
Protect Hawk At All Costs


If you are looking for Nanatsu no Taizai manga & anime trash, you found it 🐷💕
Ten years ago, they were accused of plotting to overthrow the kingdom and disintegrated after all the Holy Knights launched a general offensive against them.

Yo manga readers, is anyone mad that 1) the Howsare stuff was not at the end of season 2 & 2) that we saw nothing of Gowther’s back story or of King & Diane at the end of Season 2?

I mean the good news is that if we get a season 3 it will be like ALL King & Diane related basically 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


And the lord sayeth on the seventh day

Nakaba, it’s stupid you named two characters Gowther without any way of telling the two names apart. Like hella stupid. 

AND THUS the fandom uses names such as ogGowther/Demon Gowhter AND THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. FOR IT IS IGNORING HIS DADDY STATUS 

LONG AGO, I think @gowther made this name, I don’t really remember, WE AS A FANDOM DECIDED ON THE NAME GOATDAD. BUT IT WAS LOST IN THE VOID OF TIME UNTIL NOW. So yeah. That’s Goatdad. Anyone who doesn’t use this name is uninvited to my birthday party. NO EXCEPTION. 

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