and today

But I refuse to be another number now.


Oooh boy…. um

“If I can’t relate to you anymore (than who am I related to?)

I’m a goner, somebody catch my breath


Your love of emo music will be your end

If I die with MCR playing in the background I’ll count that a success.


your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying ladies?


I’m indifferent to the difference between tomorrow and today

But I refuse to be another number now.


Oooh boy…. um

“If I can’t relate to you anymore (than who am I related to?)

I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath



!!! Read right to left !!!

First // Next

What if… The oldest Todoroki sibling planned and waited and when he saw his father find a ‘successor’ he finally took things to court. The signs of abuse/training were fresh on Shoto and obvious on his own body. If this went public, even if most of the public didn’t believe it, it’d be bad for the number 2 hero’s reputation, bad for the hero industry. The settlement allowed emancipation and allowed the oldest son to take the youngest with him. As long as they didn’t ever mention any of it nor used the family name, Todoroki.


So, another AU. I’m not sure how long it’ll be. But I’ll try to make the main part short.


If you like my work consider commissioning me and/or buying me a Ko-Fi so I can keep drawing and posting regularly! Thank you!!



I bet NONE of you uncultured swine know what a cheese skipper is

I say this with much love but that sounds like THE most country bumpkin shit I’ve heard of today.

Well you’re not deaf bitch I’ll tell you that

What can I say, I have my moments.

Congratulations on basic sensory

I say this with sincerity, because I certainly possess absolutely fucking none

All the better to float mindlessly through the shit river that is the 2020’s my dear.

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