



Okita Souji swimming suit


Join Fatui Yes? 請問要加入愚人眾嗎? hd version, nsfw versions, etc Support me on patreon rewards! your support allow me able to keep drawing cute girls for you!高解析.R18版本.都在Patreon站獎勵.感謝你們讓我為妳們持續創作! www.patreon.com/gtunver


Fatui Mirror Maiden Line work 1hope you like it.^^I will post more her art soon. please looking forward to!


Although I haven't play LOL for a long time! I still love the design of the character! hope you like my kindred!!>W<


Raikō won the previous character poll!! She is so lovely.I am happy to draw her more!

Come and feel the maternal love!


Hello everyone, this is Narmaya swimsuit VER~..  

I'm very happy that I have painted so many characters recently.

 Next I will prepare for coloring. let go!!


greeting guys!

Raikou won the character poll! this is her swimming suit line work!

Because some fans said that character who is not in FGO cant win poll forever.

I decide to draw top three character in the poll!

step1.join my patreon only discord channel

step2.leave your waifu name and information

(better be Well-known or popular or classic character! Get better chance to be in the poll)

I will chose 9~12 character in the poll!

who ever get better like and share . I will took more time to color!!

thanks all!!^^


Hello guys! here is my kama!! She win the vote!! I Hope you guys like!!


hello Tumblr~ I have been long time no post my art here~.I dont know If there are still fans who use tumblr .So I post this one to see if there are still someone use tumblr often.

miss you guys.leave a message.show you are still here!!  Carmilla from Fgo I took a bit long time to finish.But cute girl always worth spend time to draw!! Hope you enjoy! and If you like. very wellcome to support me on patreon with nsfw version! https://www.patreon.com/posts/carmilla-fgo-29753045


hello Tumblr~ I have been long time no post my art here~.I dont know If there are still fans who use tumblr .So I post this one to see if there are still someone use tumblr often.

miss you guys.leave a message.show you are still here!!     Carmilla from Fgo I took a bit long time to finish.But cute girl always worth spend time to draw!! Hope you enjoy! and If you like. very wellcome to support me on patreon with nsfw version! https://www.patreon.com/posts/carmilla-fgo-29753045

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